How High is North America? v. 2011 Team Nod Playoffs

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Reported. If you come up negative for weed one more time then you're out. If I have to take every substance available to North and South America everyday then you best be smoking.:p

I won't come up negative for weed, I promise! Weed is my DOC really.

the CD mods have to smoke weed every day.

I guess that means that BDD mods have to combine opiates, benzos, alcohol and amphetamines at the same time.

Oh wait, they do! ;)

Haha, of course the CD mods should prefer weed and smoke it daily, just be intelligent enough to not be dumb stoners. And, in terms of BDD mods, I'm addicted to benzos but don't use the rest too often, sometimes opiates and sometimes alcohol, but you guys have superior knowledge.
^You have superior knowledge!

I do have a benzo habit and an opiate addiction as well. I use amphetamines pretty often too so by some people's definition of addiction, I've got amphetamine addiction as well..
^ Yeah, I feel like the BDD staff needs to be more experienced/know more about these drugs than I do. I clearly have areas I'm better in, and I don't think its wife enough for the scope of BDD either.
Well everyone has their specialties ya know. I don't think anyone expects anyone else to be a master of anything. For the most part we really only learn about what we're interested in IMO anyways.
^ I love cheese. My family is always getting pissed bc I come home drunk/stoned and eat a block of expensive cheese. What can I say, I have an expensive taste:)
^ Usually its just a 1/2lb wedge, but at 12.99/lb <no prices lol> it doesn't go over that well, especially when I have no recollection of it the next day.
^ I love cheese. My family is always getting pissed bc I come home drunk/stoned and eat a block of expensive cheese. What can I say, I have an expensive taste:)

When we chill, there is gonna be mega cheese abuse. I love cheese, I need to start being careful so I keep off all the weight I've lost in the last few yeas, but I'm willing to abuse some cheese super hardcore while stoned with Tommyboy (and maybe naked, we'll see.) %);)
TDS might be able to help you two with your cheese problem. Just looking out for ya.
I have had some classy wine and cheese parties around the holidays. And by classy I mean that we went with the Franzia box of wine, and helluva good cheese =D

The expensive stuff is my private stash.
since doing opiates do you guys get hungry after about an hour after use. seems with H recently i have been super hungry after i use even more so then after using norcos. i usually do not eat all day and eat later after i use. especially with the pills so i feel them more on an empty stomach.
I have a huge sweet tooth when on opiates. Candy, icecream, cinnamon toast crunch, yogurt. Its better when youre nodding your ass off,, tastes better that is
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