How High is North America? v. 2011 Team Nod Playoffs

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I'm really benzo'd and stoned, so really sedated...qualifies for the how high thread I think. Hectic weekend so along with hash hits several bong loads, and recently takin meds 10mg flexeril, 2 mg klonopin 1mg ativan and and 50mgbenadry. I rook maybe 2mg kpins throughout the day with xanax and ativan too, along with flexeril, i never feel high off of benzos but I feel fucked. The potentiors are probably increasing it, and its girly time of the month and Im in bad pain but cant tak opiates because of the nausea. I'm really, really and i rarely ever get benzo'd...i forgot what it felt like to get real fucked from them, ts nice.

there are typos, im sorry, im high

I got a question for you. I recently took a decent amount of Ativan like 5-6 milligrams while on MDPV. I have little or no tolerance to benzo's and most of the time when I take a lot of xanax or klonopins I get really bad benzo amnesia. This time I didn't experience the amnesia effect is that common with Ativan at reasonably high dosages? If so I think i may have found my new favorite benzo.
A bike ride sounds good!

However i will not be nodding it up. Quite the opposite ;)

hahaha hell yes!

Sorry for my lack of noddage the last few days, I've been busy with many unrelated things, and eating lots of amphetamine as a sleep schedule was all screwy.

Anyway, I got a LOT of sleep last night and feel so much better this afternoon. My girl got a hold of a bunch of Flexerils yesterday and I've got lots of maybe we'll skip our usual dextroamphetamine dosage and shoot for a nod instead.

I personally really like the Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) + opiate nod. Good stuff!

Go team go! =D
Yo nt, amphetamines sure can fuck with yr sleep! After two days of bein up is the cutoff, after that no matter how much i take i feel exhausted.

Speaking of amps...:) tomorrow i get more!

Today i am feeling so mellow go team nod!
^Hell yes! I ended up giving in and taking ~15mg of dextroamphetamine a bit ago (okay it was like two hours ago now) along with buprenorphine, cyclobenzaprine and I'm about to take a lorazepam.

Sure is turning out to be a relaxing and mellow day. :)
Xanax and bupe. Could be worse. My dude is out of oxy. It's the first time in the past 4 years that he has been totally ass out for more than 2 days.
SpeedBalling tonight.... Nasally if it is still called the same thing since i don't shoot anything
That monkey must've had one hell of a story to tell to his boys. Ya monkeys tell stories. You didn't know?
Just took soma for the first time, only had one 350mg pill so we'll see how this goes. With the usual 50 mg diphenhydramine + only .25mg alprazolam since I've never taken soma before.

Team Nod has been nodding a bit too much? Mad slow in here, yo. Good luck on finals and congrats on graduation if that's happening for anyone and explains their absence :)
I think team nod will be back in full swing shortly... :)

Howso? What's your evening cocktail NT?

EDIT: Cross out that .25 mg alprazolam from earlier and make it .5...who am I kidding to think I'd even feel .25mg with potentiation? .5mg will actually make a difference.
5mg Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine)
~500mg buprenorphine
15mg dextroamphetamine (that was about seven or eight hours ago, it is all but worn off...
0.5mg lorazepam

and now I'm drinking Pabst Blue cans, no less!
Everybody hates on lorazepam until they give it a chance! :)

Yeah really! I really enjoy it, it's moving to favorite benzo spot, seems to work best for me.

I forgot to mention weed in my post of drugs for the night. This is blasphemous for a CD moderator! ;) Some crystally hash and bong hits of nice stuff in addition to everything else, starting to feel pretty good.
Yeah really! I really enjoy it, it's moving to favorite benzo spot, seems to work best for me.

I forgot to mention weed in my post of drugs for the night. This is blasphemous for a CD moderator! ;) Some crystally hash and bong hits of nice stuff in addition to everything else, starting to feel pretty good.

Reported. If you come up negative for weed one more time then you're out. If I have to take every substance available to North and South America everyday then you best be smoking.:p
I wonder where The Chemist went. He hasn't been on in 10 days, hmmm.

I'm writing a research paper that is long overdue. No drugs unfortunately. Adderall has all about run dry by this time of yr.
^Me too, actually. I hope he's okay.

It makes sense that N&SAS&DD mods have to do all drugs available in North and South America (assuming Central America as well), the CD mods have to smoke weed every day.

I guess that means that BDD mods have to combine opiates, benzos, alcohol and amphetamines at the same time.

Oh wait, they do! ;)
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