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How High Are You? vs. Don't Fight It, Just Pray There's Some Thorazine

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6mgs of Alprazolam+40mgs of time released/20mgs of quick dissolve Melatonin, smoking on some bomb Bubba Kush while chewing on some Nicorette(2mgs of nicotine).
Did a fat shot of some super good H and been smokin herb all day. Also Took a few valiums and promethazine. Nodding the fudge out.

Edit- Few hours later-
Buddy just came buy as soon as I was about to pass out. He woke me up with a half g of h and a half g of speed. High as fuck on amp h speedball!!
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Nodding balls from 600mg tramadol. Yesterday I took, 150mg phenobarbital, 36mg bromazepam and 10mg diazepam and also tramadol: they are the reason I'm nodding this hard. I love it. :D

So nice; phenobarbital is a fucking nice drug I don't know why so many people on here don't like. But then again I'm a weirdo; I also love tramadol which half of this website hates.. Haha.

tl;dr: Peace niggas - I'm fucking high as a kite
I've bought opium three or four times and only once was it not simply tar mixed with incense. True opium is exceedingly rare in the usa :(

Try living below a crankhead who has no regard for anyone except himself. Fuckin sucks that I'm stuck under him for another month. #feelyourpain

I need one more beer, dammit.

Sorry bout that - sucks buddy. I'm glad someone replied, I think BobLoblaw has be ignored, which is a shame cause I love Arrested Development, though Henry Winkler Character Lawyer>Loblaw in the show.

Nodding balls from 600mg tramadol. Yesterday I took, 150mg phenobarbital, 36mg bromazepam and 10mg diazepam and also tramadol: they are the reason I'm nodding this hard. I love it. :D

So nice; phenobarbital is a fucking nice drug I don't know why so many people on here don't like. But then again I'm a weirdo; I also love tramadol which half of this website hates.. Haha.

tl;dr: Peace niggas - I'm fucking high as a kite

Man you mix up those opies, benzos and barbs. Trams seem harmless, you could go south quick. Just a quick warning as you seem to know well what you're doing. I liked tramadol when I had like 0-3% of my current tolerance. Getting pure powder and pushing it into seizure area a few months ago was even 'kinda' satisfying.

I woke up, and have nothing

But in the next few hours I'll

Twinnings Tea myself up
Some Bud
Maybe some etizolam
and I'm waiting on some MPPP (Desmethylprodine) To come in this morning via USPS!
Got to love a fat chaw of grizz mint on some benzoes haha. Been hanging out with my friend molly all night. Just ran out gonna suck in a little bit!!!
Man you mix up those opies, benzos and barbs. Trams seem harmless, you could go south quick. Just a quick warning as you seem to know well what you're doing. I liked tramadol when I had like 0-3% of my current tolerance. Getting pure powder and pushing it into seizure area a few months ago was even 'kinda' satisfying.
Hey man, thanks for that reply.

I used to do my fair share of DANGEROUS downer combos, but now I always dose according to my tolerance. I don't take the seizure thing very seriously though, because I am not prone to seizures. I have taken HUGE doses of tramadol, even in benzo withdrawal, and we're not talking 10 times, more like 2-300. If I was prone I'd have seized by now for sure. =D

Thanks for expressing your concern, I appreciate it.

I'm still fucking high (of course;)) noddy, blissful. On cloud 9. Euphoric as hell. Smoking on lots of weed meanwhile as well.

This is really nice=D
Just had a joint and feeling 'ok'
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Pretty friggin loaded off methadone, heroin, promethazine, weed, speed and no sleep last night yay!
High as hell.. Almost nodding even tho I did 50mg of adderall XR. So yeah, I'm fucking high.

50mg adderall XR orally
Railed 3 fat bags of dope which was 2X as big as the usual blue bags I get. These are white bags with tape.
Bowls of good weed.
Thanks for expressing your concern, I appreciate it.

I'm still fucking high (of course;)) noddy, blissful. On cloud 9. Euphoric as hell. Smoking on lots of weed meanwhile as well.

This is really nice=D

Lol awesome.

Just plugged

2-3mg of etizolam in PEG with a volumetric solution I made 100mg/10ml (.2-.3ml is that right? Pretty damn sure.)
Somewhere between 35-44mg of MDPPP (3',4'-Methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinopropiophenone) Added the d because some call it MPPP which is confused with pethidine. This is a stimulant supposedly similar to pyrovalerone or mdpv, so we'll see.
Got The MDPPP (though the vendor wrote mdppd, wtf?)

I'm probably over 100 mg. (120-130 mg maybe total) with about 3-4 mg of etizolam mixed in warm water and the etizolam in PEG, all rectal feeling mildly stimulated, mildly euphoric, no anxiety, and like I want to clean. The perfect quality of a stim. Eph makes me horny and I don't get anything done, but I see this if I continue in low doses functional enough, and not too moreish.

The MDPPP didn't dissolve too well in warm water, and seemed to dissolve slightly better when I added .1-.2ml quantities of PEG containing the etizolam, though I don't think the etizolam is stirred enough to have the etiz completely dissolved, so I'm probably underdosing it by sucking from the most clear part, and careful not to hit the more hotspot looking locations lest I accidently ingest 10mg or something in total. 1-4 mg is plenty for me, and I don't feel anxious, relaxed more so, and I won't be adding more of it (the thieno/benzo etiz)

If I need the MDPPP to dissolve better (won't be adding more to my brain/blood for a bit) I'll add the PEG to it straight with not etizolam in it, or crush up the fine white powder better and make a larger batch in way hotter water or something or both. I think cause it is chunky and lacks surface area is why it doesn't dissolve so well.

Kinda like he chunky crystals of ethylphenidate dissolve, but only the smaller quantities, big rocks without being crushed take much agitation to dissolve. Surface area, surface area, surface are. I guess it's the same a sugar cube (or big sugar crystals) in lukewarm water/vs regular cane sugar, or even powdered sugar (thought that has corn starch which won't dissolve lol - my brother made tea and found the hard way once.)

The length of this message is an attribution to the stimulating and focusing effects of this drug. Definitely not as powerful as MDPV dosewise (5 mg vs 100+ already) because when I bought bath salts in pure form from a headshop what was definitely tan mdpv and not methylone was FAR more powerful at 5-10 mg and more euphoric, anxious, bruxism producing, and moreish, but I haven't spent enough hours to see how really moreish this thing is vs my self control! I need to post a trip report and non babble here I suppose
a few Genesee Cream Ale 5.2%
some pepsi
.5mg clonazepam
a few smokes
great weed out my new chamber pipe. Feeling good should be in bed in an hour or so.
A couple imperial ales... My diasepam ... Gonna smoke a rollie before bed I guess. watched pom poko tonight, twas good.
I had some Ritalin + a shower(feels good) on the come-up. Smoked a big cone of weed. I just had more Ritalin.
Been doing dope and smoking bud steady for the past 14 hours. Needless to say im wriggity wriggity wrecked son %)
Smoking some weed + usual 1200mg gabapentin dose while filing taxes. I get 156 euro in tax returns, woooho! :D Gonna buy myself 3 grams of ketamine or something for that cash.
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