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How High Are You? v. Well I'm Pretty Darn High

smokin some hasheesh and drinkin a lil cognac after a long day of doing absolutely nothing. this whole unemployed thing kinda sucks.
My buddy told me that I should just do the report and jerk off. I'm tired of that, though :(

Yes i feel you bro , just bang her on speed , take a lil xanax to take the edgyness of and don't forget to wash like 10 min before seeing her.

I'm fiending as well, just have to smoke a joint in a couple hours to get my head out of it (the mental vagina)
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Well, I took 500mg of Lyrica around 11 last night and waited a couple of hours but felt nothing. So considering it can take 3 hours to peak, I woke up feeling the effects. I feel like I'm on a first plateau DXM trip. Not to mention I smoked resin with it to increase my body high. My balance is so off, but I'm really euphoric and it's going to be a good day. I felt like taking a little booster but don't want to be too out of it as I have to attend my classes... But hey I'm feeling good.
I skipped my Methadone dose yesterday, and going to skip today also to take my other opiate drugs. and now I have 160mg of EXTRA Methadone (my reg dose is 80mg).

180mg Morphine
12mg Hydromorphone
4mg Clonazepam
700mg Carisoprodol
2400mg Gabapentin
150mg Hydroxyzine
150mg Promethazine
1g joint Tropical haze
Marlboro 100s

Holy fucking shit, I plugged both Hydromorphone and Morphine, and I'm in a middle of an incredible rush.
Esp taking Klonopin and Soma on top with other potentiators, I'm walking on cloud9 right now, blasted out of my mind.

Chhers BL!
^Mhmm, that sounds quite lovely!

/e: I'm quite high from the O-desmethyltramadol I IM'd today. Took around 250mg over the last few hours. :)
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Been so long since I've really smoked some potent Sour Diesel and I'm coming down from some crystal m-amphet so I'm tweaked out and high as fuck. Ate way more etiz than intended last night with some friends, oh well... I'll live, but I might need more again after that bowl whoa buddy! I'm fucking delirious
Weed and 14 grams of Maeng Da kratom. Feels pretty good, helps keep me away from tar.
Just a bit of speed atm, crushing up some oxy now, hopefully I'll be able to study on oxy, but I just need it for now. Getting really pissed off by the shouting downstairs. Roommate promised her party wouldn't go on pas half past twelve, then they'd go clubbin'. It's 1 AM and it's as if they're nowhere near leaving.
Like 50mg of O-desmethyltramadol to stop being sick. Omw now to pick up some haerron.
^Mhmm, that sounds quite lovely!

/e: I'm quite high from the O-desmethyltramadol I IM'd today. Took around 250mg over the last few hours. :)
Trust me, it was delicious! Now I have an extra 160mg of Methadone to F around with that I'm super excited about. Going to take an extra 20mg today to make it 100mg even.

100mg Methadone
4mg Clonazepam
700mg Carisoprodol
2400mg Gabapentin
150mg Promethazine
150mg Hydroxyzine
600mg Ibuprofen
0.7g joint Sour diesel
Marlboro 100s

Feeling the Beautiful comeup from my Methadone and Clonazepam, one of my favorite feeling/combo ever.
When you top it off with Soma, and the other comfort meds, it feels like Heaven.
Smoked a little bit of dope earlier on the ride back home (I wasn't driving obviously), it wasn't that much so I'm not that high yet. Which is good because I have to eat dinner here with my dad later on.
Been up all night plugging 3-meo-pcp. Checked my blood pressure and the diastolic was above 110 which apparently is emergency levels. Took a couple mg of etizolam, hoping that'll bring it down a bit. Feeling fine but that's a bit scary.