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How High Are You? v. This Isnt Planet Earth

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Feeling suuuper opiated from 800mg tramadol, 3mg clonazepam, 36mg bromazepam and 1mg alprazolam. Meanwhile I've been smoking some weed.

That drug combo on a stim comedown, shiiiit, feels like I took a shitton of oxy. =D The contrast is a high in itsself.

Feeling superb!
two 8% beers for breakfast, kind of
I feel buzzed, but now it's time for food & not drinking the remaining 4 beers because I have wommin comming ova tomorrow who may want some :( :)
Im absolutely wasted. Just shot 75mg (street methadone) about 2 hours ago and am just about to pick up my 90mg dose for the day. Ive had 6mg xanax and maybe 30mg of vrry pure methamphetamine IV. After i have my dose im going to shoot the rest of the crystal which might be 1.75pts, even though i have been using it a fair but i reckon ill be able to get a good rush. i will inform you guys of the results in bout an hour :)
I've smoked 4 or 5 strains of weed today. Totally pointless waste and totally worth it. Now its time to turn on the tv, slip a kpin under the tongue, and drink a shit ton of Franzia while I contemplate the uselessness of my expensive cable package.
tacked on a nice little line, working on my first glass of long island of the night. I have I feeling ill be up by myself for most of the night oh well =(
Just woke from a 14 hour sleep. That white on white was crazy strong, my head exploded into a clusterfuck of shapes and colors, hadnt tripped in nearly a year too. Love acid <3

OT: just took a dab, might buy some coke later, we shall let the alcohol decide, it usually makes the right decisions. Happy friday everyone, be safe and have fun
took 1mg alprazolam, 10mg diazepam, and smoked a couple bowls with the girlie.

might go do some speed tomorrow, we shall see...
Just did a dilly bought to go smoke a cig.
No weed till I get a new job so this is as high as it gets lol

Update: Noddin balls got work in 3 hours. Fuck it
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