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How High Are You? v. This Isnt Planet Earth

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No more gunpowder apparently. So I got it for a few days and now it's gone and he gives me some lame stuff "this is really good too". I know when I hear that it's going to be shitty dope.

I'm going to call up and complain today. After the gunpowder this stuff is really disappointing.
^ I am really glad I stopped smoking when I moved up to strong opiods. I wouldn't have one garment without several holes in it lol.

OT: blazed, really blazed.

EDIT: completely wasted off an 80 mg oxycontin chewed. havent seen my pupils this tiny in literally YEARS. All that depriving my self for about 2 weeks worked out :) + clobazam and swazi gold.
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Gave in to my demon and got a bundle of decent quality bags.
Shot 2. Feel pretty good.
Took 2mg Xanax. Feel even better.
Shot 2 more bags. Nice.

Disclaimer- Mixing benzo's and opiates is bad, bad, bad. I mean that to be 100% sincere.
I know why I still do it. It feels really good. Oh well.

Demons certainly are bitches and they never stop whispering in our ears. For the last 4 days I have been feeding my demon 90 mgs of methadone. While it is keeping him at bay for now, he REALLY wants the 2 buns of high quality NYC D he's accustomed to devouring. It's like feeding a Lion tofu when he's used to a meaty gazelle everyday.
Took 80 more and im hullicinonodding (mini dreams semi awake). At this dose for me orally IT IS INDISTINGUISHABLE from fantastic smack. Gonna smoke some more swaz + clobazam and have a fantastic sleep.
^Hallucinodding is the best! =D

OT: about to go to sleep with a movie. Maybe smoke a joint. Don't think I'll be doing much other stuff for a while. I hope never, even. :) But who knows, tomorrow will tell. =D
Demons certainly are bitches and they never stop whispering in our ears. For the last 4 days I have been feeding my demon 90 mgs of methadone. While it is keeping him at bay for now, he REALLY wants the 2 buns of high quality NYC D he's accustomed to devouring. It's like feeding a Lion tofu when he's used to a meaty gazelle everyday.

Well, I'll be damned..... :).

The demon of demons. Good on you for the four days. I hope it turns to many more, sir.
Gonna finish this bundle and get back on the bupe/naloxone train. Toot fuckin toot.
Feeling good man:) glad I came to my buddies lol
-50mg oxy
-unknown meth smoked (.1-.2)
-smoking bud atm

Gonna take a couple mg clonazepam soon and continue tonights debauchery:)
I keep anticipating a come-down, but then I realize it won't be coming as I'm not high. Sure feels like it though. Ahh, I'lm relieved this all wasn't a dream. Good morning, DC! =D
Warm and calm. I needed the relaxation because I was bugging last night.

Gonna smoke a cigarette, have some coffee, and take a few deep breaths.
^ noddy as fuck off 60 mgs of oxynorm. Must stop gettig high off them now ffs.

+ 2 bongs of swazi gold (amazing bank bag I got OF IT) .
Had a lot of vodka last night & now I feel that morning-after-still-a-bit-durnk
Well, I'll be damned..... :).

The demon of demons. Good on you for the four days. I hope it turns to many more, sir.
Gonna finish this bundle and get back on the bupe/naloxone train. Toot fuckin toot.

Thank you my friend......it's not much but I've been going hard for a while and even though I can't stop obsessing about using, the little break feels good in some ways. Truthfully, I know it won't last but if i can take a week off here and there it will save me some cash and maybe soon I'll be able to imagine a life without D. Send me a PM some time when you get a chance so we can catch up....sounds like you are doing well .
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