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How High Are You? v. I'm overdosing on Coke and all I get is this lousy t-shirt?

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Some fine herb (Jack Herer)
300 mg Tramadol
60 mg Diazepam
Vodka (Smirnoff)

It's been a good night so far =D
on 2 hits of some verrrrrrrry fine acid and feeling NICE. It's been too long.........EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Very good.
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split an OC 80 with a friend earlier, smoked some weed, now im indulging in some A+ dope.
Mmm a pack of very high quality dope :D and a 7.5mg vic. And some arjan haze to top it off, I feel nifty :]
vicodin and muscle relaxers and booze and dxm. i feel like a very spoiled kitten being petted by a highschool cheerleading squad in full uniform on a meotorite sailing through the astral plains. very nice.
i'm on 1,4 b and i'm g'd the motherfuck up and i wanna fuck but it's 4:30 in the morning and i should really go to bed but i feel fucking fantastic.
nice lump of meth mainlined 5 hours ago, plenty of bud and a little bupe whilst now enjoying some

So i just tried oxy for the first time
Did 20mg rectally in solution, with no tolerance, i'm also quite a lightweight (in mass and requirement of drugs haha)./
I am SO FUCKING HIGH. This is *definitely* my favourite opioid so far. I have tried codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, hydromorphone, and a few other misc ones.
God. It's like a softysoft blanket over everything, even each individual hair strand... i'm so euphoric i'm getting eye wobbles LOL. YUSSSS.
Much love to everyone ;) .
4 bumps of crystal, 10mg methadone, 1mg lorazepam, and 200mg of darvocet just to get them out of the house. and smokin buds. pretty good night at work.
Started with some lines of some good yay, couple points of crystal and a shit tone of vodka. I feel great :)
that was my hard decision, grey goose or the wyoborowa. not cheap here in aus. had left over schirmnoff from another night. oh and i fucking love vodka!:)
I used to love vodka, but then it betrayed me (Actually I was fine till I did flavored vodka shots) :-/ My favorite mixed drinks are a Martini and a Bloody Marry though, I'll forever love them, I just can't really do the shots like I used to. Over here in California we are lucky with Costco and Kirkland brand vodka, it's bottled by Grey Goose and is 1.75 liters of happiness on the cheap :) My standard drink is Captain 'n' Coke though, so tasty and easy!
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