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How high are you? v. I'm high, how are you?

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2.5tsp Red Vein Indo, haven't tried Indo before but it's a pretty quality strain of Kratom. Probably the closest to a traditional opiate out of all the strains I've tried.

@Burnt Offerings: The only reason I spend money on benzos is because of their great many uses. Another great thing about them is the effects they have on body temperature. The warehouse I clean is 85F+ in one area and 30F in the other. A .5 clonazepam has me not giving a fuck about either haha.
Well I've in heavy nod-land. 1,600 mg codeine and roughly 20 mg nifoxipam throughout the day. Time to hit the hay for me it seems.
If you don't mind providing a more in-depth description, what exactly makes Z-drugs (zolpidem for you mainly I suppose) recreational?

It makes food taste really good to me, for some odd reason. I especially love peanut butter and crackers while on zolpidem...hmm <3

My internal body temperature feels slightly (and more pleasantly) warmer while on zolpidem. Similar to opiates in that respect. I get a strange kind of "grainy vision" while on it...it looks like I'm looking through life through a strange kind of hazy sepia lense while on it. Hard to explain but I always found it interesting. It takes on the effect of a mild hallucinogen. I always liked listening to music while on it, too...one of my nightly rituals involved opening up windows media player right before I went to sleep, starting a playlist, and gazing into the randomized visualizations on screen as they formed faces, images etc. Pleasantly trippy and interesting but without all the potential stress of a real hallucinogen like LSD.
Currently smoking some 'OG Cheese

What does that smell like? I've heard nobody really gets the super pine gas OG except California.

I imagine the Cheese on that totally covers the OG.

ot: dabs of 'Banana Berry' about to switch it up to Candyland. Took 600mg gabapentin earlier
Stimulants. Not sure exactly how much but it hit me harder than normal. I may skip my 7am dose.
Depends. Today was a no sleep night but planned on 6:15am. Tomorrow I dont work till 1pm so prob 8 or 9.
Pretty lit lol I said that to a cop one time on acid wasn't a good idea cuz I'm spaced the coke in my pocket ahh yes great times but they didn't see it drop in the bush so I was cool but man I'm pretty ambitious and brave on acid lol met my ex high one time was feeling cocky even tho I'm on acid I sounded dumb as fuck but went damnnnnnn you're beautiful then she commented on my huge pupils luckily she did drugs too so we hit it off but know two addicts dating is not good
1mg clonazepam (half swallowed, half subL)
Nasty coffee from the work vending machine

Feeling pretty good, somehow I achieved benzo euphoria again for a short period of time (before the caffeine). Only took like a 10 day break. Or maybe shorter. Idk every day except for my weekend, which starts tomorrow, blends together...
probably mixed with a strain with super in the name. with legal weed comes fucked up names for everything lol. regular blue dream is dank af. how is legal weed up in ak? any good matanooska thunderfuck?

Weed in AK is amazing. As I've probably said before, I've smoked weed all over the United States & in a few European countries, and the weed I've had here stacks up with the best that I've had anywhere else. Alaska, like other west coast states, has a long culture and history of cannabis growing. There's a great community of growers here who've been perfecting their trade for decades, plus my contemporaries and even people younger than me who are diving into it and turning out a great product. It's awesome, basically.

Matanuska Thunder Fuck...haha. That's kind of like a dumb joke around the circle of people I used to hang out with...like the holy grail of weed that is only heard about but never actually smoked. According to legend only a small handful of people grew the "original Thunder Fuck" until the DEA launched an investigation and raided the growers, eventually destroying all the plants. Supposedly any plants which are grown or sold as Thunder Fuck are only pretenders to the throne, plagiarizers of Thunder Fuck's magnificent legacy.

ah stoners ;)

Blue Dream is a very popular one here, though. With good reason. I <3 Blue Dream
I'm getting some nice feelgoodman.jpg feelings from this kratom at the moment :) Enjoying a day off from fishing...the dept. of fish and game closed our district until Friday.

A couple days ago I was out on the water (it was very windy outside) and I saw a gust of wind literally blast toward our boat, as we were heading home. You can see the wind sometimes because it catches particles of the water on the ocean's surface as it moves along (an effect called a "williwaw" around here). It was this opaque, white wall of seawater rushing straight at me. Made sure to hold my sunglasses to my face & then it hit us...the sound was deafening, like the roar of a freight-train or something, for only about 4 or 5 seconds. It got my adrenaline pumping a little bit and it was a cool little "high" that I kind of wanted to share with someone, so thought I'd post it here on HHAY? (because I love this thread)
As of a few hours ago:
-1.5mg clonazepam
-A magnificent blunt rolled by a friend of mine who has even better weed than I get (so weed and nicotine)
-Decent amount of caffeine because I like the effect it has on benzos

Gonna get more weed and dose some Kratom a lil later. Don't have to work tomorrow, so it's time for all the drugs.
900mg of DXM & an 8th of some good bud O:)

Waiting for it to hit me.

That sounds like a wonderful time, last time I robotripped I was in the Matrix.

OT: Overall I ended up with:
1.75mg clonazepam
2tsp RV Indo Kratom
Green tea
0.5g mix half indica half sativa

Gonna attempt to play a game but I'm probably just gonna fall asleep
45mg of dexmethylphenidate and sipping a beer.

Edit: make that 60mg. Total for the day 175mg dexmeth and 90mg Vyvanse. Had to take 0.5mg Xanax, 30 temaz, and 250 Soma sporadically througout day to take edge off.
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Throughout the day it's been: half a milligram of suboxone, one and a half grams of a potent indica, and 900 mg of gabapentin.
I'm tapering a 2 month slip up right now and it's funny how things work because this Thursday was ment to be my last dose of opioids but a buddy rang me today and is giving me a ride to a burning manish festival this weekend in Northern California. Fuck withdrawing at a festie, I'm going to hold steady at .5mg and trip my tits off all weekend. Hopefully I'll find ketamine, mushrooms, and dmt. Yummy
Mmmmm, ketamine. I would say the same about DMT but never had. But a cat can dream.
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