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How High Are You? v. America's in flames, take all the drugs, this is not a test

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^ I like morphine too, or used to anyway...I used to love slamming the 60 mg IRs. Those tablets are kind of rare nowadays, though, in favor of the "abuse proof" ERs I guess. Honestly I've never gotten high on morphine any other way than via injection...although of course I could never in good faith recommend doing what I used to do with those pills...thinking about it now makes me cringe a little bit. I just loved those pins and needles when that rush hit me!

Your method of consuming morphine seems a lot better/less sketchy lol

Personally speaking I've been carrying on the Christmas tradition of getting high on yay-o and drinking booze with a friend of mine back east. The guy he gets it from is a nice middle class professional who gets some nice stuff, big shiny rocks that reek like gasoline & make it so you can't feel your upper jaw in no time. lol. I knew in this gentrified yuppie area of the country there'd be some good shit...there's too many people with terminal cases of affluenza for there not to be. Hasn't messed my sinuses up nearly as bad as some of the garbage I've put up there in the past either 8)

anyway, solidarity PTTM. Hope you feel better soon
Morphine pills are fairly rare. I wouldn't pass up the chance to slam some quality 'phine. I've had morphine liquid before but it was for oral use. Making opium tea is more art than science. It's less sketchy than slammin' dope or pills, sure, though I think it's still kinda sketchy. Very difficult to judge strength before consuming! The safest way is probably to take the same volume of powder or same number of similarly sized pods every time, and then boost as needed.

Glad to hear you're enjoying the east coast! Have fun with the cocaethylene for all us lowlife junkies without current access.

My morphine high hit hard and waned pretty quick, uncharacteristic for this ROA. Still feeling it of course. Added one more vistaril for a daily total of 100mg and now starting in on a couple spliffs.
Haha will do! I almost never have access to (decent quality) stuff so this time of year is a treat for me.

I had only a small line left when I woke up this morning and I couldn't resist the temptation...slammed it. Almost 0 experience slamming it, only ever done it the "traditional way" and have never smoked rock/base so it was quite the experience. Shot and 2 seconds later tasted it in the back of my throat, whoa that's a nice rush. High is way too fleeting though.
6g of maeng da (divided in 2 doses)
~40mg of flmodafinil insulated
A bit of coca cola mixed with jameson
2 spliffs
2mg Diclazepam
2tsp red thai
Smoked a bong not too long ago

Good news! Turns out one of my good friends at work has an oxy script. Didn't picture him as a pill guy, but books and covers and whatnot. Getting a shit load tomorrow and getting sloppy.

So happy, always wanted to try Oxy. What would be a good dose for me? When I still got pills I used to take 25-30mg hydro to get good. Now with the pod tea I have no idea where I stand. I'm thinking like 3 7.5s?
^Sounds like a good place to start, 3 or 4 x 7.5mg I'd say, since they are instant release (right? we don't have the 7.5mg here, or any oxy/apap mixture for that matter, but they're always IR afaik) that should be enough for someone with a fairly low tolerance. Then, if needed, you can simply up your dose by 1 pill every 30 minutes until you've reached the desired effects. Be careful about mixing it with benzos though. Have fun!

OT: I found an oxy in my coat's inside pocket (80mg). Shot that up just a bit earlier, feels pretty good after going through withdrawals cold turkey for the past 4 days, tomorrow won't be so pleasant again but wotcha gonna do.. Unfortunately I'm getting pretty used to being dopesick on a regular basis. 8)
picked up a 9% 22 of dipa on the way home

gonna smoke a couple spliffs before i hit the hay

wishin i had another hustle to moonlight, idgaf about legality or danger any more.

took a couple of swigs from the glass of go-juice i brewed up for tomorrow. could you blame me? =D
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^Sounds like a good place to start, 3 or 4 x 7.5mg I'd say, since they are instant release (right? we don't have the 7.5mg here, or any oxy/apap mixture for that matter, but they're always IR afaik) that should be enough for someone with a fairly low tolerance. Then, if needed, you can simply up your dose by 1 pill every 30 minutes until you've reached the desired effects. Be careful about mixing it with benzos though. Have fun!

OT: I found an oxy in my coat's inside pocket (80mg). Shot that up just a bit earlier, feels pretty good after going through withdrawals cold turkey for the past 4 days, tomorrow won't be so pleasant again but wotcha gonna do.. Unfortunately I'm getting pretty used to being dopesick on a regular basis. 8)

They are IR so that should pack a decent punch. Christmas came early, friend called me and asked if I wanted 20 7.5mg Percs. Uhhhhh, fuck yes? Pods getting delivered as well :D Now if only that Etizolam would get here...

I'm always carefull when I mix my heavy depressants, be safe and have fun as well!

OT: 4mg Diclazepam, Red Thai, vaping kief. Great combination but I keep taking mini naps while I type. Goodnight yall.
Just smoking some H wish I had another refill in my temezapams so I could get some sleep or at least some damn weed
This day keeps getting better, pods AND Etizolam delivered way earlier than expected. Hopefully those oxys come thru so I can have myself a little party.

OT: 2mg Etizolam, wonderful vanilla Chai tea with caffeine, I'm sure there's still a lot of Diclazepam somewhere in there as well.
just came up on 10mg of clonazepam. I'll be all set for a few days.

took 3mg clonazepam on top of my methadone dose from the morning. gonna go easy something then grab a beer or two
woke up, had coffee + 30mg dxm, drank a glass of morphine, and went on a hike in a state park full of waterfalls--aptly named Silver Falls State Park. rainy weekday = empty park and larger waterfalls. it was awesome, i had a blast listening to music and taking selfies like a loon. got home, popped 50mg hydroxyzine, smoked a spliff and took a nice hot shower. also have smoked two lucky strikes today because i could. cheers fellas
Oxys never came thru, but still properly fuckered off this Etizolam and Morphine. Took a few days off from poppy potions and of course the long benzo break, so I am smashed right now.

Really woulda liked some oxy though :p hopefully he gets his shit together, since he offered me and all...

Sorry for the BL mobile bullshit no editing but STH that hike sounds magical. I would love to see like a REAL state park, I only get to hike the forest preserves around here. Don't get me wrong, they're nice, but I've seen em all so many times. Plus they don't have freakin waterfalls.

Mod edit: No worriez, I got ya covered (merged). ;)
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^Too bad about the oxy. :( Glad you have some morphine though so you still have a nice drug to get high on. :) I hope you get another chance to try oxy soon, it really is a lovely opioid.

OT: Some prazepam & bromazepam. Tried chasing some H off a piece of foil that had been sitting in my nightstand for a while now, hoping there would be enough stuck to it to get 1 more high out of it; and I have to say I definitely feel it. I took 40mg DXM 30 minutes prior to potentiate.

I also did a cotton shot, which I still had lying around but didn't use until now because it would never have been enough by itself. I'd forgotten about the piece of foil since I usually toss foil right after smoking, but when I found it I remembered I kept this particular piece because I knew there was still some heroin on there; which is rare because I usually don't have any leftovers. It being so uncommon is the main reason I forgot about it I guess. (Never usually leaving leftovers and the fact that I use 95% of my heroin IV instead of smoking it is the entire reason I forgot about it).

As for the results; I'm actually feeling opiated. Not extremely, but I am very relaxed and my eyelids are starting to feel rather heavy. Gonna throw in some extra bromazepam (bringing the total to 24mg) to potentiate. :) Have a good night(, day or whatever it is where you're at) everyone!
^ Friendo claims he can spare me 10 oxys tomorrow, thanks for the well wishes haha. Oxycodone has been on my to-do list for years now, thebaine opioids are wonderful.

As of right now: half tab of my best quality LSD, a few drops of Etizolam here and there, lots of weed smoking in an effort to get better psychedelic effects, and this is a very enjoyable combo. I'm a little overstimulated while also smashed from the etiz, but the mental and physical euphoria is aaaaaaaammmmmmmaaaaaaazzzzziiiiiinnnnng
Oxycodone is my favorite opiate. I've only tried it a handful of times, though, because it's usually very overpriced where I'm from, so I usually just stuck with black tar if I was in the mood for opiates.

I got blackout drunk last night. First time I've had a complete blackout in years, I don't feel very good this morning, both physically (hungover) and mentally (I've always hated blackouts, it's disturbing not remembering what happened to you the previous night, what you did and said etc) Goddamn booze devastates me more than any other substance I swear. But tis the season!
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