• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

How do you get your anger out?

plug my guitar in, turn my amp up fucking loud, and subject my poor neighbours to a good 1/2hr of thrash metal.

it really, really is cathartic.

most people tend to find a physical release - dancing, crying, screaming, thrashing, punching a bag - helps them to deal with emotional pressures.
If im really angry i just grab the nearest person whom ever it is and give them a good working over.No,seriously,music...Yeeeaaaaahhhh!Especially if the neighbours deserve a good pissing off.But for me its time for a shin workout on the makawari board,that SOON calms ya down;)
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Music, motorcycle racing, kicking the crap out of someone (who makes me angry), Punching a heavy bag, Drugs
I find walking uphill or any sort of really tiring activity helps get it out with the least possible consequences. :) I personally find angry really gives a lot of energy, that can be quite spectacular, like getting really angry and making up creative curse words as you rant along!
I tend to become verbally abusive when I internalize my emotional frustrations for any length of time.

Tipping a few alcoholic drinks back only feeds my inner child's need to be scathing.

I have found out that negativity only begets more negativity, so I am working on making my feelings known without coming down hard on people that are only human and fallible--just like me.

To me, anger is a valid emotion that is useful in the right context.

I still do not enjoy going through it though.

When I was much younger, I used to let it build up until I started breaking shit. Of course I humbled myself by immediately cleaning my broken room.

go to the gym, drink, hang out with my girls, party, drop some e, write, read, fight prissy bitches in my neighbourhoooood.
yo lacey, you ok girl? you seem pissed off recently.

The one thing that pisses me off the most is this shit......

I remember one time when i was like 6 or 7 and i was tryina build a fort out of sheets outside. but the wind kept blowing em down.

small stuff like that. People rarely piss me off, I can walk away from them. But shit like that that doesn't work out the way I want it. I go into a damn rage! I remember nearly breaking my leg trying to break a tree limb because it wouldn't move the way i wanted it. I stomped the almighty SHIT out of that tree limb. (of course there was still water in it, and it didn't break like I wanted to). 8(

I rarely get mad anymore because I usually step back and think about stuff now. Nearly breaking my leg over something that dumb really made me think. Stuff like that still pisses me off, but I don't try to break anything anymore ;)

But when I do get mad I....

Lift weights/work out
punch the punching bag (I definitely suggest everyone that gets mad to get one of these)

Honestly, the thing for me that makes me control my anger the most is that I am an adult now, and there is this thing called prison. That REALLY makes me step back and think....is kicking this dudes ass really worth it?

If we're alone and there aren't any witnesses....it depends
If there are people around....hell no, I just walk away.
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Gym, punching bag (or walls if i'm not near my punching bag). Or if someone has done something to really hurt me, my friends or my family then i'll take it out on them.
I know I'm not one to talk. But it's really not good to take your anger out on innocent people Salvatore. (unless those are the people pissing you off)
"I stomped the almighty SHIT out of that tree limb."

AHHHHHHHHH lord i know. i know.

i cant fuckin believe somebody identified with that shit i said but shit, man, im laughin with you cz i knwo exactly how you feel.

2 answer your question yea Im aight yo. im always angry dawg im workin on this shit. but all the 'seeming angry' from posts and shit just means im thinkin about it more instead of acting on it i guess
I don't handle frustration/anger very well at all... I just get all pent up and frustrated until I go on a frenzy of wanting to smash absolutely everything that comes my way. I've destroyed belongings of mine, that I normally would never think of breaking. I've taken it out on my little brother... All the while, my rational mindis being taken along for the ride, like I'm watching a movie, and I can identify with the character's desire to "smash everything", but I know it's wrong and it pains me to watch. Like my eyes are being held open and I can't look away.

I try not to let myself get angry from the beginning.
some how listening to and yelling along with angry music helps, or hitting a punching bag-gets out agression and make me feel cool for being able to hit so hard, right now i have no access to a punching bag which really sucks-i end up yelling at people (even strangers) for every little thing they do that annoys me---i used to kick my crappy car, but now i have a nice one
I smoke cigarettes :: sigh ::

I'm too nice to take my anger out on people and I'm too lazy to work out.
I don't really have anger as much as I have nervous, excess energy that I need to blow off.
If I don't, I tend to get anxious and a lil moody.
I lift weights and do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai.

;) lol

I used to beat up my sister

I was a pretty bad sister, now that i look back on it i could have been considerd abusive because i would hit her for EVERYTHING. i feel bad now but i had a anger problem back then too

but i was only like 7 and she was 5, so is that that bad? i dont know. were cool as hell now tho so i guess i didnt scar her or nothin, but where is all this anger coming from and why, i dont know. what is there that can make a little kid be so angry? is there brain chemicals controlling that or what?
dbighead2 said:
I know I'm not one to talk. But it's really not good to take your anger out on innocent people Salvatore. (unless those are the people pissing you off)

Yeah, I never mentioned innocent people. I said someone that has done something to hurt either me my friends or my family.