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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

How do meth/amphetamines make you act?

During peaks of adderall/vyvanse I am high energy, prone to singing to some favorite tunes and being very creative.
But after peak but while still very active in my system I become overly-quiet and attentive.
I also tend to get overly-sensitive to aggression and neglect romanticism.
Not brought to tears or be a dick head to my lady but the aggression seems to set off a stronger mental reaction in me and I tend to not pay attention to my romantic involvement unless we have sex.
Definitely not a sought after side effect
Very talkative, very annoying, won't let people finish their sentences, gets all hyped up over boring topics
Its dependent on the dose. Low-mid doses of amphetamines give me a slight mood-lift accompanied by anxiety, higher doses give me a good euphoria and I'm much more sociable. I avoid high doses at all costs though, I can't handle amphetamine comedowns.
I am an ex user/addict and I would say its one thing that you can never know for sure, it depends on the type of person you are, how much you take, what type you take , what the drug is cut with, how physically fit you are, how much you weigh, whether or not you have ADHD and whether or not you have any type of tolerance towards it. The higher you build your tolerance the more you're physical and mental health deteriorates when you come down, after just a few weeks the same drug that made you smart, outgoing and brilliant with ladies could have you in a weird phsychotic state, thinking you're family are serial killers and that you're possesed by the devil. Just know that you are playing with fire if you decide to take this drug.. it has completely fucked my life and changed my whole world, personality and physical health in less than a year.. i'm only 18 and have had to walk through hell already. over 6months off the stuff and i'm only just starting to come back and thats after quitting drugs, quitting drinking, quitting smoking, a shitload of vitamins, protein shakes and creatine everyday,weeks of chronic fatiuge, more excercise than i've ever done, more food than i've ever ate, more water than i've ever flushed my self out with and suffering all sorts of trauma on the way. I loved amphet it changed my life for the better for about 2months, i never imagined how wrong it could go... i hope i helped at least one person with this message
Well where I live, we only get amphetamine sulphate and the occasional powdered meth I hear. But I've never encountered the later. As for the sulphate, it makes me extremely social and in a mood to help people. It used to be my favourite drug when I had other people to do it with me. Probably because I'm ridiculously shy and self conscious when sober. Made the most valuable friendship I have (had? :( ) while on amphetamine and 3-MMC. It would have never happened sober. Unfortunately we kind of drifted apart since the friend had outgrown hard drugs and I'm only falling deeper and unable (don't want to?) resolve my issues.
But I have lost control on it too many times. Not binging for days, but chasing that initial rush you get after snorting a big line. Therefore I have many times consumed ridiculous amounts in a single session. By myself, at home. My worst was 10g in one night. It was only moderately strong stuff, but I was fucked up for days after that. I'm sure most people would be dead, or in a hospital after that. But I'm a horse, and can put insane amounts of various crap in my system and come out fine (*knocks on wood*).

I guess I love it, but at the same time I know I'm going to have to stop wishing for the good times I had with it to come back. Otherwise it will fuck me up bad.
Depends on the dosage and what kind of amphetamine.

Dexamphetamine or fairly clean racemic amphetamine - of which I far prefer the former - at reasonable doses (10-40mg, max 20mg at once) makes me talkative and focused. I also lose interest in things like watching movies - if I'm in company I quickly start talking because I need to be active rather than passive; otherwise I may start goofing about on the internet, cleaning my house, or something similar. I feel exactly like myself - sober, not intoxicated or inebriated at all - but much less susceptible to distraction. I sometimes have trouble motivating myself to study, but when I'm on a moderate dose of dex I will read a book for 8 hours straight, and when I try to force myself to take a half-hour break, after 5-10 minutes I resume my work.

Methamphetamine makes me overly talkative in the beginning and antisocial and paranoid later on. It also makes me hypersexual; if I'm by myself I may masturbate several times a day. Mostly it's not even the actual jerking off, though; I just watch porn for hours on end.
I had a bad Amphetamine binge living with my parents a few years back, I would go on several day binges, sleep it off for a day or two then start again. A lot of people say amphet makes them talkative and although over the internet I'd be typing away and then, engross myself in a documentary or listen to music and read all kinds of rubbish, I mostly just hid myself away. Friends would txt and call, I'd just ignore it.

Before I knew it, dawn was breaking, then the sun was setting and I'd realise I had spent the whole day watching Documentary's about African tribes, politics, all sorts. Not even taking it all in, just sitting there thinking, fuck this is awesome, so fucking interesting. If i tried to do that shit sober it'd be turned off within a couple of minutes.
I get like this, pretty much except for ignoring people's phone calls or rare texts. But I do not even use meth and never have, or take amphetamines I was prescribed at all. :/ :\
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I always feel like I have unlimited energy and I feel extremely intelligent and thoughtful. I wind up researching tons of different subjects online all day and night. But after a couple of days without sleep, I start feeling very paranoid and delusional. Today in the morning I read a message board post about meth and I was convinced an old co-worker from a job I had 3 years ago was posting about me, plotting to expose to the world how I got fired. All because the post was made 13 hours ago and suddenly the account was deleted. I figured it had to be her because she deleted the account after just one post so nobody would know her identity. Then later on I constantly peeked out my Windows convinced my neighbors were all parked outside spying on me ready to call the police. Yup. Crazy stuff. Meth is great until you start to lose your grip on reality.
First dose (m-amphetamine, always IV'd): pumped up, huge euphoria, empathogenic effects, get super focused on one specific activity. MAKES ME FEEL FUCKING AMAZING GWARRRRR!

Subsequent doses: feel progressively more and more like shit. If I (therapeutically) dose a benzodiazepine along with the speed it helps smooth out the rough edges but also turns me into something of an emotionless, yet very wakeful, drug-addled zombie.
I will agree with that 100% since I've been doing that same experience since Tuesday and now its saturday , I've been stuck actually sitting on edge of bed all tense just playing on phone for days upright stiff and everything hurts. I don't want to talk to people, I don't want to eat I smell cuz I don't care about showering and it just turns into being miserable not eating sleeping at all so getting spun is not the way to go. I haven't answered one phone call and just locked in a room because I know what I look like, a complete crazy person with pupils bigger than actual eyes.. I'm wondering where the hell my brain is finish this so I wait to crash Sunday or monday
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I will agree with that 100% since I've been doing that same experience since Tuesday and now its saturday , I've been stuck actually sitting on edge of bed all tense just playing on phone for days upright stiff and everything hurts. I don't want to talk to people, I don't want to eat I smell cuz I don't care about showering and it just turns into being miserable not eating sleeping at all so getting spun is not the way to go. I haven't answered one phone call and just locked in a room because I know what I look like, a complete crazy person with pupils bigger than actual eyes.. I'm wondering where the hell my brain is finish this so I wait to crash Sunday or monday

Yup. I can relate. I just don't lock myself in my room looking crazy with large pupils lol my thing is I have to research everything on the internet kind of like you, until I get to the point where I start to act paranoid and delusional. Then I take a shower and force myself to sleep because I realize I've had too much. The minute you start to believe that any friend you call that doesn't answer is plotting to expose you to the Feds is when you have to sleep.
I'm actually on day 5 right now. Still cruisin but only have one .2 shot left of 2grams. I look and feel somuch like a space cadet. I was sitting all tight intense upright playing with my phone for over 14 straight hours not moving at all once besides just my hand and I got up and I fell over, then loaded up and was all over the place from shaking, it was a blood bath. that was at 5-6am and the shakes go away,but it's so hard to get anything accomplished physical strength and brain capacity of a cat. To afraid to go out in public. It is dead obvious and plus trying to catch one of those black ninjas that you see out of the corner of your eye but when you go to take a good look they already gone. The hallucinations get bad on day 6 and that will the start of the big crash, you lose it too bad people will commit you. Im dreading after today because nothing will be left and and zero landing gear.going to be awful completely awful and long crash..there is no being able to hide a the side effects after a long binge of crystal. You feel like death you look like death and you have the thinking power of a cat. It's always good to know what your getting yourself into because people will eventually notice. Also sometimes your only plan to go two or three days and next thing you know its 6 days.
If you don't, you can always go for the last resort: buy a fifth of hard liquor, have a drink or five, and conk out on a nice soft bed. :)
I personally find that meth pinpoints my focus, and I become super absorbed in whatever it is I may be doing. It also magnifies whatever I may be feeling, so if I'm happy I will be really happy, and if I'm sad, that sadness will become complete hopelessness. It's like me when I'm not high except in overdrive.
Dude this is exactly what happened to me. Fuck I wish i could get the magic back.

Moderation is the key just like with any other drug. Take a long break and then set up a schedule for your use and stick to it.
First dose (m-amphetamine, always IV'd): pumped up, huge euphoria, empathogenic effects, get super focused on one specific activity. MAKES ME FEEL FUCKING AMAZING GWARRRRR!

Subsequent doses: feel progressively more and more like shit. If I (therapeutically) dose a benzodiazepine along with the speed it helps smooth out the rough edges but also turns me into something of an emotionless, yet very wakeful, drug-addled zombie.
