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How did you get into the more "hardcore" drugs

In 9th grade i got into oxycontin and hydros i guess they pretty serious atleast for a 14 yr old anyway. But i did them because i was curious and also they were way harder to get caught with
Here i am thinking about how i got into doing more hardcore drugs. i realized it was a result of getting caught with cannabis back in the 10th grade. now I'm in the 12th grade and have moved onto bigger and badder drugs. i realized it was a result of getting tested for cannabis that made me move onto harder drugs that would not stay in the system nearly as long as cannabis, chiefly, heroin and pills. i have decided that the gateway drug for me was drug tests. anyone else feel the same?

Kid please stick with the weed. Stay away from the hard stuff it is not cool to throw your life down the drain please take my advice. You are only in 12th grade come on man.

Here i am thinking about how i got into doing more hardcore drugs. i realized it was a result of getting caught with cannabis back in the 10th grade. now I'm in the 12th grade and have moved onto bigger and badder drugs. i realized it was a result of getting tested for cannabis that made me move onto harder drugs that would not stay in the system nearly as long as cannabis, chiefly, heroin and pills. i have decided that the gateway drug for me was drug tests. anyone else feel the same?

I hope you see a pattern in most of these stories if all are factual. Does a Pscyhward or jail sound like a place where u want to end up. Please take advice from the older members on The board. Is there anybody on this board that is older than 30 just seems that it's a bunch of high school and 20 year old kids, just curious ?
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I hope you see a pattern in most of these stories if all are factual. Does a Pscyhward or jail sound like a place where u want to end up. Please take advice from the older members on The board. Is there anybody on this board that is older than 30 just seems that it's a bunch of high school and 20 year old kids, just curious ?

I'm 39 and not quitting drugs or bluelight any time soon I sincerely hope.
Well, when up until my 13th, I was barely ever misbehaving. I attended all my classes and got straight A-s. You're average nerd, but I hung out with the 'cool kids' for some reason. When I was 16 and already way less uptight mentally, one of those friends offered me half an XTC pill, as a joke, since he didn't expect my answer (after asking what it was) to be: "Oh yeah, I'm very curious of how that is!"
My curiousity of the unknown remained, but the amount of new drugs I could try out gradually decreased. Eventually I started adjusting my boundaries, which was at first without even thinking about it. First cocaine, which I wasn't ever going to do, later opioids joined the club, after that research chemicals came into the picture and step by step I grew to the day I bought methamphetamine. These days I'm even considering crack and heroin...
I'm 39 and not quitting drugs or bluelight any time soon I sincerely hope.

Well we are in the same boat, but this kid is still young. Nice to know some of the older posters on the board blue light is great.
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Well I began with cannabis at 13. That revealed to me that there was more ways to alter your consciousness and I've always been curious and also and escapist. I had a thing for adrenaline, I loved roller coasters, surfing, skateboarding. And I never let people tell me how to live life, I thought I knew it all and that I'd be fine.

So I tried speed & E at 14, LSD, crystal meth & ketamine at 15. Then at 16 I was informed that my neighbor was selling 40mg oxycontins, 2mg xanax & 10mg ritalin for a stupidly cheap price.

So I began snorting oxy & eating xannies pretty heavily. By 17 he had 80's and I was shooting them and even doing ritalin+oxy pseudo-speedballs IV. Here things turn sour.

I peaked at 3-4 80mg oxy's in each shot with Xanax when I wanted. I began injecting speed. Then at 19 I found heroin and that was it I was instantly hooked. I'm 25 now and have pulled up a lot but I still struggle.

All throughout this I still partied with E & speed. I used LSD when I could find it. I had a very dear friend that would get all sorts and set whatever aside.... GBL, 2c-T-7 , 2c-i, DOC, MDPV, plenty more I'm forgetting. That was all great but meanwhile I was doing my best to maintain a heroin/Xanax habit until I got on methadone.

I'm much happier now and mostly just use psychedelics(LSD, DMT, 2c's, mush, MDx, ketamine, N2o etc) at psytrance events but I still love heroin, I try to use benzos properly and well crystal meth is the one that gives me the most trouble. But that's a long story.

The only thing I would change is that I would start later. I do think that affected me for sure.
How did I dabble into hardcore drugs?

The first time I dabbled into hardcore drugs was with coke at the age of 8 with my grandma who was always so doped up out of her mind. I had a numbness in my face for a few and my grandma said that was all normal. Now I'm snorting it like a champion at the age of 21.
Well, when up until my 13th, I was barely ever misbehaving. I attended all my classes and got straight A-s. You're average nerd, but I hung out with the 'cool kids' for some reason. When I was 16 and already way less uptight mentally, one of those friends offered me half an XTC pill, as a joke, since he didn't expect my answer (after asking what it was) to be: "Oh yeah, I'm very curious of how that is!"
My curiousity of the unknown remained, but the amount of new drugs I could try out gradually decreased. Eventually I started adjusting my boundaries, which was at first without even thinking about it. First cocaine, which I wasn't ever going to do, later opioids joined the club, after that research chemicals came into the picture and step by step I grew to the day I bought methamphetamine. These days I'm even considering crack and heroin...

fuck crack brough it's unfortunately very available in our country and you won't believe how it can change people , also the heroin and of crack scene consists mainly mainly of bums , there is a lot of violence and theft etc. please reconsider.
It was available, I was in a very dark place in my life and didn't think I'd live all that long, I wanted to escape my feelings and I didn't care what happened to me.

Turned out I lived far longer than I thought I would and now I have a serious drug addiction to add to my problems.
Began smoking weed at 13, well I actually had the first puff of a joint from my stepdad when I was in middle school, but didn't know anything about how to get bud at the time. Wasn't until I got to high school and had a whole group of friends that smoked that I became a full blown out stoner.

Junior year of high school, still living with my mom at the time, I got assaulted and was given a small amount of Hydrocodone from the ER. Who knew that it would take something that small to introduce me to bigger (and better) opiates. Found out my uncle was in a terrible motorcycle accident and almost lost his leg, had a steel brace in it for a few months. Anyways, he went into pain management and (still) gets a script of 270 20mg Oxycodone pills a month. I feel sorry for him that he's so young and has to use a cane, but he was one lucky guy in my eyes. I looked up Oxy and figured out it was stronger than Hydro, so I stupidly took his bottle one day when he wasn't looking and emptied who knows how many pills into my pocket. Turns out I had snatched more than 20... took 3 pills right off the back, it was great. I was nodding my ass off, along with my mom. Yeah yeah, doesn't seem that great to hear, getting high with your mom. But I feel like it has brought us closer in some way since today we have both helped each other overcome our addictions. Decided to take 4 Oxys the next day being as I had read up on tolerance, ended up nonstop puking for 18 hours before my family forced me to go to the hospital to be put on all those good fluids and now I'm left with gastritis & inflammation of the esophagus (from so many days I've spent puking, perhaps?) after getting an endoscopy.

The hospital visit didn't stop me, though. Even though I'd get very sick, to the point where it was probably unhealthy, I'd continue to get pain pills any way I could, whether they were given to me, or helping a friend get rid of some and jacking up the price just so I could snag a few. Yeah, I regret some decisions I made back then.

Senior year came, I was still doing weed, hydro, and oxy. Also used Klonopin and Xanax (my own script) every once in a while but most times ended up passing out with no recollection the next morning. That's when I met the person that introduced me to DXM. First time I got the wrong shit, ended up taking so much APAP and spent the night puking. Tripped twice to four times a month, for about a year straight.

Then college came. Party central, right? Actually, a person came up to me on the street outside of my apartment and asked me to sell a bundle of dope for him, and I could even keep a percentage of the profit. So I said okay, and knowing nobody that did hardcore drugs, I went home and told my mom. Five minutes later I was snorting lines off my dresser and dropping cigarettes on my blanket. Guy found out I hadn't sold the product and boy did I receive a telling off. Thankfully I never saw him again. A few weeks after this a good friend of mine sold me my first tab of LSD. First and only tab. :(

Next year of college came, friend informed me they had a H connect, so I said okay, fuck it, it's been a year. Why not? Haha. Ended up going on a four month binge, in which that time period I was also introduced to cocaine, which didn't excite me too much after the first time. This was too recent. Someone I love very much is currently incarcerated for committing crimes in order to score money for drugs, but I know they've learned their lesson. My stepdad has served 23 total years of his life in jail for heroin, burglary and larceny related offenses.

I decided I was getting in too deep, my grades started going to shit, my attendance dropped, I was racking up tabs of hundreds of dollars for dope that affected how much I could pay for rent. Now, I'm happily clean, all I do is smoke weed, take hydro/oxy (better than H, right?) and do a little DXM here and there, as I have no access to better dissociatives, or LSD anymore. I'm moving forward with my career in cardiac surgery and am even in pharmacy tech training. :) But I still don't trust myself. I feel like if I could find H again, I'd jump right back into it, I loved it so damn much.
I've always struggled with low self esteem and physiatric problems my whole life, got diagnosed with depression/bipolar disorder when I was 12 so been on various meds and had several different doctors/counselors up until I was 18. I started off drinking and smoking weed (like everyone else) at age 14 but didn't do it very often until I was 16. By that age I was getting shitfaced until I blacked out every weekend and smoked weed just about everyday. I tried coke for the first time when I was 17 but didn't think it was great cuz I didn't do enough to get super coked out. When I turned 18 I was smoking weed everyday and was snorting coke, huffing whippet balloons, and doing MDMA every weekend. I smoked crack once with some dude in San Francisco and had a good time but nobody I know in my area did crack so I never did it again. By that time I was down to try pretty much whatever I could get my hands on. I like drugs because I love altering my mind and feeling good compared to being "normal" and miserable most of the time. Even when something bad happened, it didn't effect me nearly as much because I would just get fucked up and forget about it.

I started dating this guy I met from my friend. He was a drug dealer so of course I never had to pay a dime for drugs except he never let me touch meth for some reason. One day he lectured me about how much he hates it but I didn't really take it seriously. He eventually got busted and went to jail because the cops raided his house and I was living with him at the time. The whole situation traumatized me and I was in jail for a few days just for being there. After that I had to move back home with my mom. I was really depressed and had major anxiety so I didn't do much for the first month. I got really bored so I started partying again and going to clubs like 3 times a week.

My best friend and I ended up chillin with these dudes I knew who lived about 30 mins away in this rural town that looked like the middle of nowhere. We got super drunk and stoned and I had no clue this would be the day that changed my life forever. We were chillin in a little mobile home in some ghetto trailor park. Him and his friend said they would be right back but they were gone for a while so we got nosey and started looking for them. We walked in on them and saw my friend blowing out this huge white cloud of smoke. They had a pipe that looked like a bubble and asked wtf they were smoking. At first they didn't tell us and we were like fuck it lets try it. At first they didn't want us to but we kept bugging until they finally let us. We guessed what kind of drug it was and I got it right when I said crystal meth. We made a promise to only do it that one time and never again. I was the first to hit it and my friend was lighting it for me and twisting the pipe side to side and said not to inhale until I tell you. When it was time to inhale I felt this huge intense rush as soon as I blew out a huge cloud of smoke. I was completely speechless for the first few mins. I couldn't stop talking and never felt so amazing in my entire life. It was like I was in another world and everything was perfect. I kept wanting to take more hits and thought it was so fun blowing out huge clouds while getting that rush. My friend enjoyed it to but not as much as I did. We both were up for a few days and she hated not being able to eat or sleep but I loved everything about it.

Anyways I'm rambling on too much but the point is I ended up breaking the promise unlike my friend and of course got addicted to meth and to this day haven't been able to stop. Everyone I know who doesn't use including my family believes I've been clean ever since going to rehab 5 years ago. In reality I live with my bf whose also a heavy long term user and you already know what we do everyday lol it's pretty fucked up but oh well, it is what it is. I know this sounds crazy but I don't get nearly as depressed or unstable even though I'm using, it's like meth works better than any of the prescription pills I used to take, as long as I don't run out lol.
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I've always been interested on things that are forbidden, thats why, I'm curious person.
When I had just barely started smoking weed, I decided that I wanted to be a drug dealer. I was 16 at the time. I started out by selling pills like oxy, morphine, adderall, klonopin and xanax that I stole/bought from family members or found in my house. I sold them for a long time without doing any myself, until people started really eating that shit up (I sold to a ton of random people at my school through word of mouth until I was kind of notorious). Curiosity got the better of me and I tried some oxy one day. I started swallowing much of my supply soon after, but I'd made a good amount of money and was getting interested in other, non pharmaceutical drugs. A friend and I decided to start getting a supply on the DNM and thats how I was introduced to drugs like shrooms, MDMA, LSD and cocaine, and started selling those and pot along with the pills. I made more money than I knew what to do with (literally no competition in my area besides for weed) and I just spent thousands on whatever drugs I felt like doing. Nowadays there are very few drugs I haven't done besides crack, GHB, and ketamine and the really weird ones. Eventually got robbed of $1500, the other kid's mom found out and called the cops, he ended up getting jail time, probation and had to pay me back and I got off scott free somehow. Never sold anything after that, and it was the right choice.
I always loved alcohol, but there were a point that I had descovered every part of it, and was thinking about different expiriense. Weed weren't my thing, then I had a relation ship with an ex heroin addict, who always told me to stay away from heroin but the way she told it was very apealing, you know the feeling?
I've always been interested in mind altering experiences, before I even knew what drugs were.

Also, I got shot up full of morphine at the hospital when I was 11 and broke my arm pretty badly and they decided to set it without surgery.

Then I broke that same arm years later, got more IV morphine (for 3 days!), IV midazolam, and a bunch of oxy.

After that, it was just a matter of availability. I kind of always wanted to jump straight to harder drugs, especially opiates.

Oh, and after I learned about coke in middle school health class, I immediately started chugging red bulls to get wired on caffeine. I guess it was just a matter of time for me lol. Always wanted to try coke since then, but to be fair, our textbooks talked about how some tribes used it as a "soul cleanser" or something like that. That health class definitely turned me onto LSD too, because I had to do a visual presentation on it...

And then it just became about curiousity, I try a lot of RC's just for the hell of trying something new and mind altering. Though I've discovered that I don't really like most of them that much (compared to their illegal counterparts) except the benzos and dissociatives.
As with a lot of people innate curiosity got me into almost all drugs. Basically never thought about trying drugs until one day before freshmen year of high school one of my friends said "I want to smoke weed who wants to match" knowing nothing about it I gave him 20 bucks and we smoked out of a can. I enjoyed the way it altered my though processes and would buy weed just to smoke and listen to music at night.

First hard drugs were pills. Weed caused me to discover erowid and blue light as I felt the desire to learn all I could about drugs. I bought adderall and Percocet from kids that had them... stupidly did 80mg of adderall the first time ever and was up for like 2 days.

Went to a concert specifically to find lsd to try it for the first time. I didn't literally go and do just that I went for the show but based on the music I figured it was a good time to walk the lot and see if I could find it, no one I knew had even done it let alone knew where to get it. Mission successful bought 30 hits having never done it before.

Got into dope when I couldn't get high off oxy any more that was easy I knew half a dozen junkies by that time. Mainly friends from high school that developed the habit early. And one of my dealers just gave me crack the first time.
I got into harder drugs (mainly coke, but also benzos and painkillers), about 10 months ago. Before January 2016, I was an 18 year old avid cigarette smoker who had only stolen alcohol from my parents, smoked weed a handful of times, and abused OTC pills. My best friend met a guy, and they introduced me to his best friend. He and I clicked immediately. He told me he used to sell drugs, but stopped. About two weeks after he and I met, I moved in with him after a dispute with my parents. He started selling various pills, but I wasn't really aware or involved. 3 months later we move in together. At this point, I'm his "trap queen." I cut/remixed his drugs, drove him around, and would weigh out bags. He and I were doing half a xan on the weekends for fun, and that was it. Several weeks later, we tried coke. I quickly became addicted. I was stealing it from him, cutting it harder so I could take more, and buying from his plugs in secret for personal use. I was sober for exactly two months yesterday, and relapsed about 6 hours ago.
Chronic pain from surgery...neck and back. No heroin, pills swallowed orally. Brother is heroin addict. I'm trying to be careful.

Benzos for anxiety

host of psych meds for bipolar 1

I married a drug dealer. I used acjd only before him and drug use became the normal in our house.

Everyone we hung with did drugs.

Ironically bl broke us up. LOl.