How Are You In One Word v. I got a feelin'

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Trying to get motivated. I'm hoping this coffee will help with that.
I gave up monster and I'm reluctant to drink anything purposely for the caffeine x.x.

It's not going well.
Good for you for giving up monster. I don't know how you could drink it in the first place, waaaaaaaayyy too sugary for me. I can go without coffee in the morning, but the day gets off to a much better start if I have it. I think a big part of it is just the morning routine and not the actual caffeine.
I gave up monster and I'm reluctant to drink anything purposely for the caffeine x.x.

It's not going well.

I would drink NOS.

It is strange, the main reason that I would drink it, besides it tasting soo good, was because only that and mmj would calm my stomach...
The mmj worked by crashing my immune system, and that is the only way anything could of worked.

I got my accaptance packet in the mail for the fall semester. I'm about to fill out the final bits of paper work and I'll be all set for the fall semester! It seems like so much has been going so well for me again. It's so good to feel natural happiness again.

I feel like the nightmare of my life for the last few years is finally over.
Heartfelt congratulations, Neko! You worked hard for this and that is going to make it all that much sweeter.<3
I would drink NOS.

It is strange, the main reason that I would drink it, besides it tasting soo good, was because only that and mmj would calm my stomach...
The mmj worked by crashing my immune system, and that is the only way anything could of worked.

What is mmj?

Also I know I've said this before... But last year monster had thing where if you collect so many tabs you get free gear. Well after collecting 100 tabs and receiving 2 free hoodies I just couldn't stop buying them. Whenever I park at a convenient I still get mad cravings to buy one. Just to sip on. Not even to chug for a caffeine rush or anything.

I went down to Cocoa beach and checked out an awesome thrift shop where we made out like bandits on $1.50 afghan blankets of all sorts of vibrant colors.

Which reminds me Neko, I miss my Banditeer <3 give him a hug from me. Congrats on your school too layday, you've been working hella hard. I'll still miss you while you're gone though D: !
Choked-up. I get waaaaay too into the olympics and all emotional about it. I'm such a sap lol.
I choke up a lot too. Good thing the human body has that little extra oomph to not let yourself completely derail. Dances with Wolves was on last night and my boyfriend was on the computer luckily and didn't see me when the scene where he's trying to give the wolf the food and the wolf won't take it and then finally it quickly grabs the meat. Trust is formed. Instachoke. It doesn't help that wolves are my favorite aminal :3.
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Im listening to a bunch of tracks I heard at the fest over the weekend. I always get so nostalgic after a great fest.
^tru dat.

I'm excited about Lollapalooza this weekend. I desperately need a good festival to round out my summer. :)
Still ticked off beyond recognition

My dickhead ex-roommate/ex-other things decided to bail on the house and go to live with his mommy, only to find out that my dog and I can't stay. He had a change of heart once he realized how much my purebred Siberian Husky is worth, so he decided to keep her. If he sells her (I paid her adoption fee) he is so... words are inadequate.

And this is from someone who professes to still love me, but "Mama's way goes". I've been couchsurfing at friends' where I can't bring my dog. She is in his garage. And yes, I called the cops and asked that they accompany me to get her back. NOTHING before I get a writ signed by a judge in small claims court. I have to go to California on Tuesday and couchsurfing until then/staying in a very bad neighborhood are about my only options. I have $ to get a sublet but there aren't any that aren't almost worse!

I meet with the fucker today to try and work this out. I'm not sure I can ever get the feelings back and I HATE being manipulated. Before he picked the fight with me that effected all of this, he wouldn't even let me leave the house without my or his cell phone just in case. He has spent maybe $20 on my dog since April - nothing on her adoption fee, one bag of food (shitty food that makes her sick), nothing on vet bills or grooming. I have. Fuck.That.Noise.
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