How Are You In One Word v. I got a feelin'

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Bluelight Crew
Sep 6, 2011
Welcome to the new One Word thread, as usual please adhere to the TDS guidelines and refrain from any discussion glorifying drug use.


The sickness from being back in Colorado has been killing me, I have a headache, sore throat and a lot of fatigue. Phew, I hope you're all doing better.
Here's a link to the old thread

That tonight's gonna be a good night?

I feel sick also. It's buy one dozen wings get one free night and I bought 4 dozen and ate them all. I'm basically going to vomit any second now.
One word cannot sum up how I am feeling right now.
I would like to say i am feeling amazing. I am feeling amazing, my travels could not be going any smoother.
But my friend from London and I parted ways this morning. We have spent the whole month travelling as one.
Now that she has left i am feeling very very alone.
In pain . . . . my body is screaming for pain killers that are being offered but I've had to turn them down so far. I hope you are all having a good start / end to your day, depending on your time zone.
all over the place.....not one word or an emotion really but I've been working non-stop, finally took my placement for college yesterday....just doing a lot of shit. don't have any free time it seems like but at least I'm being production and been laying off the drugs.
I had the craziest nightmare ever. It involved getting attacked by a bear with 8 legs that walked like a spider and was fast as lightning. I watched it kill my family.

What the fuck is goimg on in my subconcious
Relieved to be finally back on the road to sobriety. Been a crazy coupla months. Also optimistic. :)
Was doing better... until I got into a fight with my friend last night over the stupidest thing she freaked out over. I'm sick of her being a bad friend.
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