How Are You In One Word v. I got a feelin'

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I actually posted my response to this thread in the TDS social, somehow... :? oh well.

If a mod wants to move my post for me (it was IRTO trip) it would be much appreciated.
Exhausted. And theres still one more day of the fest, damn this weekend is taking its toll on my body haha. Way worth it though =D 5 hours of dancing Friday night, 8 hours on Saturday, and its gonna be 9 today.
Aw man, I can imagine how you feel :( leaving awesome people you just met is one of the worst. Did you just recently meet them spontaneously on your adventures around Europe or have you known them?

I met them on my second or third day in Germany at a festival, and we just keep crossing paths every week.
So we got to know each other pretty well. Waaah, itsa okay i will see them again one day at least :)
idunno,%ust dont feel it anymore..

last night I said goodbye to my best friend/lover who is moving. I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago. and today is my last shift at work.
I dont know why, but I just seemed to have changed (maybe given up?) everything of importance in my life for the past year. I feel more alone than I have in a while.
<3 fakeplastictrees. Sometimes changes happen like that. Try to remember that these things will make you stronger. You'll get through all this.

I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow after a long vacation. I really need to find a job that I don't hate.

jaw clenching and dizzying

and recently it is when i eat a lot that my lower back starts hurting...i dont like that connection, not being conscientious of my posture and activity is one thing.

i am so sick of this.

it has been years of this bullshit, this is convenient for everyone who deals with me to ignore, but, is wearing my life away tolerating emotionally and psychically.
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I am still useful and crave work, to contribute something, money to buy more cheese biscuits with.

What's wrong n3o? I'm all ears if you want to talk to someone.
Thanks mate <3


last night I said goodbye to my best friend/lover who is moving. I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago. and today is my last shift at work.
I dont know why, but I just seemed to have changed (maybe given up?) everything of importance in my life for the past year. I feel more alone than I have in a while.
Yeah I feel ya fakeplastictrees. I hope you're feeling better soon <3
<3 (((n30))) <3

Word now is Terrified. I just saw my cat eyeing up the hugest most fuck off centipede type thing in my hallway. My boyfriend killed it, but what if there's more? :(
Proud of my mother. After over 40 years of being a cigarette smoker, she finally decided it's time to quit! It'll probably be a bit before she's a non-smoker, but I'm really glad that she took that first step. <3 :)
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