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High? How are you pt - let's get ratshit

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11mg rectal 2C-T-7

EDIT: This bodyload is sooooo uncomfortable @_____@
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only a few tokes of the ganja, so far...

now contemplating a few vicodin, even though i really should save them.
the world as i know it is comming to an end my frinds...i just heard that in my countr they'll ban the legal skunk smoke & co stuff... and amanitas....WTF
i don't do legal stuff but fuck, they're banning everything! salvia...:|
a coke sized line of mdpv....I'm so fucking high that I cant even discribe it.
MDPV all night. About 75mg thus far. Shit. Lots more that I probably should have.

I've 'discovered' the best way to prevent a crash on peeVee. Don't stop snorting it. Kind of like crack in that respect. :p:p:p

I am hopeful that 100mg of seroquel at 8am will be sufficient to accomplish sleep.

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smoking it makes it even more like crack, but I hear its bad for you.
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Snorted ~5mg more of 2C-T-7
holyyyyyyyyy shit this is visual

lucky sob...its my fav 5ht psychedelic, and I cant find it anywhere....I would literally kill (with knife into the brainstem) for enough for me and friend to undergo its magic.
ended up having to take 15mg hydrocodone for my ridiculous shoulder pain.

i'm actually buzzed a bit. time to throw in a bowl of ganja, and have a cigarette to top it all off.

"How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!?" - from 'The Wall'
Apart from really good mdma, this has to be my fave drug. Unbelievably smooth and it comes to your door. Watch out for the addiction potential though (which is why I'm up at 3.50am AGAIN!)
^i would love to try mephedrone myself, especially after all of the great reviews i've read on it...and would also love to try MDPV after hearing so much hype here recently.

30mg hydrocodone (yeah, i broke down and said fuck it, im'a get high tonight and let my tolerance drop throughout the week so that i'll be a happy mofo the following week when i get my refill, and i'll also have to use it a bit more responsibly this next time around)
75mg diphenhydramine(would be 50mg, but benadryl even builds a tolerance, too)
a few tokes of the ganja(trying to avoid smoking a lot so i'll have some left for tomorrow)

so yeah, i'm pleasantly high. not as high as i would really like to be, but hey, this works.
I was definitely coming down, but figure I definitely won't sleep by this point, so I've treated myself to another big bomb. Might as well enjoy my insomnia :D
^ so fucking jealous, srsly, like fucking JEALOUS. it's been almost two years since my last experience with LSD, and i have been longing for some good, clean much needed spiritual healing for quite some time now.

well folks, it's turned into:

45mg hydrocodone(spread out over the past few hours)
a couple of bowls of dankness
125mg diphenhydramine(75mg at around 5:00, 50mg about 9:00)

i'm feeling contentedly calm and itchy. it's seriously fucking break time though, and i'm not allowing myself anymore hydrocodone until Moday evening, and i'm going to even try to make it til Tuesday just because i'd feel proud of myself for showing self-control.

for now though, feels good man.
2mg Alprazolam (for the mind)
2.5mg Cyclobenzaprine (for the body)
1 joint of blueberry kush (for the soul)

feels really really calm man %)

now to watch some good ol' king of the hill i tell you what!

I found methylone superior as an entactogen.

4-fa, mdpv and desoxypip are all superior stims

if your looking at RC's.
Lots of dank herb, a little alcohol and 4mg of clonazepam.

Feels really good.
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