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Misc Heroin vs Meth addiction?

I probably shouldn't be weighing in because I have never used meth and have no desrie to. I can't stand yppers, even shooting coke, was cool for maybe 7 seconds because of the rush, but the rest of it "the high" and everything that comes with it I hate.
That said I would have to guess that heroin is much, much worse
I think is esier to get addicted to and MUCH harder to kick. Kicking meth is nothing like kicking opiates.
Heroin is harder to use in monderation too, at least I think. First of all because of the physical withdrawl, and secondly Heroin is very hard to use in moderation.

Wish I could have helped more
In somebody i knows experience meth can do a lot more damage a lot more quickly, as it tends to get out of hand fast, usually as a result of sleep deprivation. But heroin can almost be worse, the way it can make a large period of time just sort of slip away, and leave a user really numb to being in very risky situations.

It's hard to say which is harder to control use of. Definitely meth at first, a crash can really motivate somebody to keep going for a long time, but is kindof inevitable. but heroin users who've used consistently to the point where they get some degree of dope sickness can have an extremely hard abstaining long enough to break away.

But he personally highly cautions friends of his who ask about these drugs now, to abstain from trying them. Both can be much more damaging to ones life then one may think.
Hello fellow bluelighters. Been a while since I posted on this forum.

A quick question for ya'll.

What do you personally find more addictive, heroin or meth?
What's harder to moderate usage?
What's harder to quit?
Which had a bigger effect on your family/friends/education/job etc ?

I've dabbled with H and bunch of other opiates and experienced the withdrawals first hand, but I've only tried meth once.
The closest stimulant habit close to meth I had was Adderall. At my worst I was taking 100mg+ a day, but I'm aware meth is another beast.

The "withdrawal", or whatever you wanna call it, from adderall was really shitty. I slept for like a week straight and only woke up to eat and use the bathroom. Extreme fatigue, absolutely no motivation or desire to do anything but curl up in my bed and sleep. Oh, and the devastating depression. I've heard meth is worse.

Still, I think the physical withdrawals that comes with opiates makes it worse and harder to get through.

I'm sure everyone has their own differences, opinions, and experiences so please share.

Which is the worse addiction?

I was an IV meth addict for quite a few years, then I only ever took heroin now and again, haven't been a meth user in over 5 years, but have been an IV heroin addict the last few years.

I've posted about this a few times, so I'll be fairly brief, but basically:

For me meth addiction was an order of magnitude more destructive, I lost a lot of jobs, friendships, etc. I stole from friends/family, done a lot of other shady shit too, for various stupid reason. Basically my life was completely unmanageable, frequently not having rent money, losing my job, falling out with house-mates. It even had a pretty severe impact on my family relationships.

Whereas - with heroin shit is waaay more stable, I can hold a job, relationships, etc.

All that said, heroin, for me at least, is an order of magnitude more addictive. Probably precisely because it's not destructive on life; it is oh so easy to go to work, family functions, etc on heroin. Heroin is fucking insidious.

EDIT: Oh - and the physical withdrawals - god damn! Not just acute stage either, but PAWS is pretty horrible too. RLS is the fucking worst thing Jesus ever invented.

As to which addiction is 'worse' - that is tough, I mean, at least with meth I eventually kicked it, I'm having a hard time attempting that with heroin, but - on the other hand, whilst heroin is a nightmare of sorts, my life is basically stable, just a bit sad/pathetic. I'd probably say, that for me at least, meth was a worse addiction; I actually ended up homeless for a period, as a result of meth, heroin has never done that (to me). I also completely lost my fucking mind / grip on reality, eventually, as a meth addict; not in an 'acute' sense, but as a fucking permanent state of being, eventually.
All in all, I generally advise people to avoid both drugs; heroin because it can really get its hooks in, it's a fairly meek drug in many ways, but that addiction potential is just through the roof. Meth, because.. well.. no one likes a fucking meth-head. I'd go so far as deterring someone from using meth purely because I didn't want them to fucking annoy me.
I've never tried either, but from what I've witnessed Meth and even plain old amphetamine screws you up way more than Heroin. Most people addicted to opiates have the potential to make a complete recovery. The same can't be said for heavy amphetamine/Meth abusers. Meth and even prescription amphetamine abuse can fry your brain quick if you take high doses and keep redosing. For some people this manifests itself as full blown toxic psychosis and permanent brain damage while others may experience milder, but still lifelong problems such as obsessive compulsive behaviour, suspiciousness and Dysthimia. I've even met a person who has developed permanent paranoid ideas after taking dextroamphetamine at moderate doses to treat his supposed ADHD. He has stopped taking it, but the paranoia hasn't subsided. I can only interpret this as a form of brain damage.
i have discussed this topic many times. I believe it comes down to the person. some people are naturally attracted to and enjoy stimulants, and some people enjoy the warm comfy bliss of downers (H)
its funny because at first, it might seem that an H addiction is worse. because wen they dont have it they get so sick, etc. but as time goes on, i think meth does a lot more damage to the body and brain. I have seen really good friends, completely changed by meth. they became completely paranoid, constantly accusing me and others of the most craziest shit imaginable (completely convinced it was true). i lost good friends to meth. meaning they are so far from who they were that i can no longer associate with them. but even long term H users tend to remain pretty much the same, mentally. they do suffer from the usual physical effects like weight loss, poor hygiene, etc, but nothing as dramatic and horrible as the transformation of long term meth users. i have to agree that long term meth usage is much more damaging.
I know this is over a year old, but I gotta say heroin and opiates in general are far more addictive than meth or any kind of amphetamine/stimulant, IME. The withdrawals are horrifying, which adds to why it is much more difficult to kick than any other drug outside of maybe nicotine or alcohol (alcohol withdrawals can kill you, as it is literally a poison trying to leave through your every pore and bloodstream). As for using opiates in moderation, I once thought I could. I started using once a month, once a week, and it eventually turned into everyday. Maybe there are people that can use in moderation, but I don't know of any who enjoyed it that could. You can try, but eventually you'll find that when it comes to opiates its all or nothing. Either you stay away from it altogether (the wise thing to do), or you keep "dabbling" and it'll eventually turn into everyday use, even if you're fortunate enough to be one of us functional addicts. People really don't know whether or not they have an addictive personality until they find that they've become a statistic themself. When it comes to meth and uppers, I was never a fan of it. If I was using meth instead of opiates and have been addicted for as long as I have, I'd have rotted teeth and look about 90 years old by now. Honestly, I can say that's the main reason why I don't use it. Meth has a knack for damaging your physical appearance immensely and even if you were to quit, all that damage can't be reversed. Call me vain, but physical appearance matters to me. Opiates might make you look sickly and tired, but at least if you get clean that goes away.
I've never been "addicted" to Meth, but I once think I got psychologically addicted to Ecstasy. My first hit of E was the best feeling I've ever had, til this day. I became an invincible superman. I literally went on a Ecstasy binge for like 6 months, rolling every weekend. I got so addicted to the feeling that I wouldn't go out of the house without a roll.

Meth wasn't even that euphoric imo. Esp compared to E.

But, nothing will ever come close to being as addictive as H. I mean, you can't even go a DAY without the Shit. Not to mention the torture of Withdrawal, both physically and mentally. It's pure pain that nobody wants to go through.

H for the win.
Apples and Oranges. They're both different, but they're both still fruit. With the right personality either or both can screw you. A lot of people I know are hooked on both.
I was opiate dependent for 8 years and went on a handful of stim benders in that time, the longest one lasting a good year or two. I never experienced a greater psychological horror than being strung out on propylhexedrine. I was literally watching myself deteriorate more and more each day and was completely unable to do anything about it. Tachycardia, hyperthermia, blurred vision, formication, intense anxiety and agoraphobia were the more unpleasant symptoms. This was coupled with periodic crying episodes where I basically sat in bed accepting that I was going to die soon. I realize now how much of it was just paranoia and general craziness. My mind was dominated by thoughts of persecution and forsakenness. I still think I've irreparably damaged my body due to propylhexedrine (there are plenty of threads on here on the potential health risks). I was completely scared straight by those experiences and it definitely shed some light into addiction being a legitimate mental illness.

But yea. The good thing about opiates is they take away that fear of your own mortality. It usually takes withdrawal for you to realize how much you're fucking up. They're also a bit more forgiving on your body.
It is apples and oranges though. I think the opiate recovery process is a lot harder but as far as the using lifestyle I would take that of an opiate addict any day of the week.
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Ive been addicted to both. I was heroins slave frim 15 til 19... And meths slave from 16 to 20... Soon to be 21... It does depend on the person though i agree. But... I just say its like sex... Some like to dominate only. Some like to submit only. Or some like to go both ways and dont mind either.. So i guess im a versatile drug addict. Honestly man. In my experience meth was more addictive... I am tough as nails.... Dont or never had to do Suboxone or Methadone... Quit every time from a gram or so a day habit cold turkey.... For me physical pain is nothing... But meth withdrawal..... When i could sleep all damn day and still not even be able to stay awake.... And meth was the only fix.... Ye heroin was hell to. But for me meth makes me just a little more desperate... Also i am a hard worker and am always going even without meth... So to me sleeping all day isnt fun. Its torture. Also i have Major Depressive Disorder.. So meth to me was like a gift from the Gods. NOTHING ever felt that good... But check this out... May just be a geogrphical thing or availability of substances.... But ive seen people who only did Heroin end up doing both and getting hooked to both. Same for those who did meth.. But i was told and it is true... Its because Heroin eases meth comedowns.. Meth eases heroin withdrawals.... So i was told most people use one to get off another. When in reality they just worsen their addiction and added another monkey in their back... My buddy and I discuss this alot... Hes a heroin fiend... Whenever he offers me heroin i always add meth... He will do meth but isnt hooked... I can do heroin and not get dependent... Also add... Meth ##### up someones sanity... And can make people go crazy... Heroin makes people into whiny divas. Hope that helps? Safe to say for me heroin is like # 2 on the list of options like a plan B. And meth and weed are #1. Addicts ive found... Just wanna get high they dont care on what...
^Nae mate. It's magical to believe one's special but with a mindstate like that, down the rabbit hole you go. To so casually say that you accept heroin when offered from your friend who, unlike you, is a "heroin fiend" and so matter of factly call him "dependent" unlike you, it's very short-sighted. You're not doing your "friend" any favors by matching him a bit of meth for his shot, same as he isn't when he offers you heroin but TBH it seems that hes just trying to increase his rush while you, on your high horse, are further allowing misery to be perpetuated. You say meth makes people crazy? What happens when he gets tired of being a junkie, but still shots meth? Won't that make it harder for him to stop if he is used to the goofball effect (the most pleasurable euphoric rush possible IME). Do you have any idea what happens next? He gets addicted to meth but completely abstains from H, driving him insane as the doses heighten. No offense but you sound like a wanker. You're much more alike your friend than you think so get off your high horse. If he was actually your friend, you would not be talking about him like that. I get it, you don't give two shits about yourself yet tooting your horn saying all your drug issues are behind you. Reality check mate, it's not yet begun with the attitude you have. Because its likely that you simply care more about getting yourself high than your friends or your own health.

edit: I did not mean to be offensive or put you down. Its just, I've seen so many people destroy their lives with this stuff, that the casual attitude you have, it gets me steaming pissed. Collectively, as human beings, brothers all born from the same source, it's downright evil to allow yourself that type of attitude. If you're going to be destructive, focus inward. Don't share the misery that has been unfortunately bestowed upon you one way or another. It's not helping anything bro. If you truly want a better life for yourself, where you can feel something real, something that unlike self-serving drugs like heroin+meth combos induce, then you need to start respecting those you refer to as friends. Otherwise, leave well enough alone and suck it up and procure your own dope for your fun times. Or what, would that conflict with your self-serving delusion that you are in control of your goofball habit? Think about it and get back to me man. Love and light
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^Nae mate. It's magical to believe one's special but with a mindstate like that, down the rabbit hole you go. To so casually say that you accept heroin when offered from your friend who, unlike you, is a "heroin fiend" and so matter of factly call him "dependent" unlike you, it's very short-sighted. You're not doing your "friend" any favors by matching him a bit of meth for his shot, same as he isn't when he offers you heroin but TBH it seems that hes just trying to increase his rush while you, on your high horse, are further allowing misery to be perpetuated. You say meth makes people crazy? What happens when he gets tired of being a junkie, but still shots meth? Won't that make it harder for him to stop if he is used to the goofball effect (the most pleasurable euphoric rush possible IME). Do you have any idea what happens next? He gets addicted to meth but completely abstains from H, driving him insane as the doses heighten. No offense but you sound like a wanker. You're much more alike your friend than you think so get off your high horse. If he was actually your friend, you would not be talking about him like that. I get it, you don't give two shits about yourself yet tooting your horn saying all your drug issues are behind you. Reality check mate, it's not yet begun with the attitude you have. Because its likely that you simply care more about getting yourself high than your friends or your own health.

edit: I did not mean to be offensive or put you down. Its just, I've seen so many people destroy their lives with this stuff, that the casual attitude you have, it gets me steaming pissed. Collectively, as human beings, brothers all born from the same source, it's downright evil to allow yourself that type of attitude. If you're going to be destructive, focus inward. Don't share the misery that has been unfortunately bestowed upon you one way or another. It's not helping anything bro. If you truly want a better life for yourself, where you can feel something real, something that unlike self-serving drugs like heroin+meth combos induce, then you need to start respecting those you refer to as friends. Otherwise, leave well enough alone and suck it up and procure your own dope for your fun times. Or what, would that conflict with your self-serving delusion that you are in control of your goofball habit? Think about it and get back to me man. Love and light

What? Lol no mate you got it wrong my bad didnt explain to well... This mate of mine is like my little brother... Been doing drugs together for 6 years now... Believe me I have the most respect for my family that ive found because blood aint nothing dont even acknowledge my blood fam anymore... My friends who are in this Hell with me are the most special... Its horrible alone. But this friend has stuck by my side. We used to do black tar all day together every day But then Crystal became more desirable. . My blood family treats me like the burden... My friends respect me... He has given me the world which is access to crystals and helps me all the time. What I meant to say is he doesnt do crystal as much. He does crystal when he doesnt have heroin. No disrespect but we already past acceptance ? Known were addicts. Your right.... I am liking life a bit more these days. But were just too far gone...
Dont worry thats just how we talk to one another. I mean... were drug addicts course were foul but its always for comic relief because the truths to hard to swallow. Or because one of us is sick.. And not in the mood for any thing just need to get high at that point. . We never influenced or pressured our drug of choice on each other. Respect. LOL NO we dont share needles or anything... He helps with fresh tools... And assistance when im too shakey and sick to iv myself... Both have already accepted out fate... But he even said he will risk it all if i ever OD and will save me.. But im a big boy can handle my drugs not gomna happen.. But ive always wished that if that was my fate to die from OD that i be all alone and not risking anyone... Gotta think that way mate when your addicted and IV is involved... .... Rehab didnt work. WORSE these days. So is he.. But he got worse when i was gone...

So sometimes when we hang out he will give me a syringe with about a dot of Heroin in it. Then he makes one for himself thats maybe 2 dots of heroin.. But I HATE to IV and not IV meth... So always I will just add crystal meth to my shot and always add double to triple the amount of meth to the heroin... Dont even cook it why bother.. he had in my tool. I dont force him to use but his meth use is casual compared to mine. Just like my Heroin use is casual compared to his. He usually will not do a speedball because he is scared of crystal.. just both iv real quick. Also have mad respect because its not even an insult.. He calls me a meth head or we call ourselves junkies... Already past that point. when I withdrawal from Crystal it is basically the same withdrawal from opiates that someone else will feel.. Like I am moody, isolate for days, sleep 1 hour a day now. Cry. Feel irritable. Sick to my stomach. Emotional. Angry. Aggressive. Whiney. And in pain or cant move bc it hurts... But ye hope that made sense
I know this is over a year old, but I gotta say heroin and opiates in general are far more addictive than meth or any kind of amphetamine/stimulant, IME. The withdrawals are horrifying, which adds to why it is much more difficult to kick than any other drug outside of maybe nicotine or alcohol (alcohol withdrawals can kill you, as it is literally a poison trying to leave through your every pore and bloodstream). As for using opiates in moderation, I once thought I could. I started using once a month, once a week, and it eventually turned into everyday. Maybe there are people that can use in moderation, but I don't know of any who enjoyed it that could. You can try, but eventually you'll find that when it comes to opiates its all or nothing. Either you stay away from it altogether (the wise thing to do), or you keep "dabbling" and it'll eventually turn into everyday use, even if you're fortunate enough to be one of us functional addicts. People really don't know whether or not they have an addictive personality until they find that they've become a statistic themself. When it comes to meth and uppers, I was never a fan of it. If I was using meth instead of opiates and have been addicted for as long as I have, I'd have rotted teeth and look about 90 years old by now. Honestly, I can say that's the main reason why I don't use it. Meth has a knack for damaging your physical appearance immensely and even if you were to quit, all that damage can't be reversed. Call me vain, but physical appearance matters to me. Opiates might make you look sickly and tired, but at least if you get clean that goes away.

Exactly. I've been using for several years and I look better than ever, unless I am in withdrawal - I become skin and bones for that time, but I recover my weight quick when I get my dope together again, and get back to my healthy lifestyle and yoga. The real problem is maintaining the constant, very demanding supply. It should just be legal! There would be NO problem then. I'm low right now and it is killing me. I haven't slept in the past two days, I'm not eating, I feel like slitting my wrists I really do but of course I won't because I know there is always more dope to sniff.

On meth, it's like the destruction happens when you're using and there is a (much, much less severe) withdrawal to boot. It also causes brain damage and all sorts of organ damage that opiates simply don't. I'm as healthy as I've ever been so long as I have my fix. I would argue than I am healthier than when I was ripping bong all day. But no matter who you are, there is gonna come a point when you run out and it sucks.

Nobody knows, sometimes I look like skin and bones when I'm trying to kick for whatev reason, but I recover my weight quick. 4 years of chronic opiate abuse, and nobody has a damn clue. Had a girlfriend I lived with, she didn't have a clue for the first 3 years. If I am doing meth it is always way more obvious that I am high on something. No matter how high I have ever been on opiates, I've pretty much always been able to hide it if required unless combined with too many benzos.

I don't want to fuck with my heart and shit like that. I'll take the horrific, miserable, torture hell of opiate withdrawal and I use meth very rarely. It's nothing to me. But damn do I ever need a fix right now. It's driving me completely fucking crazy and there's a danger in that too. Even if you have the money, you need reliable connects. And I can't lift a finger in opiate withdrawal for 10 days at this point, even if I'm still taking shit like percocets that used to get me high but I can barely feel anymore.

I am def a functional junkie. I have chronic spine pain and could hardly walk as a young adult before I got on the stuff. Opiates have a way more important medical use too. Cure for pain.
Methacodone, I can honestly say X is one drug I haven't tried. I was always hesitant about it, given that without a testing kit you never really know what you're getting (H where I live, if you can find it at all, is usually pretty cut up too). I wouldn't want to try X unless I knew it was pure MDMA (or at least cut with some good H). Have you ever tried pure MDMA? If yes, what was it like?
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I've been using both for about 3-4 years now and have experienced withdrawals from both, but definitely consider myself a heroin addict, that's definitely my drug of choice. My only input on the subject is meth withdrawal makes you tired and lethargic and you sleep a lot compared to H withdrawl where you can't eat or sleep for days, can't keep still, vommiting, the runs and basically want to jump out of your skin. I think it's pretty obvious which is worse, but that's just my opinion of course.
Obviously you're going to have individual variances especially depending on usage level over time, but IME I can barely remember a good heroin high, and yet I still will get a meth craving on a regular basis.

I have also found that recovery from opiates, while taking forever, seems to be more "complete". I do not feel like my memory or psychological health has ever truly bounced back post-meth.