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Henry 1/8th: Version 3

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^ Yeah, I'm just getting over a chest infection & trying to hold in pipe/bong hits is a bitch. Constantly on the verge of coughing all the smoke out!
^ Yeah, I'm just getting over a chest infection & trying to hold in pipe/bong hits is a bitch. Constantly on the verge of coughing all the smoke out!

I am giving up smoking of all kinds now, gunna buy a vape in a few weeks but in the meantime I'm having a break. Woke up yesterday with a pain in my left lung and was unable to get a proper breath, went to docs (cost 100€ for appointment and prescription!!! insane!) and have been put on a course of antibiotics and steroids, my doc in London told me to quit months n months ago as i could be getting early symptoms of copd :s, yesterday evening I was lying on my side and hit my back in hope i could unblock my lungs and i coughed up some blood, not a load but the worrying thing was i was able to breathe a big breath again.
So I'm kind of shitting myself as i have had a cough for ages and never got it checked out! hopefully stopping smoking will reverse all this and I wont have this worry that I'm literally killing myself for a bong or spliff!

Annoyingly I just got a q of dutch amnesia haze yesterday too and am unable to smoke! so in the jar it went and it should be cured like a fine wine by the time i get a vape and my lungs feel better :)
^ Fuck man. That's some scary shit! Hope you're alright & the damaged lung repairs itself fast. I've never coughed up a significant amount of blood but i know for sure it would put the shits up me if I did.
Enjoy vaping when you feel better. I'm not a massive fan of vaporizers but there's a nice taste off them with nice weed.
Annoyingly I just finished a Q of dutch amnesia haze (which was lovely btw) but I have some powerplant & a rake of cannabinoid blends so its all good! %)
^ Fuck man. That's some scary shit! Hope you're alright & the damaged lung repairs itself fast. I've never coughed up a significant amount of blood but i know for sure it would put the shits up me if I did.
Enjoy vaping when you feel better. I'm not a massive fan of vaporizers but there's a nice taste off them with nice weed.
Annoyingly I just finished a Q of dutch amnesia haze (which was lovely btw) but I have some powerplant & a rake of cannabinoid blends so its all good! %)

Fuckin right man, scared the fuck outta me, to be honest, being unable to take a full breath was scaring the shit outta me! no more smoking for me, not worth feeling like this! I'm sure I will enjoy vaping when I get one,with the money I save from tobacco I may be able to splash out on a volcano :D

Luckily I'm feeling much better today and I'm into my 2nd day smoke free :)
Got some pretty nice exodus cheese x Skunk #1. It is £35 an 1/8 though, The thing that gets me is as posters have said there is hardly any price breaks. Must mean more work for dealers having to bang out loads of little £10 - £20 deals.
Got some pretty nice exodus cheese x Skunk #1. It is £35 an 1/8 though, The thing that gets me is as posters have said there is hardly any price breaks. Must mean more work for dealers having to bang out loads of little £10 - £20 deals.

Not exactly hard work, it just means they have to multiply £35 by 4, instead of charging you something sensible for a half oz....fuckin nice work if you can get it
Ordered myself a magic flight launch box earlier, it's going to be my new way of getting high, till I can afford to splash out on a volcano that is, not smoked any tobacco since Thursday and tbh can't say I miss it in the slightest! Which is good :)

Whether I'll be saying that when I'm feeling better is another story though! But so far so good.
Make sure you get some extra batteries for with that MFLB, makes it much better as those stock ones started to drain fast quickly with mine.
Yeah I've got well over a dozen rechargeables for mine, all stripped and taped etc....get the highest powered rechargeables you can find, at least 2600maH...

and you'll want a fast recharger, the recharger they ship with is painfully slow.
I am giving up smoking of all kinds now, gunna buy a vape in a few weeks but in the meantime I'm having a break. Woke up yesterday with a pain in my left lung and was unable to get a proper breath, went to docs (cost 100€ for appointment and prescription!!! insane!) and have been put on a course of antibiotics and steroids, my doc in London told me to quit months n months ago as i could be getting early symptoms of copd :s, yesterday evening I was lying on my side and hit my back in hope i could unblock my lungs and i coughed up some blood, not a load but the worrying thing was i was able to breathe a big breath again.
So I'm kind of shitting myself as i have had a cough for ages and never got it checked out! hopefully stopping smoking will reverse all this and I wont have this worry that I'm literally killing myself for a bong or spliff!

Annoyingly I just got a q of dutch amnesia haze yesterday too and am unable to smoke! so in the jar it went and it should be cured like a fine wine by the time i get a vape and my lungs feel better :)

That dosen't sound good man, try not to worry to much though, about 8 years ago when i was smoking a fair bit of crack and weed i used to cough up blood fairly regularly. I stopped smoking crack and cut down on green and i seem to be fine now, i haven't coughed up blood for years. It is fucking scary when you do cough up blood thogh.
Make sure you get some extra batteries for with that MFLB, makes it much better as those stock ones started to drain fast quickly with mine.

Yeah I've got well over a dozen rechargeables for mine, all stripped and taped etc....get the highest powered rechargeables you can find, at least 2600maH...

and you'll want a fast recharger, the recharger they ship with is painfully slow.

Fair play, I shall order some now, Come to think of it my bro has a ton of em for xbox controllers so I will nick a few of them.

That dosen't sound good man, try not to worry to much though, about 8 years ago when i was smoking a fair bit of crack and weed i used to cough up blood fairly regularly. I stopped smoking crack and cut down on green and i seem to be fine now, i haven't coughed up blood for years. It is fucking scary when you do cough up blood thogh.

I'm trying not to worry but i haven't treated my lungs very well, they have gotten worse from smoking hash and chasing opium though so i will have to knock all that on the head, and no more bongs :( I will fucking miss em but not worth getting a chronic degenerative illness from.

If i still have this dull ache in my left lung by the time my antibiotics and steroids are finished I'm gunna get a chest xray done, Shitting myself about getting it done though!

Have any of you ever had the feeling that they can sorta feel their lung? its weird but I'm aware of it. its a dull feeling, not painful in the slightest, more like a small muscle spasm but it definitely feels like its my lung :\
Obviuosly definately worth going to the docs but I have had weird twinges near my left lung that freaked me out before. I went to the doctors and she seemed to be not overly concerned and it did go away again. I concluded it was a muscular thing, I think it was from leaning over my keyboard at work.

Magic launch boxes are great, just make sure you use decent batteries. There is a bit of a technique to using them. I press the battery in while looking in the mouth piece and wait till I see some vapour then inhale, I would not use the little straw that comes with it either, it is worth saving the used herbs and making some canna butter or something. They are brilliant to take into clubs to have a crafty smoke. Just fill them up, wrap some sellotape round the lid so the weed doesn't fall out.
^ good haul man :) is the charas proper bendy and flexible after holding in yer hand? ahh man I am going to miss hash :( :( :(
nice bone dry stuff about, great to be back and have the people growing doing better now, but i see a cycle of seedy, then damp, this, then really red hair stuff, then repeat :/ odd but i predict it
Smoked a spliff of this amnesia haze after not smoking for a record 6 days and i am so fucking high its unreal
I am smoking some vapourised weed :(

I keep the spent grounds in a little pot, usually use them for melting dmt onto...

However am deperate.

is a bit odd, its brown and been vaped at 170ish, so there is a very heavy stone there, but I don't know if there's any THC left in it, just CBNs CBDs etc....

Is beter than fuck all.

My weed dealer says i can't have anything now until I return his baggies :) Gonna be Tuesday before i get a smoke...got about 2 stale gingernuts left which I'll split and save for nights so i can sleep at least.....
My weed dealer says i can't have anything now until I return his baggies :)

Yeesh. Nice to see he's doing his bit for the environment.

I love how productive weed makes me. I just cleaned the kitchen. Including the microwave. :D
Caved in yesterday, managed to get hold of a q of outdoor Devon grown weed, bit leafy, but only £40 and very dry....

Quite nice really. Tastes a bit leafy, green tasting, ya know, but very strong....Gone are the days of £100 oz's from the outdoor growers.... :(
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