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Henry 1/8th: Version 3

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Some lovely grass about at the minute and the price is right. Supposedly 'White Shark' but I never bother with strain names, getting loads of kief out of it though and it's a real lovely smoke, nice and dry too so it grinds up great.

Someone made a good point to me the other day about all the Chinese weed doing the rounds. While most drugs have slave trade at some point in the chain, this stuff is from start to finish. So gonah just stop buying it, like everyone did with sprayed weed and hope it disappears. No point giving money to people who use it to lock people up in a house for a grow op. Might be exaggerated slightly, but at least that means I wont feel bad when I sniff a few grams of coke on the weekend eh. There's lovely weed about here that's grown locally, within the country and just beyond, can always tell a massive difference when it hasn't been tumbled like all this stuff, so may as well just buy the better stuff anyway! Stoned rambling...
havent had a smoke in about 2 months now, prices seemed to be going up a lot here, was getting some nice Indian Charas for a while but found it a bit too heavy to smoke all the time.
stared buying scores instead of more as if i got it i'll smoke it, but can resist going out to get more.

got pretty stung yesterday picking up from a friends friend. was only 1.3g (without bag) when i got home, but not very dense so looked alright. which is annoying, as they live very close, will mention it next time and see whats up. it was pretty good weed, but not enough to justify the price.
I've been smoking the dirt hash I had from ages ago. Horrible stuff, doesn't get me stoned, but if I just put a small amount in a joint it's enough to trick my brain into thinking it's not just a re-rolled fag lol. Amsterdam very soon though, flight's early doors in the morning, the hotel is right next to the train station & it happens to also be a cofeeshop, so while my step-dad is carrying the bags up the stairs, I'll be skinning up down the stairs %). That's been at least a week since I've had a decent joint (longest time I can remember in recent history) so it's probably a blessing in disguise. Tolerance will have dropped a bit, the first dooby will blow my head off =D
why is the price jacked up so much when the stuff is everywhere? i would just grow 4 or 5 plants myself in rotation rather than give my hard earned to greedy fuckers
If I had the space I would grow it. Definitely. The prices are silly. The boy I get it off the now (he's been on holiday, hence my lack of weed) does me Q's for £60 (& would do me 8ths for £30 if that's what I wanted) that are always overweight & nice weed but he apologises almost every time for the price he has to charge. He's not growing it & gets charged silly prices himself even on bulk. It's a joke.
why is the price jacked up so much when the stuff is everywhere? i would just grow 4 or 5 plants myself in rotation rather than give my hard earned to greedy fuckers

couple of housemates are weed heads, we're thinking about doing a small grow. one of them is pretty good with electronics, so we may make an LED setup to keep the heat and electricity down.

The prices are silly. The boy I get it off the now (he's been on holiday, hence my lack of weed) does me Q's for £60 (& would do me 8ths for £30 if that's what I wanted) that are always overweight & nice weed but he apologises almost every time for the price he has to charge. He's not growing it & gets charged silly prices himself even on bulk. It's a joke.

my guy does q's for £65, it's really good weed, but the price doesn't go down much if you buy z's. want to find a cheaper guy for large amounts but probably wouldn't save money as i'd just be smoking more.
Tbh I don't even think my guy does Q's normally. I think he usually sells £10/g. He does Qs for me because I'm mates with him, even then I'm only saving a tenner. If I wanted an oz I'd just have to by 4 Q's. I wouldn't get a price reduction, it would be pointless for him.
Yup the price of weed now really takes the piss, it's gone stupid these past few years. I started smoking weed properly around 6 years ago, used to get £130-150 oz's off pretty much everyone. Remember going to Newquay the summer I'd started smoking and we took 3oz between us, it cost us £320. People probably pay that for an oz now in some parts.

couple of housemates are weed heads, we're thinking about doing a small grow. one of them is pretty good with electronics, so we may make an LED setup to keep the heat and electricity down.

I don't know much about indoor growing, but I know that LED's are wank. Get some proper ventilation going and heat shouldn't be much of an issue. Sell a couple of oz or so and you'll pay for your leccy.

I've just chopped 3 KC33 I've been growing outdoors. They were getting raped by mould, otherwise they could have done with another couple of weeks really. I'm pretty disappointed, I reckon I'll only get around 3oz when its dried. Still it looks like good bud, and its saved me around £500.
I had another plot which got ripped a couple of week ago, that had 15 plants in it and would have kept me in bud all year around, whilst making me a few quid selling good organic weed to mates. I was fucking pissed when that went. Still you live and learn, I won't stick 15 plants in the same plot next year. I've already got some Purple Maroc & The Church seeds. I'm also gonna go with some Danish genetics from hybrids from hell, from what I've read they look to be really early finishers. Hashplant 2's meant to be as good as any weed you'll find on this planet, and I've seen reports were it was ready mid August. Won't get no mould on those bitches! Now hurry up and dry KC33, I want some free shmooooke!
Just noticed this..

i against i...

listen to dan88.

LED's are wank, the only people singing their praises are the manufacturers, their mates, or twats who've never used them or grown weed but have read shit on the interweb. If you used enough LEDs to actually get a reasonable crop you'd end up using as much leccy, and creating as much heat as if you'd just gone for a proper HPS setup.
I don't know much about indoor growing, but I know that LED's are wank. Get some proper ventilation going and heat shouldn't be much of an issue. Sell a couple of oz or so and you'll pay for your leccy.

LED's are wank, the only people singing their praises are the manufacturers, their mates, or twats who've never used them or grown weed but have read shit on the interweb. If you used enough LEDs to actually get a reasonable crop you'd end up using as much leccy, and creating as much heat as if you'd just gone for a proper HPS setup.

fair enough i'll talk to them about that. i know nothing about LEDs, does it make a difference if making your own grow light?
just got a tidy hash deal of a matey i ain't seen for 2 years at least . it's nicer than the grade i have got . lot cheaper 2
fair enough i'll talk to them about that. i know nothing about LEDs, does it make a difference if making your own grow light?

Likely to be more expensive as you aren't buying 1000s of LEDs at a time like the manufacturers of these things, if you're after low wattage lights go with CFLs, lower powered ones can basically touch the plants without burning them.

Weed in cardiff is dire. 0.8/9s of damp stuff for a tenner and I haven't found anyone who does qs or half weights, probably for the best as it makes me lazy as hell and I need to do uni work really.
CFLs are shit as well, if the job's worth doing it's worth doing right.
CFLs are shit as well, if the job's worth doing it's worth doing right.

I agree HPS or metal halide are the best but CFL's aren't THAT bad.
I have done a few grows using them and I was impressed. I'm on about the 300w buggers though.

HPS is superior but not having to cool the room makes things nice and simple. The bud grows less dense than under HPS though.
Once you're using 300w though, the appeal of using less electricity is gone, so all you have left is the fact that they run cooler. For me, that is not nearly enough to compensate for the sparse, fluffy little excuses for buds that you end up with.
Once you're using 300w though, the appeal of using less electricity is gone, so all you have left is the fact that they run cooler. For me, that is not nearly enough to compensate for the sparse, fluffy little excuses for buds that you end up with.

Yeah I get what yer saying but they are really handy for little grows in a small amount of space where even a small HPS would damage the plants without good ventilation and cooling. TBH these days if I was going to grow again the cfl's would be used as side lighting and have a 600w hps above.

I really miss growing!
Hahaha ahh, I have some really nice hash but not much of it so wouldn't be too photogenic unfortunately.
Getting a nice bit of lemon and amnesia haze hopefully in the next day or so, all this hash is making me cough like fuck!
getting consistently nice weed, loads of shotters so mostly nearby.

got a cold tho, which sucks major dick.
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