help im fat

its quite disheartening to see guys here giving " advice " yet totally skip over my post SMFH
My body is similar even though I have the same weight as Roger Federer (85kg) and very high fitness due to all the exercise that I do, my body keeps carrying around weight because I have such a high appetite. I spent the last 10 years sitting around the house in front of my computer. If you work from home you tend to spend more time thinking about food than in other professions. I look like you I have fat around the stomach and thinking ways what I could do to lose the gyno. Aromasin is a good pill but price tag is pretty steep where i live.

You basically need a stimulant drug. just taking androgenic compounds isnt going to work and taking anti-androgens could leave you in even worse shape. What you need to do is find some kind of a diet pill. Clenbuterol is quite popular among bodybuilders if you can find that but alot of the products available are prohibited. Where are you going to find phentermine for example it probably has to be flown in on a plane from Mexico or some such place. Maybe buy some Asenlix.
My body is similar even though I have the same weight as Roger Federer (85kg) and very high fitness due to all the exercise that I do, my body keeps carrying around weight because I have such a high appetite. I spent the last 10 years sitting around the house in front of my computer. If you work from home you tend to spend more time thinking about food than in other professions. I look like you I have fat around the stomach and thinking ways what I could do to lose the gyno. Aromasin is a good pill but price tag is pretty steep where i live.

You basically need a stimulant drug. just taking androgenic compounds isnt going to work and taking anti-androgens could leave you in even worse shape. What you need to do is find some kind of a diet pill. Clenbuterol is quite popular among bodybuilders if you can find that but alot of the products available are prohibited. Where are you going to find phentermine for example it probably has to be flown in on a plane from Mexico or some such place. Maybe buy some Asenlix.

he doesnt NEED any stimulants...weight loss comes from exercise and diet
and dont advocate something not using a domestic source if the person does decide to seek out some kind of contraband
Dunno if this dude is even around anymore. But what exactly do you do beside taking test and GH?
What exactly are you eating and what do you do for you work out and cardio?
My body is similar even though I have the same weight as Roger Federer (85kg) and very high fitness due to all the exercise that I do, my body keeps carrying around weight because I have such a high appetite. I spent the last 10 years sitting around the house in front of my computer. If you work from home you tend to spend more time thinking about food than in other professions. I look like you I have fat around the stomach and thinking ways what I could do to lose the gyno. Aromasin is a good pill but price tag is pretty steep where i live.

You basically need a stimulant drug. just taking androgenic compounds isnt going to work and taking anti-androgens could leave you in even worse shape. What you need to do is find some kind of a diet pill. Clenbuterol is quite popular among bodybuilders if you can find that but alot of the products available are prohibited. Where are you going to find phentermine for example it probably has to be flown in on a plane from Mexico or some such place. Maybe buy some Asenlix.

As said, you don't need a stimulant or drugs. You've identified your problem: (1) overeating, (2) sedentary job.

The solution is either to eat less (or eat better, more filling fibrous low-calorie density foods), or to take even more exercise, move around more while working - get up every few minutes to walk, drive less etc. Or preferably a combination of both.
One quick point. The picture posted is not 19% body fat. It's in excess of 30% for sure. Beyond that, it's hard to nail down body fat. Abdominal distention with a pronounced gut is always 30%+.

Dropping to sub-30% body fat is a health priority. It's also easy to put into practice. Start taking walks, switch beverages to water. Take out one meal or snack from your day... etc.
Any new progress pics OP?
Seems to me one can only make progress from where you are. If test is making you fat, then why not stop taking it?
Hi guys.....Listen, I believe this guy. I am going through the same thing....I am not a body builder, but was married to one...I understand the lifestyle etc...I cannot lose weight. I am eating Ketogenicly now....I have tried everything. My weight will not budge. I am going for blood tests.... I haven't tried amphetamines, but am at the end of my rope at this point.

Im sure this post is old, but it caught my attention.
I dont recall every bumping into someone who really can make no change in their body
Ive seen people who have a very hard time putting on weight more so then ive seen someone who has problem losing weight

But short of something wrong with the person themselves there normally always something being left out or not done
NeighborMike....I would've so agreed with you about 10 mos ago. I really don't know what else to cut out of my diet. It really is a mystery, the bulk of my diet is baby spinach.....and I'm not eating that anymore.

I have an enlarged thyroid...I was thin ten mos ago. Then put on weight, and I know why, it's not unexplained weight gain. I cut every single thing out. So, I am going for blood tests to see if my thyroid or if it's hormonal or what. I honestly am not cheating, and cut calories etc. I know how to be thin and have lost weight when I was overweight as a teenager, after I had my daughter, etc.

I get what you're saying....and keep saying "I have to be doing something wrong"...but I tweaked and tweaked and re-tweaked...keep track of everything. So if I can't lose weight eating 4 eggs a day, a 3oz serving of a meat....drinking diet green tea, then yes, I am doing something wrong Believe me when I say it's time to have a blood test...this has been horrible. What I don't need is someone to tell me "it must be the person"....I need the support to say "don't quit, you will eventually figure it out".... I have at least a thousand time said those things to myself.

I will give myself credit for not quitting...and not just eating everything and saying "fuck it". I am determined on principle alone at this point, to lose this weight and get to the bottom of this.
NeighborMike....I would've so agreed with you about 10 mos ago. I really don't know what else to cut out of my diet. It really is a mystery, the bulk of my diet is baby spinach.....and I'm not eating that anymore.

I have an enlarged thyroid...I was thin ten mos ago. Then put on weight, and I know why, it's not unexplained weight gain. I cut every single thing out. So, I am going for blood tests to see if my thyroid or if it's hormonal or what. I honestly am not cheating, and cut calories etc. I know how to be thin and have lost weight when I was overweight as a teenager, after I had my daughter, etc.

I get what you're saying....and keep saying "I have to be doing something wrong"...but I tweaked and tweaked and re-tweaked...keep track of everything. So if I can't lose weight eating 4 eggs a day, a 3oz serving of a meat....drinking diet green tea, then yes, I am doing something wrong Believe me when I say it's time to have a blood test...this has been horrible. What I don't need is someone to tell me "it must be the person"....I need the support to say "don't quit, you will eventually figure it out".... I have at least a thousand time said those things to myself.

I will give myself credit for not quitting...and not just eating everything and saying "fuck it". I am determined on principle alone at this point, to lose this weight and get to the bottom of this.

Hi There friend... I believe CFC mentioned in an excellent thread some weeks ago: including the odd cheat meal/day occasionally into your diet protocol to avoid your body downregulating metabolism, and thus managing on less calories than before you started your diet... This might be happening in your case...!!
Yeah i mean if youre having a thryoid problem or some other help problem all the dieting and supplements in the world wont help

also doing like gf helps...i used to diet all the time and never ever cheat, i noticed i got better results i eat a pizza one night out of the week and 6 doughnuts 1 morning out of the week and i notice i respond better
Yeah i mean if youre having a thryoid problem or some other help problem all the dieting and supplements in the world wont help

also doing like gf helps...i used to diet all the time and never ever cheat, i noticed i got better results i eat a pizza one night out of the week and 6 doughnuts 1 morning out of the week and i notice i respond better

Exactly!!! If I had the capability of creating a post about how the metabolic hormones work without sounding like a complete psycho from the way I word things I would try to write one.
Exactly!!! If I had the capability of creating a post about how the metabolic hormones work without sounding like a complete psycho from the way I word things I would try to write one.

Its ok, we accept you for who u are
I've always heard that an overly restrictive diet (too much exercise and/or too few calories) makes weight loss harder in the long run. (Ha! Pun.) I don't know how credible an advice source I am because I've dealt with restrictive eating disorders in my past, but my understanding is that a diet with a lot of fruits and veggies and whole grains and healthy shit like that is kinda the way to go. Not too restrictive, just a lot of the healthy crap. Do you have decent insurance that will cover a nutritionist? A nutritionist, if it's a legitimate option, is a really safe way to gain or lose weight healthily. I've gone to nutritionists before for weight gain back in the old days when my drug of choice was starvation. They were helpful, though!

Don't take amphetamines or anything to lose weight, in my opinion. It's a waste of time and amphetamines.

Hang in there, though! We're all dealing with shit :(.
I've always heard that an overly restrictive diet (too much exercise and/or too few calories) makes weight loss harder in the long run. (Ha! Pun.) I don't know how credible an advice source I am because I've dealt with restrictive eating disorders in my past, but my understanding is that a diet with a lot of fruits and veggies and whole grains and healthy shit like that is kinda the way to go. Not too restrictive, just a lot of the healthy crap. Do you have decent insurance that will cover a nutritionist? A nutritionist, if it's a legitimate option, is a really safe way to gain or lose weight healthily. I've gone to nutritionists before for weight gain back in the old days when my drug of choice was starvation. They were helpful, though!

Don't take amphetamines or anything to lose weight, in my opinion. It's a waste of time and amphetamines.

Hang in there, though! We're all dealing with shit :(.

Sustained periods of hypocaloric eating decreases the concentration of a few metabolic hormones that are secreted from our adipose tissue. Also greatly spikes the hunger hormones ghrelin that is produced in our G.I tract.
Hey Genetic Freak....I have been thinking of you, and too mortified to write a msg to you. I actually, a few mins ago, started a PM to you, and changed my mind...

I can't even cry about it, lol, I'm so f'in mad. I have never had weight on me in my life like this....something I have learned, it is so physically uncomfortable. I am losing hope at ever being thin again.

When I was thin, I didn't do things perfectly, like a lot of you above had said. I would eat some pizza once a week, or whatever. And when I wanted to drop say 10lbs , I just tightened my diet up.

GF, you know the story- briefly (for those that don't know) , about ten mos ago, I was in a situation where I ate a lot of white bread, pasta, rice, etc. And put on a great deal of weight in a 5mos period. I stopped eating all of that, went back into eating low-carb, cheating. I cannot kick start my metabolism for anything.

I don't walk around depressed, nor did I "let myself go" meaning I stopped doing my hair, wearing makeup, etc. But, between all of us, it does really upset me. I look like I eat 4 pizzas a, I finally have to face it, and have blood panels run.

I have every book.. "Protein Power" "Keto Clarity" ...and the list goes on. Thanks for listening to me....I would've well been at my goal weight two months ago. So hey thanks for listening, and the support.

GF, glad you're well Hope your partner is well...I'm sure she is looking amazing as always lol....I have seriously considered amphetamines at this point, but don't think that will end well for me. Thanks again everyone.
And Hahahaha "Someone Who Is Me"...great user name. Cause someone who is me is at their end of their rope and needed that lol.
Hi guys.....Listen, I believe this guy. I am going through the same thing....I am not a body builder, but was married to one...I understand the lifestyle etc...I cannot lose weight. I am eating Ketogenicly now....I have tried everything. My weight will not budge. I am going for blood tests.... I haven't tried amphetamines, but am at the end of my rope at this point.

Im sure this post is old, but it caught my attention.

Yeah see for me I've always been lean my whole entire life but at the same time I had a very fast metabolism till I met my wife haha from age 26 until now at 29 it's been really easy to gain the weight. Amphetamines definitely helped get me to around 4-5% bf and I loved it! But at the same time it's not the healthy choice to use speed to lose weight. Even though it feels good and you're staying active.. it's a bad addiction. Mainly because for me.. I never felt intoxicated or wrecked.. I just felt focused and driven.. like a better version of myself so I was constantly using.. to the point where I would go months without sleep.. literally no sleep because of redosing.. maybe 20 minute naps here and there. I don't even know how I functioned but that was my drug of choice.. and being 3 years sober I still think about it because I miss being 4-5% bf shredded with veins popping out everywhere and I had killer abs. Now I'm killing myself trying to eat as clean as possible just to get down to 10% bf and I'm stuck at 12-13% but it's definitely difficult.. as long as you don't quit and you do your best.. diet is always going to come first along with training! Make sure you're getting proper rest as well!