Help! I was just told 75% of ravers are gay!

You want me to prove that my IQ is 160?
Well, I said I can prove that the test was accurate, and you're just going to have to belive me about the # or I will just keep argiung until you do : )
It doesn't matter about #'s. Living Things made them up. The high IQ level for this world right now is 130
Mine is well over that. I took the same test as everyone else and ranked 160 or above, so there could be no way it's wrong. Lets say it was and I only have a 150. How could that Be?
The actual IQis measured by the test, so this proves that It's right.
So, if it was wrong, which is not possible by my law, then you may have scored a 130, but if I had a 150, then you would have a 120.
Dont you understand?
No matter what, it is still what you think I have. It's a matter on whether your actually dumb enough to think I would come on here and try to get everyone to belive lies.
I know you dont know me but, I am out to get everyone to tell the truth!! I AM out to help you all.
Maybe none of you understand it now, but I AM.
I just went through the worst thing and it had to do with lying. I just have an ultimate care for people to know the truth.
Sorry, if it sounds like bragging sometimes, just dont read the post if you cant stand bragging. I personlly LOVE to hear OTHER people brag too!
Ashke - can you sell me a pound of weed, 800 pills, 5 gallons of G, and 50 vials of K and then CLOSE THIS FUCKING THREAD?!! :)
"Come with me, and we'll be in a world of pure imagination...."
if you hate the thread so much then why do you read it? huh?
no one answers me on this...
I think I know you have OCD, so you should stay away from the drugs and you shouldn't be asking for no pound of weed. You might get lung cancer from that much.
I'll break my silence to let you know that marijuana isn't carcinogenic.
i dont even KNOW what carcinogemic means.
It means Cancer producing chemical right?
If so,
well weed has OVER 4000 different chemicals in it while cigarettes only have 2000
Weed causes lung cancer MUCH quicker than cigarettes. I joint is like an AVERAGE of 20 cigarettes on your lungs.
If you dont belive that then ask ANY doctor or marijuana specialist. You are in major denial of your life if you dont belive it.
mr sticky--
No wonder you're not arguing with me anymore, because you knew you couldn't win!
You tried as hard as you could and turned out nothing.
You wrote a post that probably took you an hour. Then I came back with AN EVEN BIGGER POST and beat you. And I KNOW you read it. It was on this thread. If you scroll up....
I busted EVERYTHING you said. So, why dont you say sorry, now and we can forget about this whole thing and make up?
(your favorite bluelighter, dj skinny gee)
Oh yea stick, read the BOTTOM of page three, and you'll see that's where I bust you on the weed causing cancer....
I had no idea that the thread moved to a different page....
dj skinny fucking gee
I cannot believe this thread is still open!!
People's sexcual preference is a non-issue and quite frankly this thread is waste of valuable bandwidth.
Will some moderator please close the thread down!
"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly
moderators: pleeease, don't close the thread. it's so entertaining, i enjoy it more than watching tv. and skinny's posts are really something <lol>. i really love them! sometimes i wonder if bluelight is paying him to write that stuff <grin>
no more tv,
bluelight is all you need!
Yea, we are in on a secret deal...
They're paying me 50 dollars an hour to do this crap...(to keep you guys entertained half the time)
Just kidding! I explain in some other posts why I sit around all day and argue.
I think the Post was called "Help, friend talks toomuch while rolling!"
Some B/L user had told me to "Get a Life" and then you can read my responses......
All i can say is BUMP mother fuckin BUMP..
I rolling my ass off. i wish. yea yea yea moderation is the key
Any guy who has to announce that he is straight and be outspoken on the whole "I'm not gay" thing. Really is trying to fight his own homosexual feelings. I mean what are you afraid of that you will turn gay if you see another guys dick or if a guy hits on you. Just admit your feelings and be true to yourself. Me myself I love everyone. Personally I perfer vagina but I think long strong E hugs are good from anyone. Feeling loved is not a Heterosexual thing.
roll me up--
Let me prove this to you once and for all
First of all, you're a waste of my time to "argue" with. You have determined somewhere in your past that quantitative writing has greater validity than qualitative writing. Whatever, that's your choice...but I chose to no longer play your game.
However, I will attempt to correct you on factual information when you are incorrect, since this board's primary function is to educate those who look for and/or need it. This board's secondary function is to provide a place to make love to the sound of your own voice, which is apparently the source of your overwhelming interest. Granted, I too often post for the sheer amusement, but I try to be as helpful, and factual, as possible when it is needed.
I no longer care to discuss opinions or emotions with you since it's obvious we don't see eye to eye on most of them. In fact, I no longer even care if you cover the board in your grandiose declarations of how "brilliant" you are. More than anything (and that includes "sparring" with you) I want people to be fully informed of the drugs they consume.
Unfortunately for the knowledge seeking masses, you feel the need to impart erroneous information, regardless of the genuine nature or intent of your posts. You flagrantly disregard the concept of dispensing FACTUAL information, opting instead to take raw data, then erroneously analyzing it and concluding incorrect or misleading statements. That, Skinny, is dangerous ground.
well weed has OVER 4000 different chemicals in it while cigarettes only have 2000
It doesn't matter how many chemicals exist in it, it matters what those chemicals are and whether or not they vacate the lungs when you exhale.
The cancerous agent in tobacco and marijuana smoke is benzopyrene. Although it causes cancer, it requires repetative and excessive exposure over the period of years to begin to form pre-cancerous growths. Please see further below how this is more dangerous in cigarettes than marijuana.
Weed causes lung cancer MUCH quicker than cigarettes. I joint is like an AVERAGE of 20 cigarettes on your lungs.
Show me one respected study...just one, that backs up this claim (the cancerous aspect). Until you do, I will take this as one more example of your baseless bravado.
True, there are more tars/compounds in marijuana smoke than in tobacco smoke, but these encourage emphezema, bronchitis, and pnuemonia; this isn't an indicator that marijuana is cancerous. In fact, being a bronchial dilator, marijuana effectively removes most of its own carcinogenic's essetially self-cleaning when it comes to its cancerous components. Cigarettes are not bronchial dilators and their carcinogenic components are not expectorated when you exhale...they become permanent residents in your lungs.
If you dont belive that then ask ANY doctor or marijuana specialist. You are in major denial of your life if you dont belive it
Have you actually talked to a "marijuana expert?" I'm not asking this for the sake of the eternal pissing contest of which you seek, I'm asking this for the sake of the marijuana smokers out there; it's better to know the truth than to attempt to "win" an argument, which seems to be your main goal in life. Just for a moment, stop despising me and think of the people out there that need to know the CORRECT information.
Ya see, Skinny, I used to be one of the two leaders of The Hemp Coalition on NCSU's campus aout 7 years ago...I actually researched this stuff for about 8 months, giving me greater knowledge on this subject than the average medical doctor. Have you put any where near that effort into it, or are you just repeating what somebody told you? Again, think of the philanthropic nature of this discussion and not your own ego. My pride and yours are not what's at stake here...people's health is.
Some quotes for your own edification:
When mice with implanted lung cancer tumors were given THC and other major ingredients of marijuana, tumor growth was slowed down and these test animals lived longer than those that did not receive these active cannabinoids.
This is thought to be an effective counterbalance to the limited exposure to benzopyrene that regular users of marijuana face. The one essentially cancels out the other.
A recent study reported results that suggested marijuana users face a higher risk of cancer than normal. You should know that the same journal which published this study also published in the same issue a study that found a greater risk of the *same types of cancer* in users of birth control pills. Many in the scientific community have denounced both these studies as statistical manipulation and as utter nonsense. Drug war supporters, however, have embraced this study as proof of the dangers and inherent evil of cannabis.
A study suggesting that the THC in marijuana may promote a carcinogenic effect flies in the face of Louis S. Harris's findings in Analgesic and Anti-Tumor Potential of The Cannabinoids that delta-8 THC, delta-9 THC and cannabinol are quite active as anticancer agents.
At the time of Harris's research, no anticancer agent that was much more potent than delta-9 THC existed and no compounds differentiated between tumour and normal cells the way delta-9 THC does. Considering that delta-9 THC alone increased survival in cancerous rats by 36 per cent, it seems very unlikely that THC promotes carcinogenic effects.
THC's known anticarcinogenic properties are probably the reason the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, has never been able to trace any cancers to marijuana use.
Okay, now that I've posted this I want to clear up something: I specifically stated that marijuana doesn't cause cancer...I mentioned nothing about the effects of SMOKING it. Repeated inhalation of any burning substance is inherently bad for your respiratory system, but that still doesn't mean it causes cancer. In fact no known study has ever conclusively proven marijuana adversely affects your health in the slightest if you EAT it. Even the death of brain cells is attributed solely to the inhalation of carbon monoxide which replaces oxygen in your hemoglobin...effectively starving your brain.
I will add this as well: smoking spliffs, joints, bones, or blunts is less healthy than smoking through a water bong, since water helps to filter out a sizable portion of the tars and impurities of marijuana. It's easier on your throat and lungs and will limit your exposure to benzopyrene, as the average smoker pulls only a few tubes while the same user would take many puffs off a joint or bowl. BTW, there are no known increasd effects from holding a toke for a period of time...the process only causes a head rush and increases your exposure to the benzopyrene and other tars.
Is smoking marijuana unhealthy? yes; is it cancerous? NO. Perhaps this will be reversed in time, but as to date, there has been no cancer in marijuana users that can be attributed to solely marijuana use. In fact, in a couple of major studies, the marijuana using group actually had FEWER incidences of cancer than the control group did.
"...I guess it was the beatings [that] made me wise..."
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 31 July 2000).]
Finally Mr. Sticky, you made a post where NOT EVERYHTING WAS WRONG in it!
Well this arguemnt that we are in now is a matter of OPINION.
It is NOT KNOWN FOR SURE that MArijuana causes definit lung cancer but it's completely obvious that it does.
Get real though, HArdly anyone eats the shit. Everyone smokes and that was what i have been talking about.
So, you asked me if I just heard this info I gave or If I studied it.
Well both.
I have heard from a number of Doctors that weed causes lung cancer.
I have also heard from a number of potheads that it does not cause cancer.
BUT I have studied it myself for well over 8 months, (i think thats how long you say you studided it for)
I'd say that i studied it for about 5 years.
Yep, its TRUE
Also you say its Quality not Quanity.....
Well, my posts are better quality than your too! BEcause mine aren't half wrong like yours.
And I make it clearly stated that I DO NOT RECCOMEND ecstasy or any other drug.
So, how can you say that my posts will lead to dangerous use? I'd REALLY liek for you to explain better. Well you already explained, so you dont have to but you're jsut not getting the picture here.
I only tell advice from my own exp. usualy.
This is to ENSURE that it iis 100% accurate.
I dont steer anyone in the wrong direction.
I hope you can understand.
How odd, it should be- that I come across this thread after such an apt experience at the w/end.
I should have quit rollin' by now- but dropped a single pill on Saturday (some of us never learn)- and while I did, I was chatting to a guy- so obviously homosexual.. I found out, later that night, he rather liked the looked of me.. For reasons, unknown to me- I walked up to him and requested a kiss.
I am not, nor have any intentions of becoming gay (maybe bi.. hmm) but anyone who uses XTC must have the attitude of open mindedness- how else can you enjoy the drug to it's fullest?
Get those chips of shoulders- do what you want- leave others to express PLUR how they want to. Welcome to the new millenium-
"In the future, there won't be such things as girls- or boys- just wankers.." - Trainspotting.

You've STUDIED it for 5 years? Actually studied for 5 straight years? That's an awful lot of effort for the limited (and hardly scientific) knowledge you imparted...perhaps if you spent a little LESS time studying.

BTW, don't trust what doctors say about long term effects of drug consumption, trust the institutions that have actually studied them. Doctors aren't exactly the most infallible people in reference to drug studies.
And to respond to the rest of your post, I don't recommend taking drugs either...what I recommend is this: if you are GOING to do the drug anyway, learn the positive and negative repercussions of those substances.
Lying about a drug (or giving false or misleading information) is the same path our government has taken to keep kids off drugs, and is why many of those same kids now no longer trust anything the government has to say. I'm not saying that overstating the negative traits of a drug is bad for the audience's health...I'm saying that it is bad for their peace of mind.
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 31 July 2000).]
wow. wow!
what a thread. we should really open up an archive of bluelight classics and throw this one in (or is there already an archive??). thanks for pointing it out to me sticky, i don't think i've ever read every single post in a four page thread before.
a few random thoughts since i don't have the patience to post with logical flow and complete sentences

- 160 IQ heh. . . more proof that damn test is inherently flawed
(ps. the internet versions where you practice a dozen times before taking your highest score are only accurate +/- 160 IQ points 9 times out of 10)

-you're cute heh, show me a picture dude. i'm pretty curious by now just how cute you are since you've mentioned it about a dozen times now. so go on, post a pic of yourself. you're so into "proof" that i'm sure you can understand all of our desire to have "proof" of how hunky you claim to be. hell, maybe if you're cute enough i'll pop a pill, become gay. . . and we can go off into the sunset and live happily ever after

ps. i consider myself cute too, so we'll be the cutest couple on the beach and no doubt get hit on by tons of FAGS (we only call them fags because they're rude) who we'll take home to our cute little beachhouse decorated in pink.
- what the hell is this absolute devotion that you have to "proof". someone of your intellect should surely realize that there are different levels of epistemological certainty. sure some things can be proven when there are widely agreed upon laws which govern their existence (ex. 2+2=4, provable because we agree on the rules of the game beforehand), but to think that everything is "provable" is pretty damn funny. and to go about trash-talking about how you've "proven things" when all you've done is call people names and speak from your obviously stunted experience is absolutely gut-busting

-what else? ah right, calling pinger rude because he couldn't stand your cluelessness, that was another highlight for me. you pull off that whole "righteous indignation" thing pretty well. and demanding that he apologize to you. . . well that was just the cherry on top of the cake for me

keep up the good work

"My, you sure seem to be enjoying your chemicals lately" -- Brand-x's mom
[This message has been edited by brand-x (edited 31 July 2000).]
another thing:
-5000 bpm. five thousand beats per minute??? are you serious? what exactly does that sound like? i'm at work here so i can't listen to the mp3, but holy shit! how exactly do you make music that's that fast? what kind of equipment? i'm genuinely curious here. also, do you dance to it or does it just cause automatic grand mal seizures and everyone flops around like dead fish in time to the music