Hello and an MDPV Question



1. Does the mixture need to oscillate between bubbling (boiling) and settling, or can it just be kept static at a fixed temp, say 205°?

2. How do you have people without a sensitive scale measure out 5mg? My scale can't accurately measure that low.


The mixture needs to oscillate.

If you don't have sensitive enough scales, then weigh out 160 mg. Eyeball one half of the pile and divide in half. Take one of the separated piles and do it again. And again, and two more times (for a total of five times.) You will be left with a very close aporoximation of 5 mg.
Ok, yea, playing the dividing game is the only other way I could think of.

Glassware to arrive anyday now... I'm aching to get cooking :)
Just caught up with the thread since my post on the first page. I'm glad you've stuck around Stuffmonger, this thread is the most interesting i've ever read on BL, possibly the internet.

Too all those claiming you're a shill and full of shit, I really can't see why you'd go through the effort to try and help everyone, answer questions, and even post pictures of your lab & home (very jealous btw)

I will be trying your method in the not to distant future, when I get around to ordering some PV, until then i'll enjoy reading what's to come and hope you continue to frequent the board.
5mg or so is a good starter dose for chasing any form of peevee. Tends to rise fairly rapidly but 5mg is the best starting point, I'd say.
Oh fuck, here we go again. Makua...Bra, I expected a litttle more from you...if you read the thread you'd know what Stuff and some others had to say about this topic. Don't mention that fuckin shit. It's pure shit as per Stuff.

The picture in the first post on this thread shows a green oil that is heavier than water(assuming that's what's in there). I thought you said the "heavy oil" is supposed to be egg yolk yellow.
Oh fuck, here we go again. Makua...Bra, I expected a litttle more from you...if you read the thread you'd know what Stuff and some others had to say about this topic. Don't mention that fuckin shit. It's pure shit as per Stuff.

The picture in the first post on this thread shows a green oil that is heavier than water(assuming that's what's in there). I thought you said the "heavy oil" is supposed to be egg yolk yellow.

It looks yellow-green (mostly yellow) on my screen...
condensed from: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=541627

1-Dissolve the white pv in distilled water (about a cup per gram)
2-Add an amount of baking soda equivalent to three-quarters of the amount of PV
3-Heat in water basin until bubbles, remove from heat and agitate gently to release oils, when calmed return to heat
4-Repeat until an egg yolk colored oil is formed at the bottom or under surface of water
5-Take the flask out, VIOLENTLY agitate the mixture for a minute (until the dark yellow globule is mixed in) then immediately pour into flat dish
6-Put a fan on full speed at the substance and wait for it to dry
7-Scrape up substance, add a small amount of water and leave to dry again repeating until the tan colour develops,
8-Dry completely, scrape from dish, chop into a fine powder, enjoy


Detailed Process Description:

1. Dissolve the white pv in distilled water (about a cup/300ml per gram). A flask is good but if you don't have one then use a tall, clear glass. Although, the wider the flask, the shorter the time (generally) I would recommend a more narrow flask at first - easier to see the yellow globules in the precipitate. A large test tube is the easiest by far, and would probably guarantee a better result for the beginning cook. Put the test tube in a glass to keep the tube kind of upright.

2. Add an amount of baking soda equivalent to three-quarters of the amount of pv.
The fizzing is going to begin immediately on putting in the bicarb, even at room temperature. The fizzing will stop after a few minutes, depending on the shape of your flask. Wider flasks will stop sooner. Test tubes, for example, take forever. When the fizzing stops begin the heating.

3. Heat on the stove in a container inside a pot of water. (Small amounts of water in a pot on a stove change temperatures way too quickly for this process, taking a risk of vaporizing the oils, so make sure you have enough water). To safely do this I would suggest you use a double boiler or place a riser in the pot - a brick, stone - whatever, that you can place your flask (or glass of water and test tube) on, so that you can have sufficient water in the pot.

Don't let the water level in the pot go past halfway up to the water level in your flask. I use a saucepan with enough water to come about halfway up to the water level inside your flask. This way the surface water in the flask doesn't get as hot as the precipitate so there is less chance of boiling off the mdpv initial oil that floats to the top.

I let the water in the pot do a slow simmer, just a degree or two below boiling. If you're not sure, let the pot boil, back off the heat slightly, wait 15 seconds and then insert your flask. Put the flask (or test tube in a glass of water to keep the tube kind of upright and put both) in the pot of water. Just take the test tube out of the glass and put it back in the glass during the process - don't take the glass out, it will take to long to reheat.

When the mixture bubbles take it out. After the first bubbling you will see a light greenish-yellow oil on the surface. This means all is OK so far. Let the water in the pot on the stove cool for a moment. After a minute put your flask back in. When it bubbles again take it out.

As the water in the pot evaporates, add more. About 15 seconds after the first sign of bubbling appears, remove the flask. If it begins a violent bubbling IMMEDIATELY remove the flask. Let it calm down for at least 30 seconds. For larger flasks, leave out longer. Replace the flask.

From 2 to 10 minutes into this process a thin, translucent greenish oil will begin to form on the surface of the solution. When this becomes visible, begin agitating the flask slightly each time you remove it from the heat. Visible bubbles of light green oil will rise to the surface at each agitation. Do not agitate enough to disturb the surface oil. After the oil appears, allow the bubbling to reach a point just south of (below) what you might call boiling each time you heat -- many bubbles simultaneously and a slight surface disturbance from the rising bubbles - but not "boiling".

I don't know your altitude and water boils at lower temperatures at higher altitudes. All of my work has been done at sea level. If the darker yellow globules do not appear with 10 minutes of the last visible rising of the light green oil, shake the whole mixture for 15 or 20 seconds so that the green oil is well mixed in, let the precipitate settle, and then begin the heating/removing process again. You may have to do this "shaking" a few times. This is what I've had to do if the water was less than 190 degrees F during the heating.

4. Continue this process until a globule of dark egg-yoke colored oil appears on the surface of the precipitate at the bottom, or is floating beneath the surface of the water. (This may take quite a while - 45min to 3 hrs - be patient). Batches in which the darker yellow oil globules appear imbedded in the precipitate rather than floating just above it, produce a far more potent and enjoyable end result.

If there is still a greenish oil on the surface of the solution after the heavy yellow globules appear, continue gently heating and agitating until the surface oil is no longer visible, but be cautious. It's easy at this point to destroy the dark yellow globules through vaporization, so don't leave the flask in the water for more than 15 seconds at a time.

****DO NOT TOUCH THE OIL. The oil is dangerous beyond belief. When I first started doing this I accidentally got a few drops on my fingers while handling a used flask and didn't sleep for 4 days. I had visual and auditory hallucinations and the worst paranoia of my life. It's all the bad aspects of white mdpv times a hundred. If you think the comedown from the white mdpv is bad, rub this oil into your skin. You'll be begging for a hundred milligram dose of the white in exchange. Use rubber gloves.****

5. Take the flask out (allow it to cool - stop bubbling) then VIOLENTLY agitate the mixture for a minute (until the dark yellow globule is mixed in) and IMMEDIATELY pour into a shallow, wide dish. The dish should be wide enough that the solution is barely measurable in depth - a few millimeters at most.

6. Place in front of a fan at it's highest setting and let evaporate. If the mixture does not darken slightly during evaporation, then the room temperature is too low. The temperature should be around 85° but no higher then 115° Move to a warmer spot or place in front of a space heater turned to its lowest setting (don't forget the fan - highest setting).

7. After evaporation add more distilled water, just enough to cover the mix, no more (a quarter cup)
When you add water swirl the dish gently. Keep the fan going at full blast the whole time.
Continue this process until you get the color tan you're looking for.


If you do try it, here is what happens (the white HCL is on the right, the precipitate left out for 24 hours in water and air is on the left, the precipitate after 48 hours is in the middle. It continues to degrade all the way through dark brown over the course of a week. The color in the center is what you're looking for in terms of best characteristics. When dried it remains stable):

8. Let dry COMPLETELY. Three days is about perfect for most batches. Just watch the color change. As it continues to darken, take it out and dry it before it turns pure brown. Even at a pure brown it's not bad and a million times better than pv. If it gets a really dark chocolate brown it's not so good.


(shown after 72 hours, bottom scraped away)

9. Scrape the residue on the dish with a razor blade into a fine powder. Enjoy.

Notes on the Process:

This is the quickest and least tedious technique for getting 90% of the Tan pv effects. trust me -- it's still way beyond anything you've imagined.

There are dozens of things that can go wrong during this process - none of them irreversible. And there are a few possible end products that might look like the tan, but aren't (overheating the solution, for example, produces something, after evaporation and drying, that looks exactly like tan mdpv but merely gives massive, incapacitating headaches when bumped -- no euphoria, no high, no hyper-sexuality).

The worst that can happen is that you end up with a substance qualitatively identical to the white HCL that you started with. Unless you way overheat it while precipitating. That will fuck it up and you can't get anything useful back. So give it a try. At the worst you will have wasted time and have to to spend time drying the failed result.

You will notice a change in fragrance from a clinical-chemical smell of the white to a more organic, almost semen smelling substance immediately on adding the bicarb.

If you keep it dry after drying then it's stable for a very long time (at least six months).

From a physical standpoint, the two forms of MDPV are radically different. The HCL is snow white, the freebased is tan to dark brown. The HCl is a fine powder. The tan is clumpy. The Initial oil (pure methylenedioxypyrovalerone) is greenish yellow and lighter than water. This oil, in water an air, over time, turns dark yellow and becomes heavier than water.

The euphoric element of white pv (what little there is), lasts about an hour and a half at best.
The tan pv euphoria, which is indescribably awesome, lasts 5 to 6 hours.
The white pv has limited pro-sexual qualities.
The tan pv is hyper-sexual to the extreme - even to the point of being labeled "perv powder" by many of its users.
The white pv has a horrific comedown.
The tan pv has no noticeable comedown.
A 100 mg single dose [not recommended] of the white will keep you up for 3 days and create paranoia, depression, lethargy, confusion and a host of other negative and dangerous side effects.
A 100 mg dose of the tan [not recommended] will merely guarantee fatigue and sore genitals from non-stop sex and keep you up for 24 hours max.
And you would, quite seriously, run a danger of getting arrested for indecent behavior or molestation if you go out in public after such a dose. (not recommended to wander around in public unattended after an excessive dose of tan pv by the way).
The white pv creates a strung-out, edgy feeling in moderately large doses.
The tan creates a smooth hum.
If you observe people who are on the white pv, there are few smiles after the first hour and a half.
People on the tan pv can't get the smile off of their faces for the full 6 hours - this is a true observation.
The white pv creates a highly elevated heartbeat in any dose above 20 mg.
The tan pv creates only a slightly elevated heartbeat at similar doses.
White pv suppresses appetite.
Tan pv also suppresses appetite, but after a few of days of use, increases appetite enormously.
It's nearly impossible to sleep after large doses of the white without massive ingestion of one of more CNS depressants.
After the eight hour ride of the tan, most people can sleep like a baby (but you of course can't sleep while the tan is "on" during that eight hours).
The only similarities are dosage -- 3mg is more than sufficient for most people for both forms, and a tendency to fiending for both forms.
It's hard to avoid re-dosing with both forms - which, given the potency of both, is highly dangerous - more so with the white, I feel, because of the psychological stresses incurred at high doses.

The end product, as best I can tell contains only 5 or 10 percent of whatever the "Tan" substance is. The remainder is:
1. There's some amount of mdpv contaminant which was unreacted in the freebase process and is still in the HCL form
2. There is some amount of freebase mdpv oil present that was unreacted in whatever process transforms the the mdpv freebase oil (light green - lighter than water) into the darker, heavier oil (yellow - heavier than water) during the long heating process.
3. This darker, heavier oil is apparently the precursor to whatever this Tan substance is, and a very large amount of this oil is not transformed and is still present.
4. The sodium bicarbonate (and the sodium carbonate created through the heating) residue is substantial.
This technique is not perfect but will give you an end product that's still awesome and has few pv negative effects. The dosage requirements will be higher than normal because you will have some baking soda and other odds and ends mixed in with the end product (none of it, apparently, harmful or unpleasant).


Anal dose (plugging) recommended, start with 3mg and work up, if insufficient, bump a little more.
About 5mg is a good hit for a new user. 10mg is a questionable hit. 20mg is scary. This is highly potent. Don't eyeball dosage, but 3 mg of this is not much larger than a pinhead. Always weigh it and never do more than 3mg at a time. If you plug it - take care: I believe the effects are far more pronounced and the dosage substantially less. Start with 5mg and work up. Never take more than 10 mg.

Oral dosage. I'm not a fan of taking anything orally, except perhaps a partner's genitalia and whatever food and liquids you can't figure out how to mainline. But-- the times I do dose orally, just to get the numbers down for the rest of you, I find that a minimum of 10mg is necessary for a reasonable effect.

Smoking, not recommended. It quickly destroys the active ingredient.

Insufflated, not recommended.


Notes on Effects

stuffmonger writes:

"The euphoria of the tan stuff is indescribable - better than any drug I've ever had. And the hyper-sexuality is out of this world - way beyond anything else that chemistry has yet given us."

Extreme hyper=sexuality mixed with an awesome euphoria lasting 5 or more hours plus a mild comedown.
Tan is indeed easy on the body

The Tan produces very little vasoconstriction - nowhere near enough to affect male sexual performance [will be able to stay hard] and it brings on an indescribable euphoria - very, very smooth and slow and deep.

1. I don't see any use for it outside of sexual play.

2. I can still get an erection and have normal sex without it.

3. I used it every day for more than two months without ill effect.

4. I've had many days off. I've gone for a month with no intake.

5. No cravings at all

6. Haven't noticed any tolerence buildup. Still take just 5 mg

nunezzorro writes:


Holy fuck, fucking Christ, fucking unbelievable, fucking wordless, fucking amazing, fucking everything. Thank christ I had a girlfriend who joined me. Most of the stuff we did that day we still can't talk about. Can't even look straight at each other while we talk around it. She blushes. I feel ashamed and uncertain. She wonders who I am. I wonder who she is. We wonder what the fuck happened. It was awesome. And scary. And unsettling. But we sure as fuck want more.

I am not gay, have never been gay, men don't turn me on, I'm not interested. But if I didn't have a female partner I know, fact, straight up, I would have gone down to a gay bar with a sign around my neck that said "Will pay $100 for every dick I can suck". Weird man!!! I can honestly, actually see how stuffmonger's friends wanted to fuck his dogs. I swear I could have done it. Two days later I was still fantasizing about the strangest, most ridiculous sexual things. Even now my mind is still affected.

This is some scary, fucked up, wild, wonderful shit and my hat is fucking OFF to Stuffmonger.

I am going to attempt trying this today with 500mgs. :)
Stuffmonger: See if you had to stop the process in the pan half way through cos someone arrived will that effect it?

I really hope not! Was looking good!
Oh fuck, here we go again. Makua...Bra, I expected a litttle more from you...if you read the thread you'd know what Stuff and some others had to say about this topic. Don't mention that fuckin shit. It's pure shit as per Stuff.

The picture in the first post on this thread shows a green oil that is heavier than water(assuming that's what's in there). I thought you said the "heavy oil" is supposed to be egg yolk yellow.

Shitty camera. It really is egg yolk yellow.

I'm going to remove the entire first post, I think, because after I edited out the process it's still confusing to people and people are wanting to try to duplicate it.


You mentioned the "Ultimate Sextacy"... I've seen it's proposed that this is also MDPV (unknown source). I presume you would have a different opinion... what do you think is in it?

A packet of it just happened to come w/ an order :)

If a packet came with an order then you can prove very quickly that it's not mdpv, even though all the lab tests show positive for pv.

Try to dissolve it in water. Remove the solution and let it evaporate. There will be absolutely nothing in the evaporate. So absolutely nothing in the package is water soluble. All known salts of pv (mdpv hcl for example) are highly water soluble. So it can't be a salt. Therefore, if it is not a salt, it must be the freebase. But pv freebase is an oil. There is no oil in the packet. It cannot possibly contain mdpv, even though the substance screens as pv.

I discussed this at length earluer in the thread and don't want to repeat it.

Stuffmonger: See if you had to stop the process in the pan half way through cos someone arrived will that effect it?

I really hope not! Was looking good!

I would start over if I were you.
Last edited by a moderator:
^ I'm not willing to waste more PV, cos it's already good. Might try this if not 100mg next time. Cheers man
Shitty camera. It really is egg yolk yellow.

I'm going to remove the entire first post, I think, because after I edited out the process it's still confusing to people and people are wanting to try to duplicate it.

If a packet came with an order then you can prove very quickly that it's not mdpv, even though all the lab tests show positive for pv.

Try to dissolve it in water. Remove the solution and let it evaporate. There will be absolutely nothing in the evaporate. So absolutely nothing in the package is water soluble. All known salts of pv (mdpv hcl for example) are highly water soluble. So it can't be a salt. Therefore, if it is not a salt, it must be the freebase. But pv freebase is an oil. There is no oil in the packet. It cannot possibly contain mdpv, even though the substance screens as pv.

I discussed this at length earluer in the thread and don't want to repeat it.

I would start over if I were you.

Last edited by whoremoaning; Today at 04:58..

why the edit if i may ask?
Well, where are all the wild stories? Where did all of the successful posters in this thread go? Surely if you had the "supertan" you'd be posting about your experiences with it and sharing tips on the conversion process. What do you say Whoremoaning? Is it time to declare this thread bullshit and delete the whole thing?
Well, where are all the wild stories? Where did all of the successful posters in this thread go? Surely if you had the "supertan" you'd be posting about your experiences with it and sharing tips on the conversion process. What do you say Whoremoaning? Is it time to declare this thread bullshit and delete the whole thing?

The only person recently who said they tried it (Codders) reported that he was interrupted in mid process - see post above.

Why haven't you tried it? As I said - pv costs next to nothing, is available legally everywhere in the world, except the UK, and the process is trivial. You could easily debunk this whole thread by trying it if you believe it's bullshit. What's the holdup?
The only person recently who said they tried it (Codders) reported that he was interrupted in mid process - see post above.

Why haven't you tried it? As I said - pv costs next to nothing, is available legally everywhere in the world, except the UK, and the process is trivial. You could easily debunk this whole thread by trying it if you believe it's bullshit. What's the holdup?

Stuff...I love this game. Sounds simple, doesn't it...just try it. Well, the fact that the folks that have tried it are no longer posting anything makes me a little suspicious. Makes me NOT want to try it. What happened to them? Are they still alive? Did they get busted? Did they do something crazy and end up in jail? Codders, shed some light on this if you will. Nunezzorro? SDBF? Can't remember the others.

PV is illegal in many places in the US. It was emergency scheduled in Hawaii on Nov. 30, 2010 (carefull Makua) and in other states as well. So Stuff, that's the hold up.
Why are you so keen to get an answer. If the process is successful, in time, people will come forward and say so. If it is not they'll probably be in here even faster to call stuffmonger a liar.
Until then I'll repeat what I've said before

"Until someone makes it and analyses it properly, there won't be a consensus. I suggest people stop worrying about whether stuffmonger has 18 or 19 dogs and whether he knows about the favorski ring-contraction performed by Clostridium botulinum, and either try the experiment themselves or wait until someone qualified and motivated enough to do it themselves does so and tests it."

Lay off until we at least have something to argue about, please.
"Until someone makes it and analyses it properly, there won't be a consensus. I suggest people stop worrying about whether stuffmonger has 18 or 19 dogs and whether he knows about the favorski ring-contraction performed by Clostridium botulinum, and either try the experiment themselves or wait until someone qualified and motivated enough to do it themselves does so and tests it."

I am trying it next week after my supplies arrive and promise to report back. Good fun either way.

@RC: If the super tan is as good as SM claims it is, all of the successful cooks would be too busy perving on house pets and getting emergency dick skin replacement surgery to post on here...ever think about that????
Well, the fact that the folks that have tried it are no longer posting anything makes me a little suspicious. Makes me NOT want to try it. What happened to them? Are they still alive? Did they get busted? Did they do something crazy and end up in jail? Codders, shed some light on this if you will. Nunezzorro? SDBF? Can't remember the others.up.

OK.. seems like you're now implying that anyone who actually tries this gets busted or killed or something worse. How would that happen exactly, without the Bluelight staff handing out IP addresses to the authorities in multiple countries and a co-ordinated worldwide effort to crack down on an essentially legal substance? Makes the 9/11 conspiricy theories sound lame in comparison.

Don't really care to respond further to your questions. Already wasted a lot of time answering them.