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Have you ever done drugs with your dad/mom?

my main aspect is: there is no point in introducing or facilitating drugs in the life of your children

a life without drugs is better than a life with drugs, that's the motto in education, the risks simply don't balance the benefits.

There are ways to use drugs in a responsible manner and take advantage of this fact, but there are thousands of ways that may lead you to unpleasant situations

And no one wants to have the feeling that a substance is necessary to have fun, even if this substance is alcohol. Ask a stoner whether there is fun in a night without weed...

You are acting like if parents pretend drugs do not exist, their children will remain ignorant to their existence.

This is utterly false.

I found it very amusing when my mum got all concerned because we had a chat about what drugs I used in the past and I said well anyone who goes to uni in this country will at least experiment with weed, MDMA, ketamine, possibly acid and shrooms depending on the circle you get into, it's just the culture. She asked specifically about my brother. I said I don't know what drugs he's done (I did, but I ain't no grass) but I'd be very surprised if someone hasn't done MDMA after being at uni for a couple years. She was genuinely shocked lmao.

When we were growing up all my mum told me my whole life was scare stories about how drugs are evil and cut with rat poison and you'll die if you do them even once.

Didn't exactly work out as a way of stopping me from trying drugs did it?

In fact I'd say that attitude made things worse because it was such obvious hyperbole. Once I looked around and saw people casually doing this stuff without all this crazy shit my mum said would happen, I just ignored everything she told me on the topic and experimented with everything.

I think a harm reduction approach is far more sensible. Warn your kids away from the dangerous shit like heroin and meth of course. But if you act like every drug is as bad as heroin they'll quickly learn it isn't true and ignore everything you told them.

If you instead say weed is low risk, MDMA is okay in moderation, be wary of set and setting with psychedelics, and so on, and then warn stay away from this heroin business because it really is bad news - they will listen to you because what you're telling them matches reality.

Drugs exist in the world, you cannot just expect your kids to never learn this. It's like those Catholics who treat sex with the same level of stigma. Well we all know what they say about Catholic schoolgirls don't we?
Used to smoke weed with my dad all the time growing up and gave him some coke a few times. Asides from Cannabis he wasn't huge on drugs in his later years. He used yo trip alot when he was younger but became an alcoholic and that was his drug or choice id say. Miss the dude and wish we could share a joint together once again but he passed on years ago. I don't think smoking pot with your kids is a big deal and it was a bonding experience between the two of us. One time I gave him some MDPV and he got all tweaked out, said that he enjoyed it but when I offered it to him again down the road he declined.

Yeah, my step father.
We smoked crack a few times. I once was drunk and crashing in the couch at my parent place. I saw they scored, so I told my step dad I knew he had lots and I wanted some. Pretty fucked.
My old dear is so straight I don't think she's ever touched anything bar alcohol or nicotine in her life lol. She drinks like once a year.
Used to go mad if I smoked weed in house or garden when I was younger.

The old man on the other hand, me and him have sat and done lines of coke, ketamine, mephedrone, crushed Es, crushed benzos, 4-5 day long speed binges, nitrous, had uncountable smokes when I used to blaze. Got pissed up together even more times than that.
He's a legend in that aspect, I obviously get it from him 😂 as soon as I was a teenager he's always been more of a mate than a dad. Back then it was a special occasion to snort, birthdays or new years etc. Now, for example, I hadn't seen him in about a month and I'd been up on K all night, went round his n he had just got up, very hungover.
We sat n made small talk for about half an hour before we both just came clean we wanted to do a line and he got the coke out and I got the K out and we were sat there around 2pm doing lines of cK and he looked at me n went... "if your mother could see us now" hahahaha
Needless to say they split up when I was very young - they are like polar fucking opposites lol

I'd love to give my mum a line of ket lol it's one of my life goals
I've smoked weed with my dad and drank. He was with me at an AiC concert in 2013 while I tripped balls on shrooms. I've drank with my mom. That's it.
Did some G and alcohol with my Mum a few years back when I took her on holiday. We had a good upbeat happy positive vibe for a few hours and some good laughs.
My 15 year old son has recently started asking me questions about hallucinogenics - DMT in particular. So during our quarantine, we've watched a few documentaries on the subject. One of them was about DMT's role in religion throughout history. After watching it, he said "I get it now. Religion makes so much more sense from that perspective".

There's hope for the lad yet... :D
My 15 year old son has recently started asking me questions about hallucinogenics - DMT in particular. So during our quarantine, we've watched a few documentaries on the subject. One of them was about DMT's role in religion throughout history. After watching it, he said "I get it now. Religion makes so much more sense from that perspective".

There's hope for the lad yet... :D
dude, that kinda bonding experience is even better than smoking a joint or doing a line with him. Good for you, FUBAR. :D
^ I've been there man; done coke with a few of my friend's moms here and there behind those friend's back when I used the stuff.
Once when I was 18 me and 2 friends got pulled over with coke+weed+open container in the car and one dumb ass ran and got tazed and my friend driving almost got shot. My friend who ran got taken into jail for running and the cops let the 2 of go without searching us for some reason. We stopped by his mom's to tell her what happened and ended up doing coke with her all night. He was out the next day so it was all good.
I've been around my parents tripping a number of times, especially when I was younger. They weren't upset about me tripping, they preferred I did it at home where I was safe. My dad actually introduced me to weed😁
I've smoked pot and drank with both my parents. I plan on doing MDMA with my father sometime this summer along with introducing him to wax. I'd dose Mom but I rarely see her and I'm sure it'd turn into something I don't want to deal with at this point in my life. Every time I've gotten drunk with Mom over the years the water works start because she feels guilty about something she did a long time ago (well two things in my case). I can't even imagine how MDMA would go with her. On second thought I might give her some MDMA next time she's in town.
Don't do drugs of any sort "with" my mum but I get my weed from my brothers and valium from her. She doesn't take or endorse, she's not even a drinker.
I've drank with my dad hundreds of times and one night we passed a joint around the table at a family party.

Edit: I've lead her to believe that I "never take more than 2" in one go.... even though that's grossly untrue 😉
She worries about me.
Oh I have can't believe I forgot this lol I have offered to buy my gran's unused buprenorphine patches that she just has sitting there because she didn't like the side effects but she refuses. I offered good money too. She has basically a full box and just a little bit off one on my gum would have me sorted all day. But nope.

Me and my grandma do indeed take meds, in the wise words of the great Lil Pump, but just not together :(
I'm still looking for that toothless girl that smokes crack with me. Pure love, sigh