Happy Holidays - December 8th - The Asylum, Springfield, MA

Wow...I totally missed a lot of this whole deal. Why didn't anyone inform me that I'm gonna get my ass kicked by everyone or the fact that Jamal's trying to get everyone into some four way with him. Sick man...really sick.
if anyone from the boston area is going to this and has extra room, e-mail me!!!
[email protected]
and i would place my bet on jamal and shawn. can i be a groupie?
what's up kristin
Connell, I clearly state that I am talking about wrestling not any type of sexual orgy with anyone of the same sex, why must you bring it there? Oh yeah, cuz you're gay. For that comment, you shall die. Happy Holidays

"In this business it's not what you know, it's who you know."
[This message has been edited by MrJaMaL (edited 27 November 2001).]
connell is makin more comments about his sexuality? boy hun, you just keep provin your true side more and more everyday, don't ya?
oh and by the way connell - i need to talk to you about something, so get in touch with me.
if i had money maybe. but i don't, so probably not. how ya been sweetie? you should email me.
Yes, Connell.. "get in touch" with Kristin.

And Mella, I never did run away. But.. you better not be sick at this one.

AIM: TopRocka311
"Don't give up your independence
Unless it feels so right
Nothing good comes easily
Sometimes you gotta fight" - 311
Ok, lemme get this str8, Connell is not gay yet he has this to say...
Hey and if you don't wanna come for the music at least come just to get patted down by me or Jamal.
That was taken from the 6th yr anniversary of Energy post. First off, Connell knows damn well that the law states that only guys can search guys. This means he is inviting and wanting to pat down men. I, myself, take no pleasure in doing this. As of late, thank goodness, I have not been doing it @ Energy besides last week. Patting down men sucks, I really wish it was legal for male employees to pat down the women. Shit, it's legal for women to pat down men. hmmm, kinda sexist if you ask me. Well that's besides the point. The point is, Connell is gay. Don't take it and match it, just shut the fuck up and sit down.

"In this business it's not what you know, it's who you know."
I really want to go to this party, but am I the only one who thinks the Asylum is just way too sketchy now? At Truth last Sat. they were doing random searches inside the Asylum for no reason, just random searches. And this is not searches from undercovers or cops, it is True Security doing it. I used to love the Asylum, and they do bring some of the best DJ's in. But lately the last few parties I feel this really bad vibe like they are constanly "watching" and waiting to see something they can harass you for. Cops doing this I understand, but the staff? I am so sad, I dont know what has happened to my fav. venue. I actually have had a lot more fun at recent muni parties, a much better vibe, friendlier staff, etc etc. Forgive my ranting and long post but I am just so disapointed in the recent shadiness of the Asylum, I dont want to support such things with my hardearned $$$ but at the same time I really will miss the Asylum if I decide to not go for awhile!! Does anyone else notice this or is it just me???
^^^^^damn, you gonna let him talk yo you like that????
damnit, thats the second time someone snuck their post in before mine
[This message has been edited by Coldshot (edited 28 November 2001).]
actually connell, what i need to talk to you about is actually something and i'm sorry if you take it as your egotistical self thinking i want you. sorry man, but that's not it in the least.
kristin (i apologize, but i'm in a really shitty mood right now)
i just found this site, yay! i will def be at happy holidays, column of knowledge always throws bangin parties!!!!!
Seriously...FUCK YOU GUYS. It's funny for awhile and then it just gets old and I'm sick of fucking hearing it cause we all know its not true. SO whatever...be dicks if ya want
And sorry Kristen I was kidding
Sorry for being a dick I'm just pissed and being somewhat hypocritical right now
ooookay well anyways. this is me tryin to get things back on track now...
i'm stoked for this party

I feel you kandegirl25. Last time I was there it was mad sketchy. I was actually pulled aside and searched thoroughly in the bathroom stall. They thought I was a dealer or something. If the parties gonna be that way, just don't bring shit w/ you, or be precautious.