Happy Holidays - December 8th - The Asylum, Springfield, MA

Or, just tell everyone how to get in front of the line so next time they'll be 20 kids trying to do the same as you.
ooooh no you didn't just get smart with dave and mike!
Okay, so it looks like i might not be attending this party after all. not unless someone wants to come pick my ass up. actually, it looks like i may be partiless for some time. freakin ay man!
hey, whats this place like anyway, ive never been
The music was new,
black, polished chrome
and came over the summer
like liquid night.
aim: ColdShot25
Hmm, I didn't know that buying tickets was such a huge secret, PartEKids.
Kristin, you'll be there, you know you'll make it even if you have to walk

Kev, you'll just have to come to this party and see what the Asylum is like, won't you?
It's an experience unique into itself
AIM: TopRocka311
"Don't give up your independence
Unless it feels so right
Nothing good comes easily
Sometimes you gotta fight" - 311
Aww December 8th.. the 2 year anniversary of breaking my rave cherry... cant wait to be there ... Paulito, Roadtrip baby. See u there
Well seeing as I haven't missed an asylum party since I started partying I will be there. I'm a loser like that.
You will most likely find me battling Dave and knocking him on his ass, gettin my ass kicked by Jamal, or being followed by Kristen cause she's in love with me...a lot of people are!!! HAHA you all love me and you know it.
well, i crashed my car. my 'rents are being ANGELS and helping me out, so i should be able to make it. but put me in the maybe category just in case... but pinkerton will be there, with or without me!
HA! you only say that connell because you wish that was the case. well i'm sorry to say that it will still continue to happen only in your dreams. so enjoy your dreams, because that's about all of me you'll ever experience. uh oh...shot down??
kristin (with an I)
Wow...this is so sweet...I haven't been out in who knows how long and finally, right after I have decided that it was time to get back out there something good comes along. WOOPWOOP...
the missing raver
You're village called, the Idiot is missing.
i've been meaning to checkout the scene in asylum. i was planning on going to sticky but since i ain't going no more i'm most likely going to go to this one.
how's the scene in asylum anyways? are there any stickers or twirlers in the house?
"I stick, therefore I am... Are you??"
The Asylum is The Asylum. It's an original venue, doesn't look it from the outside but is pretty dope after you enter. Depending on the production the parties are usually well decorated, the people are nice, and most of the time the security aren't dicks.
I always here people bitch about Asylum but I've always liked it there. It's a good sized venue, I've personally never seen security really overstep their bounds but rather be helpful when people needed it, and the people have always been really cool. The thing I like the most is that, at least when I was there last which was a while ago, there was a very low "jock raver" count. In CT all we have are more or less (with the exception of a few places) are afterhours clubs that attract the college students in the area and the people coming from the bars when they close at 2am. No kandy kids, no people just there for the music and the vibe...but then I have one afterhours club here I haven't gone to and that's the one everyone says to check out. But I don't hold high hopes. Asylum though has always been a place I love going to.
Your village called, the Idiot is missing.
This is going to be a phat party. Dave Ralph and micro at the same night jsut 45 min away. Sounds like alot of people from Vibe and the rest of the CT area are going to be going up. Can't wait to go and twirl glowsticks with some of the best kids around cya there
This is probs the best line-up I've seen yet for the Asylum. I can't wait to see Micro again. He spun one of the better sets I've heard at Inhale 2. Hey Glowstringer, did u go to Vibe alot??? Just curious cause i might know ya from the summer or something. Havent been in a while but let me know. I used to go and string there all night. PEACE!!!

"When one door is closed, another is opened."
-- Robert Nesta Marley
IM: RunAwayJay7
[This message has been edited by Icey (edited 14 November 2001).]
Speaking of glow sticks...
I went to the Christmas Tree Shop and got a bunch of red and green glow sticks that have Santa Clause on them...
These will be very good for this party...I knew there was going to be a good reason for getting them. So if you find a girl Santa glow sticks, it might be me.
Just had to share.

Your village called, the Idiot is missing.
Yahoo Messanger: CrowHavenWitch
[This message has been edited by LiquidSkyGirl (edited 15 November 2001).]
well i'll definitely be playing with my glowsticks at this party. might bust out the photons too if the mood strikes me. so if you see a guy thats just glowing in the dark, thats probably me
YAY!! Hopefully another night of dancing my ass off at the asylum...I definitley want to go to this one...