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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Guess the movie quote

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^^^The Last Dragon. Who's the master? SHONUFF!

"Come and get one in the Yarbles, if you got any yarbles!"
^a clockwork orange

/ignore barry gordie's LAST DRAGON! leeeeerrrrooooyyyy!

/edit, got beat to the punch...

i have seen barbarella, and didn't even think of it- that was a pretty memorable scene in the film as well... damn- good call.

"I want nothing."
"Then stop breathing."
"Good Idea."

mmm, red

ok, uh...
"You never know what you're gonna run into out there, we're wearing our colors and we can't hide. "
"Who wants to hide! "
THE WARRIORS, come out to playeeeeayyy?

"Don't you think I know that, Frank? Don't you think I am aware there is a woman here? I can smell her, like, like a flower. I can taste her, like sugar on my tongue. When I'm 20 feet away I can hear the fabric of her dress when she moves in her chair!"
Joe Versus the Volcano!!! :) (Childhood nostalgia)

"At 3-o-clock today, I'm gonna rape you."

"i got 3 acts... i don't need 4 .... so that means one of you has gots ta go..."
Purple Rain

Is this why I had to come down here this morning man, this is why I missed my fucking cartoons... you call me and tell me it's important ya know... what, to share in your half-assed obsession with halmark moments?

"My old man used to say that love is what happens when you fail at living life on your own. He was gay, so what did he know?"
hahaha you always do the good ones!


"The thing about not getting the person that you love is that you can still think about that person and masturbate, which is about the same thing."

sorry, i know i butchered it ... but it's from memory
The Specials ;)

"She took their heads and switched em! She switched their bodies too and they came out looking exactly the same. But we all knew they'd been all switched up!!" (not exact but pretty close I would think)
the blair thumb project

"Memory is energy! It doesn't disappear - it's still in there. There's a physiological pathway to our earlier consciousnesses. There has to be; and I'm telling you it's in the goddamned limbic system."
Altered States

You passed out cigarettes for a smokeathon on earth day, you installed speed bumps on the wheelchair ramps, and most recently you dumped 100 lbs of raw meat on a peaceful vegan protest.

Oh come on, that was way more than 100 lbs

"When cruelty arrives at a certain point, it's no longer important who initiated it; it should only stop."
^^ i'm stumped, but that is a great quote.... people should live by that quote!
^Germany in Autumn, a film by Rainer Werner Fassbinder... this quote is written at the opening and closing of the film. the arts center at my university did a month of fassbinder films this winter...

let's go a bit more modern:

"You know, I could go to jail for this! There are laws against devirginizing a minor!"
War of the Roses

great movie...

This is life's ultimate cruelty. It offers us a taste of youth and vitality, and then it makes us witness our own decay.
Death Becomes Her?

Hey, yeah, I met you... 61 hours ago. Yeah, that was me. Listen, uh, do you want to get some dinner? Uh, how about some lunch? No lunch. Coffee? Water? How about some water? I'll meet you where you're already having lunch, and we'll have some water.

"Most effective, Your Majesty. Will you destroy this Earth? "

"yes... but I like to play with things a while before annihilation."
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