  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Grand Theft Auto V

how do they even rate games?

do they play every possible scenario or do the publishers provide videos of highlights? i'd imagine the process to be more arduous and time consuming than rating movies.
^ I doubt the process is arduous at all (mostly because it's a fucking video game! ;)). Heck, it might not even be time consuming. A developer can go through the ESRB checklist and simply send a report to the ratings board - obviously there must be some kind of testing done by the raters, but I really doubt they have to go through the whole game.

I'm just spit-balling about how things work in America. I'm guessing the process is much more streamlined in Australia, since nowadays developers censor their games before ever sending them to the Aussie ratings board for official certification.
ah, the good old honor system

i hear the god of war producers reported on all the violence, gore and nipples, but failed to mention that every distant mountain is a penis. =D
^ I guess it would be kinda like an honor system...but you could potentially be fined/sued if you abuse it.

Also, I did not know that about God of War. They must have taken some cues from the Little Mermaid box art.

i made the GOW thing up, but this whole classification thing is still a mystery to me. how does an honour system result in the aussie situation where saints row is banned cuz the alien anal dildo thing is determined to be not contextually justified.

i made the GOW thing up, but this whole classification thing is still a mystery to me. how does an honour system result in the aussie situation where saints row is banned cuz the alien anal dildo thing is determined to be not contextually justified.

That, and the glorification of drug use was considered a major problem. Apparently (I have not played the game, nor do I plan to), taking certain drugs in game provides beneficial effects.

They can live with the MMJ dispensaries in GTA V, because, ostensibly, drugs will prove detrimental, as alcohol was in GTA IV.
GTA V official website is up as of today:


Marion D.

Running a 24-7 life coach business, it's my job to tell other people what to do with their lives. Bob Mulét gives me great advice on what kind of style to do my hair. There are animals in nature that will increase their size to scare predators. I do the same with my hair. I will drop a fool in a second. I give that advice to all my clients too.
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Posting these here because they won't work on the GTA website, hoping they playback properly on here:



It's the only workaround I know.

Didn't work.

This game will be so good. I think it'll get me clean off heroin.
Will be more addictive anyhow.
Amazon just confirmed Release Day Delivery for my copy of GTA V Special Edition. I had previously ordered from Gamestop, even though I hate them, because they seemed to be the most sure I would get it on release day. Cancelling an online order from those motherfuckers is a bitch, you can't do it on their website and have to spend 30 minutes on hold. Never again will I even entertain spending a single penny at Gamestop again. Those types of business practices are so unethical, I will not stand for it.

Fortunately, when I did catch hold of someone they didn't give me any shit. So that much is good, at least.

Hooray, I'm actually going to get the game on the 17th now!!!
lucky! i'm still not gonna be able to play it til november.
lucky! i'm still not gonna be able to play it til november.

Damn. That really sucks. But still, playing the game for like one day and then having to wait for another two months is probably a million times worse than simply waiting two months.

Amazon only confirmed that Release Day Delivery would be available today or yesterday.

Also: GTAV Achievements Leak Online

Seems legit.
Don't mind my whinges, I'll be doing something far more spectacular. :D.

Funny, the two entertainment things I've been most anticipating for the longest time are both dropping during my trip. Gtav and now the movie "gravity" comes out a full month from return so there's no chance if seeing it in 3d on the big screen :(.
Don't mind my whinges, I'll be doing something far more spectacular. :D.

Funny, the two entertainment things I've been most anticipating for the longest time are both dropping during my trip. Gtav and now the movie "gravity" comes out a full month from return so there's no chance if seeing it in 3d on the big screen :(.

No electricity for several months, no A/C or Heating, and this is somehow far more spectacular than sitting on your ass, bingeing on Hot Pockets and Mountain Dews while playing GTA V and watching your most anticipated movie of the year in 3D?

Different strokes, I suppose... ;)

Where are you headed?
nepal. i'll be trekking the himalaya on my own for six weeks.

i'll say hi to yeti for you =D ;)