Mental Health Good Anxiety Medication

damn do you still have a sex drive by any chance?ive noticed that just 1 mg of k-pins taken daily or pretty much any benzo really blunts my sex drive...pretty much all anti-anxiety meds have this problem and adding welbutrin didnt help..

im trying to figure out which is better or worse, having bad anxiety and normal sex drive or having much decreased anxiety but no sex drive...gee, what a choice..

Lol I do. I have an extremely high one believe it or not. Clonazepam makes me extremely horny.
CBD is said to work for anxiety, but it's not a psychiatric medicine, at least not yet. It has anxiolytic effects I believe through delta/mu positive allosteric modulation, 5-HT1a (partial?) agonism, and cb1 antagonism. Not a lot of research has been done. And it's not like you can get insurance to cover it. Any THC content in my experience exacerbates psychotic symptoms, no matter if it's less than .3%.