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Gibz CCIII - Semi-permabibberinz

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Haha, I'm with you on that. If it's not, it should be, love a coffee and a spliff so that seems to be the logical progression. I've made weed chai tea a few times (and weed chai cheese accidentally the once) and it was alright but ya know, not got the same kick.
Thinking about the chemistry of it, I doubt you could get the weed psychoactives to dissolve in the coffee water. Barring the use of strong alcohol instead of water in your coffee maker (and idea which certainly has potential, although you'd need to adjust the heating parts to avoid vapour lock from the lower boiling point of the ethanol, and entirely possibly change some electrical components for fire safety) I would say the best approach would be making an equivalent of cannabutter with cream (non-dairy coffee creamer might work, but I have no idea what's in it other than that one mythbusters episode with the coffee creamer cannon thing) and then using that in your coffee. Kinda sucks that you can't make black coffee, which is the true coffee at least when you're not at costa, with weed infusion easily though. You could probably make an irish coffee with bonus weed, although I'm not exactly sure how making weed tincture works as it's not something that's ever interested me.

Maybe if you used some kind of surfactant, preferably one that wouldn't make the whole thing taste like soap, you could get some degree of extraction from the weed into the coffee? This is really getting far past my chemistry knowledge though, I'd have to find a chem student that smokes and ask them.
That sounds a good idea but really tricky. Someone advised me about a rizla but to be I'm not sure what one is I thought it was a cigerrette n I've never smoked before i don't know if I'm meant to go ask for certain fags poor the nicotine out. I think tbe capsule idea sounds. Anyway once ive got this last lot I'm not getting to do anymore it's too complicated n seems time-consuming lol
Hope you travel home safely <3

Never answer the phone when your tripping on mushrooms! Why do my parents have to ring when i am off the planet. I think i pulled the convo off tbough. Hard to type cause the keyboard keeps moving :)
It's amazing how you can pull it together when you need to, my Mum rang me in tears over my sister when I was about three hours into an AL-LAD trip and it definitely grounded me a bit whereas I had been barely keeping it together prior to that

edit: enjoy the shrooms anyway, my favourite substance by a long way <3

and yeah the best way for weed coffee would just be the cannabutter or similar route, man I sorta wanna get a few more bags and try that now but wouldn't have the chance to drink the bloody stuff til after xmas. I was thinking like it'd be awesome to just buy weed-infused instant coffee but yeah no idea about chemistry and such.
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That sounds a good idea but really tricky. Someone advised me about a rizla but to be I'm not sure what one is I thought it was a cigerrette n I've never smoked before i don't know if I'm meant to go ask for certain fags poor the nicotine out. I think tbe capsule idea sounds. Anyway once ive got this last lot I'm not getting to do anymore it's too complicated n seems time-consuming lol
Hope you travel home safely <3


Rizla is a brand of skins (rolling papers), they're basically super thin rectangles of rice paper with a fold in the middle and some gum on one side (so you can stick them together to roll your own). They sell em at the fags counter, but they're not taxed as nicotine so they're super cheap. I have silvers, which are pretty thin, (weigh about 40 mg according to my scale) and they're pretty great for eating or using as a weighboat. Helps if you smooth them out a little, to counter their natural folded state. They're pretty flimsy things, which is why I would reccomend a separate filling tool if youre capping, but I suppose if you were really careful you could probably pour off a rizla into a cap. Plus if you ever find yourself without a pipe and in need of a blunt, you can use your weighing rizlas for their intended purpose.
Oh thanks. Well i've ordered some scales off eBay that someone recommend. I was pretty stupid last time i had 3-fpm as I'd not had scales n basically used 500mg in 12 hours. I'm ashamed of doing that now. I'd had a shite week (real life stuff) n was feeling impulsive lol but it was reckless n stupid anything could have happened. I'm slowly coming off citalopram because I feel it makes me act impulsively n recklessly. Will be making an apt in the new year to either taper off or ask to change to sertaline.

Thanks for advice it's really appreciated <3

Never answer the phone when your tripping on mushrooms! Why do my parents have to ring when i am off the planet. I think i pulled the convo off tbough. Hard to type cause the keyboard keeps moving :)

If I take a trip my phone just gets turned off standard. Ive had to deal with my dad on penny acid acid a few times during the summer, but he always knew that I'd taken some, which makes things alot easier when you dont have to worry about looking straight. No matter how mangled i was tho, I always had the respect to hold it together in front of him and if he was sticking around Id just keep out of his way until it had worn off.
If I take a trip my phone just gets turned off standard. Ive had to deal with my dad on penny acid acid a few times during the summer, but he always knew that I'd taken some, which makes things alot easier when you dont have to worry about looking straight. No matter how mangled i was tho, I always had the respect to hold it together in front of him and if he was sticking around Id just keep out of his way until it had worn off.
It was tge landline they vcalled and i just answered out of instinct. I pulled it off though. Havn't haf mushies in ages. God they are awesome!
Just rang the cinema and there is no tickets left for tonight. No biggie. I just ate 4 shrooms which should be a nice solid dose and i have plenty of cold beer on hand. Technicolor world here i come :)

Enjoy :)

It was tge landline they vcalled and i just answered out of instinct. I pulled it off though. Havn't haf mushies in ages. God they are awesome!

If your parents are sufficiently chill, you could have just said "can I call you back, I'm on shrooms at the moment and I'm far too monged to have a proper conversation". Only downside is if they ask you to share next time you visit : D
If your parents are sufficiently chill, you could have just said "can I call you back, I'm on shrooms at the moment and I'm far too monged to have a proper conversation". Only downside is if they ask you to share next time you visit : D
I wish! My parents are in the 80's so i have to keep my exotic pasttimrs from them. They are cool as though. Used to let me grow weed when i was in high school. Good folk.
I wish! My parents are in the 80's so i have to keep my exotic pasttimrs from them. They are cool as though. Used to let me grow weed when i was in high school. Good folk.

Damn, that's some pretty great parents right there. Maybe I should ask mine if I could start a grow in the loft while I'm away at uni.
I wish! My parents are in the 80's so i have to keep my exotic pasttimrs from them. They are cool as though. Used to let me grow weed when i was in high school. Good folk.

I paid my way through uni by growing weed. It certainly helped with the cost of text books and everything.
Well that's definitely one way to avoid getting student debt. Probably won't be trying that one myself, but it's tempting.
oh i still ended up with a student debt. I just didn't have to work while i was at uni. My weed growing days are long behind me now, i dont even smoke anymore but i did smoke everyday for 20 odd years so thats probably a good thing. I hardly take drugs at all these days as i have to be on the ball at work with peoples lives in my care. But i am on holidays now and god damn these mushies are fine. Listening to Moderat and the music is just flowing through me :)
Ahh another night, chained to foil and toil. Sorry to her that about your Mum Snolly. I know I'm going to have a similar experience soon. Time to get wise to this Christmas malarky. We do a secret santa between us. Its a good idea get something decent rather than a pillow case of meh. All indications are my Mum hasn't as log as we hoped. The big C. I feel incredibly guilty I've not been there as much as i can and for recent binges. I will be under intense scrutiny this yule to be sober - difficult when your brothers drink their own weight in alcohol and smoke away.

However, unless your a Hippo, wallowing benefits no creature, after all the shit of rehab and the psychological waterboarding by my own family - at the NHS's bequest - my subsequent huff and capitulation. I corralled the notion of an ipad air 2 with every bell and whistle for Mum, she can hardly use her hands. The family came onboard and eventually It's all come good. So that will be the best thing.

We do this other game I cant understand - thief santa, where everyone buys a £20 gift and takes turns to steal it from the other until everyone's happy. Of course there are winners and losers. But it's fun.

I'm nervous tho. Although the eldest the rest all have high flying careers. I pinball from notion to notion without a notion. I was good at solar sales but it's so crass. between here and OZ sold enough to power 41,000 homes. A fart in the breeze a feather in your cap.

I had flights booked for OZ leaving 1st of Dec rtn 29th Feb. I have some great mates out there. More than I do here truth be told. But it wasn't appropriate. An having studied the fine print on the insurance I took out 50/50, i'll get anything for the tickets. But i'll take 50/50 odds all day long.

Don't think of me as cool or whatever cos I can write some shit when I'm fucked. It's just a thing I can do. I can't dedicate myself to a corporation, I can't find a suitable intelligent girl/woman who will take no shit, share in dreams and boast a sunny disposition. I'll keep trying tho. It's just I'm a shallow bastard who refuses to grow up putting my energy into far younger women when I know I'm chewing semtex.

I was supposed to go on some anti depressant but the psyche went on a Caribbean cruse instead. I've fucking fucked up the benzos - was stable on 4mg of valium a day - unfortunately you make few friends in treatment centers and one of whom after I paid to help paid this depressing basement flat decided he'd quite like my taper...

My time in this no horse town is coming to an end - the page turns. Tempted to go to Boston. The local city has been rinsed.

Morning all.
Sounds like you had a sweet time while you were going. Doctor/nurse type now I take it? I'm doing mech eng, or at least most of the time I am sleeping and letting mech eng lectures happen nearby, with a vague hope the knowledge diffuses the distance between my bed and the lecture theatres. Maybe I should start using textbooks for pillows, to get a steeper concentration gradient of knowledge.
Sounds like you had a sweet time while you were going. Doctor/nurse type now I take it? I'm doing mech eng, or at least most of the time I am sleeping and letting mech eng lectures happen nearby, with a vague hope the knowledge diffuses the distance between my bed and the lecture theatres. Maybe I should start using textbooks for pillows, to get a steeper concentration gradient of knowledge.
yeah i am a nurse. I was pretty loose when i was at uni too but somehow i got consistently good grades. Not having to work certainly helped. It was a pretty interesting course too except all the essay writing bullshit which does not prepare you for being a nurse. I guess all the really important stuff i learnt more on the job. I love it though. Its very rewarding and i take my responsibilities very seriously. I am enjoying my time away from the hospital though. You have to have some fun every now and again!
Nurses should be paid more, I think its one of the most noble professions there is. The NHS for all its faults is a wonderful thing
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