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Gibz CCIII - Semi-permabibberinz

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Does anyone know if we can revive the old EADD live chat thread? On one hand, it would be cool to have that late night banter again when people were lurking but still talked in chat. Maybe it could create a wee bit more cohesion between us?

EDIT: I think the chat served primarily for trolling as Spade's maw. Maybe she could be the counsellor for this forum. She is an impeccable orator!

Are you talking like a tinychat room or something like that? That would be a laugh, I don't really remember the thread though?
Oh there is. Nice to see the nauseating stench of this thread that wafts up from the dank and disgusting shit that lurks beneath is hitting one or two nostrils of those who don't know the full story. Unlike some, I choose to do things by the books but be in no doubt things are not what they may appear right now... or actually they kinda are - very much as they appear in relation to the above quotes. However, it is not my place to reveal the details. I will quote myself from a staff thread posted at 11:09am this morning though...

I strongly suspect a group effort too - an honest to goodness conspiracy theory, if you will. There are four EADD posters I'd put in the frame as being near-certain to being directly responsible or at least in on it... Of course it would all be educated guess-work and nigh-on impossible to prove but there is enough circumstantial evidence for it to be interesting to see how certain members may or may not react seeing their lil scam has been seen for what it is. Some people should be deeply ashamed of themselves. The depths some are prepared to plumb to circumvent the disciplinary system is frankly disgusting. For all her faults - and lawdy there are plenty of 'em - I'd take ten Evey's over one of the kind of lowlife who thinks it acceptable to pull despicable shit like this.

I'm saying nothing more other than I think a number of people here need to take a long, hard look at themselves because they have done a very bad thing indeed and they fukkin' know it. I truly hate to say it because I have been genuinely very fond of people who have apparently confirmed the suspicions of being lowlives responsible for despicable shit.

As far as I can see the accusations towards her input are completely rational and legitimate. Members and staff are clearly introducing her to substances/sources on and off site, and that poses an immense risk to someone with a recent track record of suicide attempts and addiction. I think it's quite obviously only in her own interest, to say the site is not suitable for her.
You're just backstabbing n fueling drama. I said this morning i was no longer doing benzos etc. Stop causing trouble raas. Some friend you turned out to be. No more.

Mods can you please close this if its going to be a "bash Evey" thread.

Gay club was a complete bust, unfortunately. Bastards on the door objected to my shoes because apparently trainer/walking boot hybrids are not classy enough for a club that sells fucking £1 bombs. Wandered around town for a little bit, had a second pill, turns out that absolutely bugger all's on on wednesdays around here, so I gave up on that and got a bus back home. Bus was packed cause apparently they started showing star wars tonight and half the city went to see it, but I got a nice corner seat and lurked listening to luna sequence till it got home. Waste of £2 and the pills IMO, but ah well, guess I'll just have to get high at home and write a few epic poems in the threads round here. Don't think I'll ever hit FistPump grade length, but the night is young and the pills are plentiful, so you never know. Looks like everyone's chilled out some and the drama's stopped while I was out, which is nice but I was almost hoping it'd get really fired up so I'd have an excuse to break out the community pizza gif again. Speaking of pizza, it'll be nice to get back to my parent's tomorrow and eat something other than frozen pizza or baked beans and pasta for dinner. Not that they are inherently bad as an evening meal of course, you just get slightly bored of eating the same thing for weeks on end.

Now that I'm back, I think I'll give doing a bump of 3-FPM another go because I ballsed it up so royally last time, then who knows what to do... Maybe get all the weekly shit for WoW taken care of now, maybe watch Mr Robot like I was reccomended to, hell, maybe I should do some uni work so I don't fail out like a pidgeon covered in petrol and used for target practice with miniguns. Then again, I could just arse around, cram at the last moment and do my exams while completely toasted on whatever stimulants I have to hand, which is what I did every exam since college (albeit only with heroic quantities of caffeine and sugar in the past, since I was a good girl and I was not aware of the wonderful world available beyond the strictly legal). And it's not like it's failed me so far, I only failed last year a little bit and that's just from a combination of the coursework I didn't do and the exam I didn't revise for. Granted I've been doing a shite job of the coursework so far this year, but I blame depression and the antidepressant side effects for that. Totally nothing to do with me being a lazy git, honest.

I feel like with the Sid and Evey beef we should get them some luchadore masks and have them settle it by twatting each other in the face with folding chairs in the finest of mexican traditions. More fun for the rest of us if we stream it, gets everything settled nice and cleanly in the open and we can get on with chatting bullshit without all this goddamn drama. I mean, either that or it'll turn out this whole thing is drawn from their suppressed lust for each other, though I do wonder what the forum equivalent of walking in on two people passionately making out is. Probably would involve the n00dz thread though.

Please don't take anything I said here too seriously, I'm twatted on 3-FPM and just pouring gibberish directly out my brain into the keyboard. Laugh, be merry and if you can't do that then go blaze up till you can't stand : )
Well a good mate of mine just dropped around with a big bag of freshly picked gold top mushrooms. A few beers already down the hatch so it looks like i am going to get "shrunk" tonight. Maybe go and watch the new Star Wars in an enhanced state.
That sounds like a good time, personally I could hardly care less about the new star wars, but if you want to see it seeing it while shroomed off your tits is almost certainly the way to go. Would be sort of surprised if there's still tickets going though, I would have thought they'd sell out weeks ago. Then again, I'm sure if you offered to share your shrooms with the guys at the ticket desk they'd be able to find you some extra seats.
Just rang the cinema and there is no tickets left for tonight. No biggie. I just ate 4 shrooms which should be a nice solid dose and i have plenty of cold beer on hand. Technicolor world here i come :)
Enjoy it, I'm going to post go post tits in the lounge because I'm bored and I want to encourage more tit-sharing in the world. And maybe have that second bump of 3-FPM I was planning, if I can work out how to snorting without fucking up and spilling it everywhere.
Morning everyone :)

How is everyone doing?

Lol@Sqidy n tit sharing .hehe how is the 3 pfm going?

Okay, I now have a better understanding of the pain of insnuffliated 3-FPM. Having gained that, I will stick to my pills, thankyouverymuch, unless the rush when this dissolves is something out of this world, but even then, I'd still have to think twice before putting any more of that crap up my nose. And no bloody way I'd do more than 20 mg a nostril that way, that's plenty of suffering for me. At least the taste isn't as horribly persistent as MPA was, that shit would stick around for hours on end. Almost made me wonder if it was quite lipophilic, but I assume it would have been a salt not a freebase so I'm not sure how that'd happen. Ah well, it's not like I'll be tasting either again if I have any sense left at all.
I actuall agree there, Squidy, I tried MPA just before it was banned n the taste was awful. 3FPM isn't as bad. I'm ordering some scales today as I get money n as others have said best to do things safely. Anyway they can also be used for jewlley weighing so they won't be wasted. I never knew you could get 3-fpm in pill form. That does seem better than the pain of snorting it. <3

Morning, Consumer. Looking fwd to Christmas? All sorted for it?


I was going to have some festive acrylic nails done today but don't feel like it now so will cancel it n pretend I'm ill. Just ordered some cales so hope people can be assured I'll be safe now <3

It doesn't come in pill form, I put it in gel capsules myself for ease of transport and as a convenient way of preparing doses beforehand, so you don't waste time weighing hits all the time while you're high. You can buy empty gel caps online, but because I was in a hurry the first time I needed some I just got a pack of super cheap ibuprofen capsules, and you just pull them apart, empty out all the ibuprofen, weigh out your dose, pour it in (which I thought would be a lot harder to do without spilling shit than it actually is, even with just a v-shaped piece of card to pour it in from. My setup is a little convoluted because I use the same piece of card for a scoop and a filling tool, so there's a bit of a faff to get it done, but if you have a proper scoop you can just make a little card slide and fill that straight away on the scale, which would be a lot more convenient. I don't reccomend filling caps directly as they are really fiddly to pour stuff into, and there would be a lot more risk of spilling, and adjusting the dose once if you pour too much into the cap would be a right pain in the arse) and reconnect the two halves of the cap. If you make different weights of cap, it's a very good idea to mark them somehow, as they'd all look practically identical when sealed up (I use rizlas and wrap different-weight pills like they are old-school sweets with the twisty ends, but anything safe to eat or removable at consumption would be usable). If you're just dosing at home and don't mind weighing when high, an easier way is just put a rizla on the scale, tare it, weigh onto that and eat the whole thing. Rizlas feel a little weird going down, but they're pretty harmless to eat and a big gulp of water makes swallowing it no problem.

Now I really should sort packing for my trip home as I leave in 5 hours >.>
Good morning new thread, I am going to have a spliff and go back to bed. Can't be arsed with today yet, got too much to do.

Weirdly despite being well into my RCs for a while I never capped anything til the doc prescribed me 250mg antibiotics and I had a load of the same 500mg ones laying round. Was fairly skint then as I recall or I wouldn't have bothered fucking about but that shit tastes gross and bombing antibiotics in Rizla seemed odd.
Good morning new thread, I am going to have a spliff and go back to bed. Can't be arsed with today yet, got too much to do.

Skipping several steps in a chain of thought, is weed coffee a thing yet in the states weed is legal, and if not why the hell not?
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