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Gibberings CCXII -- It's all about the length of the pocket clip .....

Miss Flo, it's wonderful to see your beautiful face around here.

Saw you in the small hours this morning but was in no fit state. How are you my lovely!???
Aloha Sadie <3

Things have been a bit complicated and overwhelming and not great but for now much better, thank you.
How are you? Are you better?
I have been travelling so much and I've hardly been at home, have a huge task of sorting several half unpacked cases and bags and sorting this neglected house out to come.
Not sure I will be regularly posting but just thought I would stick my beak in and see how everyone is.
Sorry Commix :( come out of hiding...you can come and float and play air guitar..I got distracted. Been procrastinating and doing stuff that doesn't need doing and writing lists about stuffs that do need doing.I suspect little on the list will get done but it kind of feels like I have made a start.

Christ I have so much shit to do...at least I can make some noise now. May get my air saxophone or drums out though-can't face it.

Hey Flo!!! Sounds amazing and now slightly tedious.... I'd offer a helping hand were I closer.

We'll catch up properly via a different medium at some point.

BTW, you're very much missed. I have quite a bit to catch up with you but tbh, I'd love to hear about your recent adventures.

Commix, Tinker and Flo are right. Get yo ass back here! Also, I wanna know more about this air guitar others speak of.

How is everyone this morning? Was feeling like shit and wondering why when I woke up so late. Thanks to bl time stamps I now remember that it was pretty much 7 when I went to sleep. Blurgh. Afink a nap is in order.
Currently enjoying people being extra nice to me because it's my birthday.

Being 45 doesn't feel much different from being 44. But then I've said the same thing, with different ages, every year since I turned 27, like some kind of for loop .....
Hows everyone here? i dont post here very often i used to years ago lol, dunno how many ppl here remember me lol.

Happy birthday becomingjulie!

I wouldnt expect it to feel differened, your still in a good age, not even half way yet!
I remember you medievil, welcome back!

happy birthday Julie :)
I totally remember you medieval. Nice to see you back!!!

A very happy birthday Jules. Have a wonderful day!!
Currently enjoying people being extra nice to me because it's my birthday.

Being 45 doesn't feel much different from being 44. But then I've said the same thing, with different ages, every year since I turned 27, like some kind of for loop .....

More like an if loop is it not?

if age =< age_i_determine_to_be_significantly_older
puts "don't feel much different"
puts "feelin old"

Happy birthday!

I'm absoultely fuming, I've had a hankering for some speed for ages so thought I'd make use of the 2 weeks my parents were off on holiday to stock up - early starts + intensive programming course = a need4speed. Ordered a bunch the weekend before last and nothing turned up... turned out the vendor had gone scammer and I managed to get my bitmoneys back through the dispute system. So last saturday I tried again with one of the main reputable phet vendors in the UK DNM scene.... well it's now Friday and WHERE'S MY FUCKING SPEED!? I've contacted the vendor and am confident he'll be understanding, but as my parents get back tomorrow I don't really want a reship. I suppose it could always show tomorrow, but I'm not holding out too much hope. :(

Kinda ironic that the one drug I struggle to get NDD or thereabouts is speed..... not very speedy delivery!! Just to burn salt into the wound, I had a drug looking package in my mail today, but it just turned out to be 10mg diazs for the comedown (it was a free sample listing that I'd forgot about). I was also naughty in buying a bit of h (2gs over 3 different vendors, all of which were top tier shit). I haven't touched opiates for about 4 weeks, but for some reason it was just an expensive disappointment. That doesn't help the fact that I am craving smack with a vengence now its gone :(. If my speed doesn't arrive tomorrow, should I just cut my losses, or do UK-UK orders sometimes take over a week? Really not keen on it arriving from Monday onwards as I am out the house from abut half 7 and don't get back till 6pm-11:30pm most days - i.e. my parents would certainly find it first. This is where I wish I stuck with my fake name system :p

I've got to tidy the fuck out of this house and get some shopping in and do some tricky coding homework designing the framework for a karaoke app.... if I had my speed then I'd be on it like a bonnet. In reality all I have is some manky leftover trays of h with little on them, diaz, plenty hashish, beer.

So I've smoked the last of my gear (and it will indeed be the last, at least until the next time my parents are off, although as I said, I find it less interestig as a substance compared to when I first got into it)

SO: 40mg diaz, but of h earlier in the day, nice big beer (cobra), gonna throw some hefty hash joint into the mix and take it from there. Its my last night shot of the parents, so I might whap out some 2c-b or 4met

HEHEHEHE that diaz is hitting me niceeeely (I have loads of experience, don't recommend these dosages.

If feel I may be rambling in my intoxication, so I'll wrap this up with my main point - speed dealers are emarassintly unpunctual. YOU CALL THIS SPEED M8

I'm quickly losing the point I was originally after

PLEASE PLEASE if this is classed as sourcing then my bad, I was wondering if there are any phet like OTC meds.

Anyway I'm off to get real fuckin stoned adn a bit drung and very benzos and then possibly trip balls and just pray to fuck I get


p.S. 40MG DIAZ has me spannered and no longer raging abut my lack of decent drugs #first world proboblams

cd yeah I thnk i probably need to work ut what it is I'm asking

lol i was feelin kind of sober at the start of the post..... the drugs were kicking in srongly as the comment progressed.

EDIT: I get the feeling I'm gonna struggle to tidy the shit hole that is my parents house on this weird downer/noid/psych combo..... thats what I was banking on stims for. Anyone know any OTC stims that are not total balls? Any point taking UK DXM pereperation - not for opioid potentiation but for takinga full dissociative playlist
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I doubt adding dxm to the mix is gonna help you clean the house...Otc stim? Caffeine.