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GHB/1,4-B/GBL Discussion and use- Part II

IME GBL tastes far worse than 1,4 B. These days having as charge doesn't really bother me, I'm used to the taste and find doing a shot of alcohol far worse. I still try and mix it with cordial though because doing constant charges straight was actually burning the back of my throat.

After daily use for a few months over the new year my legs got really sore. I've never been 100% convinced this was caused by the g and not other drug withdrawal though, and doc's were pretty hopeless.

Does anyone know if g and its analogues can affect liver enzymes in a similar way to drinking? Mine were all out of whack on my last blood test.
Yeah GBL definitely takes a toll on the liver footscrazy. You might have noticed, with both 1,4 and GBL, the first few doses don't make the drug seem so 'fantastic'. Your liver has to adjust it's enzyme levels to ensure that the drug is broken down properly. Once you get used to it with GBL it can almost ruin the other routes.
I have done GBL twice so far, first time i did two 0.5ml 3 hours apart, and the other time 1ml.
All i felt was a bit tired and had a bad headache both times, someone told me that if you do benzo's you wont get off cause they both act on the GABA receptor, and that its dangerous to do both, is that true?
they wont cancel each other out, at times they can work well together.
you will need to concentrate more on dose of G before combining with other drugs.
.5ml and 1ml is a very low dose and due to the way GHB works may only bring on the sedative effects rather than the energy, euphora and general 'fuck yeah'ness of it all.
i would suggested increasing the dose .5ml more to 1.5ml to see how you go, give decent time before redosing and keep going till you find the correct dose.
as long as you are in a controlled environment with people who know what they are doing, its safe to increase the dose without going crazy.

edit - also, GHB works on the GHB receptor plus GABA (b i think?) receptor and does a few funky things, it doesn't just stimulate one receptor to say release dopamine, it is a combination of certain actions and the sequence it happens that causes the effects of GHB

there is also GABA A and then other receptors under those two titles.
newer drugs are being designed to target specific receptors for desired results, ie. Z sleeping pills
^ I agree 0.5ml to 1.0ml is a low dose however as he's talking about GBL rather than GHB/1-4b and is completely new to it I'd say 1.0ml would be a reasonable and safe starting dose. If I haven't had any in ages 1.5ml of GBL can be a solid dose with 2-2.5ml completely flooring me.

Funny about the sore legs, mine start aching if I take it daily for as little as a week.
edit - also, GHB works on the GHB receptor plus GABA (b i think?) receptor and does a few funky things, it doesn't just stimulate one receptor to say release dopamine, it is a combination of certain actions and the sequence it happens that causes the effects of GHB

Yeah it has an interesting pharmacology to it. Binds to the GHB receptor and the GABAb receptor. The GHB receptor is excitatory, and the GABA receptor inhibitory. The sedation obviously comes from the GABA, but with both of those bonds must be what makes the GHB experience what it is. I think the GHB receptor agonism is also related to the dopamine boost that is experienced a while after a dose.
indeed very interesting combo which is quite different at different doses and in the use of different substances due to the way it is broken down depending on what you are taking.

i would be curious to know if or how much more the sore/restless legs is more prominent amongst users of GHB and if anyone else has said symptoms even when not using.
yeah it def does suck. I did not expect to get it so soon, lol

and yes you did waarn me. oh well. lesson learned i guess.

time to move on to next substance to use/abuse/THRASH :p
I had just dosge 1mg clonazapam sublingually before. As soon as it kicked in, My leg soreness dissapeared.

There is still some pain left, maybe 5% of the pain left.

^ Your post reminds me of something... has anyone ever had a batch where the cook got the math wrong? And used a bit too much much NaOH?

what would the taste/properties of the G be like?
the worst i've ever had would burn our lips and tongues unless we had it with milk or certain juices, but it cut my doses from 5ml to 2.5ml to get equally as fucked.
would have had at least a litre of that shit in a month or two, but fair sure it wasn't GHB so would be surprised if there was any NaOH attempted to be added.
what would the taste/properties of the G be like?
the worst i've ever had would burn our lips and tongues unless we had it with milk or certain juices, but it cut my doses from 5ml to 2.5ml to get equally as fucked.
would have had at least a litre of that shit in a month or two, but fair sure it wasn't GHB so would be surprised if there was any NaOH attempted to be added.

if it physically burnted your skin, and u had to diluted it first to drink it.

Its most likely was GBL.

and as u said, dosage dropped 50% also another sign for GBL

with good qual gbl, you only need half or less of your usual charge of either 14b or the origidigi GIGI.

so if u use 2.5ml for 14b, for gbl u'll probably only need 1.2-1.5 :)
nah i usually do 4.5ml of gbl, GHB would need to be 5-5.5ml
this shit was fkn epic, i had a 4ml charge and was fine one minute, woke up 2 hours later still fkn munged out. has been the only juice to get me fucked off 2.5ml ever in the 5 odd years i took it religiously.
first charge ever was 2ml, did nothing, had a 3ml top up an hour later and it was bit nicer lol

i've never had any burning from GBL previously or after that, and it was more fluid than water, was some strange shit.
ppl accused us of tryna pass off water as G cause it was thinner than water if you shook it.
yeah it def does suck. I did not expect to get it so soon, lol

and yes you did waarn me. oh well. lesson learned i guess.

time to move on to next substance to use/abuse/THRASH :p

That's the spirit ;)

I haven't done g in ages and I still get leg pains, it just seems to be part of coming off anything these days :!
That's the spirit ;)

I haven't done g in ages and I still get leg pains, it just seems to be part of coming off anything these days :!

hey you.

clonaz worked fabulously for me heh.

as soon as i sublingualed it last night 1mg.

15min later, the pain started to go away.

and now i can just barely feel the pain. maybe 5% of the pain compare to the constant pain/throbbing!
i think most short term leg pains could come from B12 depletion, even long term B12 depletion can lead to nerve damage.

that was one of the main things i've been trying to find out over the past few years, but no one ever bothers to give it a second thought.

one neurologist mentioned nitrous abuse when i was getting a test done as it depletes B12 also.

so far my nerve tests haven't shown up anything too abnormal other than some nerve pulses lasting longer than they should or something. i have to see a neuromuscular dr or something now lol.

it would be good to know why and what causes the pains from G though...
i have been taking regular mutli vita tabs every days since day1 of the bender + extra magnesium supps too :)
GBH is made from GBL , you could say its one step before it is really ready . the gbl has a a nasty burning taste compaired to GBH (which still is not nice). GBL is known to give head aches and other effects to make you really prefer the GBH .

Yours 1st charge (plunge) of the day is your largest i usually go between 2.5 - 3 mls then after that roughly 2s .
Once you find you perfect amount it can turn your tired , bored and fried mood right around !.

one more effect it makes both guys and girls horny and its very easy to get a hard even when useing meth which makes it hard sometimes .