General Heroin Discussion #18 - v. Stupidity ain't no badge of honor

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^I heard about that, some people say it's bullshit, but I wouldn't put it past Putin to do that...he's a scary dude!

He has almost certainly killed people with his bare hands.
The story is great. In the link Kraft admits Putin stole the ring from him. He then gets pressured by the White House to say it was a gift to Putin.
Ok.... A guy that owns a team called the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS decides to give his own Super Bowl ring to this dead eyed Russian killer. Ok, Barrack. Good one.

Back on topic.. Toma, you gotta get the Methadone, kid.
Aren't some of Russia's nuclear weapons in the Ukraine too? Could be wrong. Anyways it does also give them strategic access to the black sea. Point being that there's probably many reasons why Russia would want the land. Putin is a boss. If we could trade leaders if take him over any of our recent presidents.

This is to no one in particular but, I think it's past time to move on from Toma. He gets it. I get it. We all get it. We're beating a dead horse here and it's starting to even irritate me so I can only imagine being him.
I am vastly more left than right but Obama is a bitch boy. George Dubya was terrified of Putin, too. Putin was a KGB Lt Col. He tried Bob Kraft's Super Bowl ring on his finger, remarked that he, "could kill someone with this thing" put the ring in his pocket, and walked away. Would you fuck with a man that would do that? I would not.

I can't ever help but laugh when I hear the Putin/Kraft sueprbowl ring story. Putin probably thought pudgy little Bob Kraft was so non-intimidating that he had to just bitch him out like that. Not like Kraft cares much, he walks around dressing like some preppy college kid and banging a hot blond half his age. The leader of Russia can have his ring, he will make one with 3x as many diamonds to replace it.

The Ukraine has oil and everyone wants it. Our government would like to have us believe that it's about human rights and shit. But in reality it's about natural resources. I wish we could have a bad ass for a president some day. Look at how Putin struts around with his shirt off riding horses or sporting a rifle. Obamba looks like a bitch boy compared to him.

Maybe bob Kraft can be our next president. He isn't much of a bad ass but it would set the stage for a great plot to WW3.
Yeah, Kraft prints money. He doesn't seem like the type that would get all upset cause Putin treated him like a eunuch. Kraft's a strange guy. I remember seeing those pictures of him with his Heather Graham lookalike right after his wife died. WTF. I guess if I could do it at that age I would, too.
WWIII? Or Lord of the Rings? The precious....

What all does this have to do with heroin? Fuck all.
Tomorrow is Miercoles de Ceniza and I am to start my 40 days of abstinence for the year(hopefully longer). I found out one of my friends died and three others got arrested for insane crimes. All of them were long time junkies with 20 year habits or more and seemed to have their habits under control for the most part. Two of them were arrested for sticking up junkies at the trap spot with a blank gun and another one stole an ambulance so he could get closer to his connect. He was caught speeding down the hwy with the emergency lights on. I guess he had a junky emergency he had to attend to. It is time I followed my own advice and take a break. There just seems to be to much insanity going on around me at the moment. The one who died apparently didn't get the memo about the Fent. dope and his 5 bag shot was his last. He had been an addict for 35 years. R.I.P Orlandito

I go next week to start a landscaping job to hold me over until I get called out to some of the big ironworking projects we have coming up. I want to be in optimal physical and psychological form because it doesn't pay to be withdrawing while walking on six inch beams hundreds of feet up in the air. My job helps keep me sober because it is so dangerous and a rush in itself. I need that hardcore adrenaline to feed my addiction and get a reprieve from our mundane boring day to day existence. I already have a plan to give my money to my sexy senorita so we can go out....... feast, salsa dance and make passionate love under the luna while drinking alcohol free pina coladas. My mami doesn't even know what I have planned for her and she's gonna get it.

Viva la Vida
Okay, well back on subject then. I hear it is Lent tomorrow. Is anyone giving up Heroin for it? Or maybe someone is thinking of giving up giving up heroin

edit: oh good, already an answer before I finished typing.
I figured that much. Plus my ability to gain knowledge through google is unsurpassed.
What about you? Any promises, wishes or half hearted attempts planned?
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Called the methadone clinic, need to get my medical papers before I go there
Dont do it because a bunch of hypocrite junkies told you too do it because YOU want to. Remember it will take a week or two to stabilize.
Okay, well back on subject then. I hear it is Lent tomorrow. Is anyone giving up Heroin for it? Or maybe someone is thinking of giving up giving up heroin

edit: oh good, already an answer before I finished typing.

I gave up giving shit up for lent many many years ago. All those bullshit christian holidays drive me nuts. Can't eat meat on Fridays, can't do this, can't do that. Shaatttt upppp.
Tomatalli dont go over 50 m cause no matter what,tollerance,u have your body will get used to it,and life will be better,but no one ever listens when i tell em this and they always regret it later.
Dont do it because a bunch of hypocrite junkies told you too do it because YOU want to. Remember it will take a week or two to stabilize.
Nah man I wanna get clean, I need to I can't be jeopardizing all the things I am anymore
I've wanted to get clean ever since I relapsed and started using again in June but that hasn't worked very well I haven't gone one day without dope, there was one day that I took a piece of a sub cus I only had 2 dealers at that point and no one was answering. I never let myself get sick either
I gave up Catholicism for lent this year. It's gonna be a tough one

I gave that up way too long ago. I don't care for all that religious stuff. To each their own, though, whatever gives you peace of mind and makes you feel good about yourself. I do have one issue with certain religious people....the kind that do a lot of douchey things and then act like because they pray and go to confession it is all fine.

I just brought up Lent because I saw something about it and apparently the bob Kraft/Vladamir Putin story is not related to heroin.
I'm actually not very religious either but I am one of those Christians, who would tend to do some douche things in the past. Every time I visit my abuela is in the living room praying. She wants to get the devil out of me and probably prays for me three times a day. So I am being a good little Catholic boy just for me abuela. I do it every year because it means a lot to her and I want to get clean anyways. I love my grandmother and I am going to give her and myself this present. I never follow any of the rules about eating meat and whatnot. No one expects me to. As long as I stay clean I am like a saint to her.. Then I get Lots of praise Jesus' and smiles from an old woman.

This time I am actually quitting for the long haul. I have a lot of work projects coming up and I am just getting tired of it. This last run was very short and especially unfulfilling(not that it ever is). Let us know how it goes Toma. Well this is my first day and then I am off to mass this evening. My running partner of the last ten years is also using lent as an excuse to quit so this is good timing. Plus when I get involved with the church and practice lent I get lots of love, good food and support from la familia.

Viva la Vida
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Me? I'm gonna give up being clean for lent. Maybe I'll trade places with Toma.

As far as being required to see a counselor 1x per month as a condition of obtaining suboxone, I'm tapering my sub usage (currently approximately .4 mg daily) so hopefully I won't need to see either the counselor or the sub doctor at all soon. Unfortunately after being abstinent from alcohol for about 20 years, I started drinking wine over the holidays and I've been drinking more and more lately. Especially on those days when I'm feeling uncomfortable as my body adjusts to a smaller dosage of suboxone. It's a slippery slope I'm on.
I had to sniff two bags earlier this morning to get me back to sleep, I fell asleep with the light and tv on around 1030pm and woke up around 330am and was up till I did 2 bags till around 630am. Anyway I think those 2 bags affected the high I'm getting now, I wasn't feelin 10 as much as I normally do so I did 2 more and now I'm starting to get really fucked up :) . Either that or my tolerance is starting to get higher again I've been able to get high from 8-10 bags for the last 2-3 months.
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