General Heroin Discussion #18 - v. Stupidity ain't no badge of honor

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Na it didn't offend me. It wasn't even toward you it was a generalized statement. It just seems some people here have an issue with me because they think I think in better than others or that I complain a lot which I do do sometimes but that's bc I'm speaking my mind and am going thro a hard time right now and sometimes overreact to small things.
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Damn man what's with that hate from everyone all the sudden I didn't ask for everyone to talk about me in this thread
We are just trying to get you do what we should have done a long time ago and that is quit dope. It is not out of hate that we do it but out of love.
Damn man what's with that hate from everyone all the sudden I didn't ask for everyone to talk about me in this thread

It's because there are a bunch of narcissistic 'better than you' cocksuckers here who like to preach, but never practice.
Take it all in stride, man.

Should you heed their advice? Absolutely. You're young, and you probably don't realize the potential dangers of the path you're heading on.
But... you're going to do whatever you want, and no one can stop you. Which is why I haven't told you the typical 'Get clean, mang.' "I shoot a gram a day, but you should definitely get clean, d00d"

I honestly can't give you any advice and keep a straight face, I'm a fuckin' junkie, so there's no point. I'm not in the position to tell ANYONE to get clean, and quite frankly.. the majority of users here aren't in that position either.

Anyways, lets get back on topic.. I'm tired of talking about toma, fuck him. Hahaha.

Haha. Okay let's talk about something else now. How about.. peoples worst habit. What was it, when, and how brutal was the detox?
My worst was probably the dope run I went on from February to April of last year. I don't really know what my daily dose was though. Ended with me in a detox hospital and they actually kept me pretty comfortable with the subutex, clonazepam and oxazepam.

And I can't forget the week of compulsive IV cocaine last August that landed me with fucking endocarditis. Thank god I did not need a valve replacement and I responded well to the antibiotics. It's not something I'm proud of and I'm usually very HR oriented when it comes to using, but it just goes to show IV coke is an entirely different beast.
^That's what you wanna talk about?

People's 3 page war story about their worst habit?

Here's mine:

2 years ago, I used to go around to every gas station in the area and steal the change from the little tray next to the register...Once I had $8, I'd go buy one bag...After a month of doing it, I found Jesus and quit...The withdrawals were awful, I only slept 7.5 hours the first three nights! It slowly got better and after a week I was back to 10 hours!
Toma asked "how am I taking the holier than thou stance" in response to Oshea statement "i know, right? Especially when they take a "holier than thou" stance."

Toma, Oshea wasn't implying that you were the one acting superior. She was pointing the finger at some others who, while giving you advice, may have taken a holier than thou stance.

On an unrelated note, my subox doc requires that I see a therapist 1x per month as a condition of receiving my monthly (actually 28 day supply) subox script. Is this typical? Do most doctors require some sort of adjunct therapy as a condition of continued suboxone treatment?
Has anyone heard about what's going on in the Ukraine?? We better not fucking get involved and go to war with Russia. That's world war 3 right there

Just the US constantly having to be up everybodies ass and police the world per usual.

Speaking of Eastern Europe, anyone watch that Vice documentary on Youtube "Heroin Holiday". It's about all these junkies who make the trek out to Prague, camp in the woods for months outside the poppy fields, and just make their own crude version of dope (in reality it's actually mostly morphine), and shoot up for months. Hah. It's awesome and I so wanna go.

Here's the link if anyone hasn't seen it. It's a quick watch too at like 15 minutes. Heroin Holiday
I was just throwing something out there to get us off the tomatal train, geeze. What do you wanna talk about then fucker? :p
I'm just fucking around Scagnattie...but asking people to tell the story of their worst habit is dangerous on BL! 10,000 words with no paragraph separation type shit!
Still though, we don't need to get up Russia's ass to protect a shit country, why the fuck do we give a shit about Ukraine?? What have they done for us? Russia is a formidable force man. Russia is a superpower and has a very large advanced military. They have more troops than we do when you combine reserves and active personal.
^I saw that "heroin holiday" thing, it's funny...It's like a bunch of hippies camping out, but instead of smoking weed and eating mushrooms, they're shooting up homemade dope that they cooked up from the giant poppy field next door!

In the end, it's turns out they're not even successfully converting it to diamorphine, it's mostly just plain morphine....but who cares when you have that much of it!

I wonder if the kid with glasses from Vice actually sampled a shot when the cameras weren't on?! I know I would have!

Hah yeah man. I'd love to show up with the proper chemicals and equipment to actually make good clean dope, and just have a grand ole time.

Just the US constantly having to be up everybodies ass and police the world per usual.

Speaking of Eastern Europe, anyone watch that Vice documentary on Youtube "Heroin Holiday". It's about all these junkies who make the trek out to Prague, camp in the woods for months outside the poppy fields, and just make their own crude version of dope (in reality it's actually mostly morphine), and shoot up for months. Hah. It's awesome and I so wanna go.

Here's the link if anyone hasn't seen it. It's a quick watch too at like 15 minutes. Heroin Holiday

Yeah it is no wonder other countries can't stand this country.

I would think they could at least be creating monoacetylmorphine, isn't a lot of tar passed off as that because it is easier to make. Not requiring pure AA and all. Well whatever they are making I kind of envy them, I wish I had a poppy field within walking distance of me.
On an unrelated note, my subox doc requires that I see a therapist 1x per month as a condition of receiving my monthly (actually 28 day supply) subox script. Is this typical? Do most doctors require some sort of adjunct therapy as a condition of continued suboxone treatment?

I don't know how common it is, but I went to 2 doctors and the second one I saw had that same stipulation. Of course, I didn't see him long enough to necessitate seeing a psych. I had just made some lie up about how I contacted some of the names they suggested to me and I was on a few wait lists, since they expected I would be stuck waiting for at least a few weeks prior to an appointment. The first doctor I saw seemed like he was all about the money,so no surprise he just talked to me for 5 minutes and sent me out the door with a script. The second guy seemed to run a legitimate program, so I think he did this because he thought it was for patient's best interest. But I honestly considered it kind of a pain in the ass, plus just more money out of my pocket.

Funny thing, too, the second doctor was running an operation where he had 3 or 4 other docs working under him to service more patients, so I got stuck with a new doc to his practice. I saw the main doc the first time while the new doc "observed", saw one of the other docs the second time, then the third appointment I saw the lady who was technically prescribing me the Subs(he req'd weekly appt to start). I saw her that one time and she happened to be a psych doc, so she kind of asked some questions that a psych would. It made me a bit uncomfortable and she said she wanted to get more into the psych stuff, which I wasn't thrilled about. But the next time I show up and see the main doc. It seemed he might've canned the other lady, he just said I wouldn't see her for a while, so I was just like "ok....". I think maybe some patients could have complained about her asking overly personal questions, I didn't but I could see that happening, it wasn't really her place to be grilling people about that stuff. Not to mention she seemed to know very little about Suboxone, so it made me wonder why she is even doing that job? Well I guess she isn't the only one.
My sub doc said the same thing and I'm always like "yeah I made the connection, just trying to set up an appointment that works with my schedule" and he always says "just don't let it fall through the cracks... It's important"
The Ukraine has oil and everyone wants it. Our government would like to have us believe that it's about human rights and shit. But in reality it's about natural resources. I wish we could have a bad ass for a president some day. Look at how Putin struts around with his shirt off riding horses or sporting a rifle. Obamba looks like a bitch boy compared to him.
I am vastly more left than right but Obama is a bitch boy. George Dubya was terrified of Putin, too. Putin was a KGB Lt Col. He tried Bob Kraft's Super Bowl ring on his finger, remarked that he, "could kill someone with this thing" put the ring in his pocket, and walked away. Would you fuck with a man that would do that? I would not.
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