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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

I take 8MG bupe and 1600-3200 GABA and always feel great. its not as good as it one was, or as it used to be, but still gives me the edge.
Wow, I can't believe how many people don't get effects from gabapentin. I was an IV heroin and cocaine user for 7 years so I definitely know what feeling high is like and I get excellent effects from gabapentin in the 3,000-5,000mg range. It is actually more enjoyable for me than some benzos. Tolerance definitely develops rapidly but if you take a couple weeks off it will drop back off. Anyway, I came here looking for information on potentiating the effects of gabapentin. I skimmed the 24 pages of this thread and didn't see anything conclusive. Anyone have any ideas?
Wondering if anyone has experience with gabapentin and suboxone/subutex? Ive been on bupe maintenance the past 2 years, i take between 4-8mg subutex daily, i recently aquired a crap ton of gabapentins from a friend cuz she didnt want them and knew that i'd enjoyed them in the past. Its been a few years but i know when taking high doses of gaba in the past i enjoyed the effects, now that i am on subutex tho im concerned if there would be any interactions or how it would feel to take the two together? Been researching on google but havent found much.. any info or experience would be helpful, thanks! :)
Wow, I can't believe how many people don't get effects from gabapentin. I was an IV heroin and cocaine user for 7 years so I definitely know what feeling high is like and I get excellent effects from gabapentin in the 3,000-5,000mg range. It is actually more enjoyable for me than some benzos. Tolerance definitely develops rapidly but if you take a couple weeks off it will drop back off. Anyway, I came here looking for information on potentiating the effects of gabapentin. I skimmed the 24 pages of this thread and didn't see anything conclusive. Anyone have any ideas?

Ive yet to really find anything that enhances it besides just taking a bunch. I also thought it was odd that people don't get anything out of them. I used to call them drunk pills because that's how they made me feel. And now that Im prescribed them, they keep the wanting of other harder drugs at bay
Wondering if anyone has experience with gabapentin and suboxone/subutex? Ive been on bupe maintenance the past 2 years, i take between 4-8mg subutex daily, i recently aquired a crap ton of gabapentins from a friend cuz she didnt want them and knew that i'd enjoyed them in the past. Its been a few years but i know when taking high doses of gaba in the past i enjoyed the effects, now that i am on subutex tho im concerned if there would be any interactions or how it would feel to take the two together? Been researching on google but havent found much.. any info or experience would be helpful, thanks! :)

I think I took suboxone and gabapentin together once but it was a LONG time ago so I dont really remember much. It doesnt do anything disastrous to you or anything crazy like that. I *think* the gabapentin does fight thru the sub. You feel a nice mixture of both. I think thats why i liked them in the first place. Because when I didn't have a sub for every day, i could take a gabapentin and i would feel it and it would help. So no crazy reactions for me.
been taking GABA at 1600/MG/day for a while now and thinking about making a stop.

do you think there will be any withdrawals? I am also on Suboxone, Xanax and Keppra.

w/ that said, do you think any withdrawals? today I already went down to 800 rather than 1600 and feel fine; I just do not want it to cause any seizures or anything like that.
been taking GABA at 1600/MG/day for a while now and thinking about making a stop.

do you think there will be any withdrawals? I am also on Suboxone, Xanax and Keppra.

w/ that said, do you think any withdrawals? today I already went down to 800 rather than 1600 and feel fine; I just do not want it to cause any seizures or anything like that.

Youll be fine coming off of them if you keep taking lower doses til you quit. It will also help that youve got the other stuff to keep you getting sick
I recently decided to stop taking opiates as my addiction was getting very strong. I've been on them for far too long. So I read somewhere that Lyrica would be good for withdrawal symptoms and I was already prescribed it but haden't taken it as I decided I didn't want to for the long term. So then I started taking the Lyrica the first day of my detox and what I read was correct, the lyrica definitely helped with my withdrawal symptoms. But here I am on day 6 of my detox and I'm through the worst of it. I want to stop taking the lyrica and I know that it is a drug that you can not just stop taking due to the fact that it has an effect on your brain, not to mention the rest of your body. So my question is if I've only been on Lyrica for 6 days and of I tapered off through 2-3days would that be enough? Does someone have any experience with this? Using it for only one week I am sure it wouldn't get my body to use to it. Any input or advice, or a shared experience would be very helpful! Thanks!

*** I am only currently on 400 MG toral taken in three doses.
Shouldn't be addicted to the Lyrica yet, though it might be masking the w/d from the opiates more than you realize....
I dunno, try cutting your dose by half for a day and if nothing bad happens see what happens when you just take nothing the day after?
Shouldn't be addicted to the Lyrica yet, though it might be masking the w/d from the opiates more than you realize....
I dunno, try cutting your dose by half for a day and if nothing bad happens see what happens when you just take nothing the day after?
Good idea! Thanks :) I'll try that!
Youll be fine coming off of them if you keep taking lower doses til you quit. It will also help that youve got the other stuff to keep you getting sick

Thanks, brotha. I have been using around 400/MG/day over the past week since I went on vaca and did not have enough GABA to take the full script. I am now home and just called in the full script which I will pick up tonight; I DO plan on NOT taking the GABA daily, tho. my one MAJOR concern is seizures. I have a brain tumor which tend to cause seizures in my sleep; so I do NOT want to have any seizures while coming off somewhat of a seizure med; although, I have always taken for "fun" but oh well, we'll see.

I had enough of taking these and will try to go down to ZIP since I start a chemo drug tonight and will feel like shit anyway.

but my sick mind still would like to take the GAGA every few days so I can get a good "feel" from it rather than just take as part of the daily meds.
I take 3 , 300mg pills a day and it mellows me out. At first I had an almost "speedy" type high from it the first few times but now I just get real mellow. My doctor is about to switch me to freaking hydrocodone though......can't stand vicodin
I take 3 , 300mg pills a day and it mellows me out. At first I had an almost "speedy" type high from it the first few times but now I just get real mellow. My doctor is about to switch me to freaking hydrocodone though......can't stand vicodin

lol. if only life was this easy for me.
Gabashit withdrawal is...

been taking GABA at 1600/MG/day for a while now and thinking about making a stop.

do you think there will be any withdrawals? I am also on Suboxone, Xanax and Keppra.

w/ that said, do you think any withdrawals? today I already went down to 800 rather than 1600 and feel fine; I just do not want it to cause any seizures or anything like that.

AWFUL for some! Like me! I'd say it's up there with the worst of them.
Benzos are the only thing that helped at all.
Some experience nothing, for me it's hell!
I got off GABA pretty easy; its only been a few days but I seriously did not feel a thing.

I am on many other things, so that may have helped but how long till you usually start feeling an actual withdrawal from GABA?
Gabapentin has been a weird drug that I have experimented for about two years now. I do it about once a month for a few days straight. Those of you who get no recreational value what so ever- I have no clue how. I take anywhere from 6-8 800mg pills and I am set for the day. Talkative, stumbling like a drunk, more creative, and a bit of a dissociation type of effect.
I took 1800 mg as follows: 900 mg in a pint of water, 450 insufflated, and 450 swallowed whole. I fell asleep within 30 minutes, no CEVs.
I used to get CEVS from gabapentin when I first started staggering. I did 300mg every half hour until I got to 2700mg and didn't get CEVS until around the 8hr mark. I don't anymore. Has this happened to anyone else?

And has anybody staggered their gabapentin for a considerable dose like upwards of 5, 6, 7 grams (or even a small dose like 300 or 400 all day) throughout the day? If so what was it like, and what effects did you get 8 and 12 even 16 hours into it?