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Functional Addicts...Are you one? Have you met one?

uh i'm functional now that i'm on suboxone and don't really get high anymore except for very occasional marijuana,alcohol,benzos.

back when i was on heroin everyday, i definitely was not functional, mainly b/c i usually didn't have a job and had to drive 30minutes to go meet my guy and had trouble getting rigs often, basically alot of straight bullshit. which is why its not worth it IMO to abuse heroin or other opiates, eventually your gonna run out and then it will start to affect your functionability. but even after all of this, i still REALLY wanna do heroin again and have a nice chill opiate high again but if i did, there is a good chance i would keep doing it, plus my suboxone would prolly block it for the first few days. i am 8 months clean of heroin now and don't feel any better off mentally than i did when i quit, it sux.
im not functional but i really dont need to "function" at all anyway
Like many have said, I smoke weed every day and I feel if anything it has made me much more of a peaceful person. I would consider myself dysfunctional in some ways from all the antidepressants + benzo's I have been fed on and off over the last few years.
There's very few types of drugs you can do on a daily basis and still remain functional in society at large. I guess the main one would be weed, and I wish that I could smoke it without getting paranoid, since it seems to be easier to be a functional pothead than daily opiate user. Personally I'm a daily opiate user, of all flavors and routes of administration, and I wouldn't say that I'm "functional" by any means, except to say that I can interact with friends and family. But I have trouble holding down regular jobs, luckily I make my money by tutoring, so if I'm dopesick and can't meet up with a student for a day, it's not the end of the world. Still, I think back to last year when I was on a self-enforced suboxone maintenence/taper, and can't help but think how much more traditionally functional I was. Not having to worry about getting the money together to score, worrying about availability of drugs, and basically scheduling my whole day around getting high.
I personally am not functional sober. My spine is shot and I'm waiting on revision surgeries so getting out of bed w/out opiates is a chore and I was fired from both my jobs due to my lack of mobility. On opiates/opiods I can get through the day, hold a job, and am generally happier and friendlier since I'm not lashing out at people because I'm hurting.

While I was a coke head... I couldn't function if my life depended on it. My life was focused around 1. finding more or 2. finding an upper to sub it's place if it wasn't available.... oh and finding money or someone who wanted to buy it for me/share theirs (which surprisingly wasn't hard).
I can function under almost any substance, i have a very strong constitution.
People love me on drugs. (well benzos and opiates) i have a certain charm that comes out when i'm high. Like i stop giving a fuck and throw myself out there and can talk to anyone about anything and people respond well to me. I dunno i was high as hell on valium and opiates and just bullshitting with customers and one of em gave me 10 dollars just for being so cool. So yeah i can function on drugs i might even argue i function in some situations better on drugs. Now if i was nodding out at my cash register i wouldn't call that functioning
i'm half functioning, i think. i smoke every day but that isn't my problem. social anxiety is starting to get the best of me. i think that & other mental disorders are behind most of most peoples drug abuse anyways...
People love me on drugs.

Same. I'm much more liked. More talktative and happy, energetic and shit. I swear somehow my face gets prettier. Tweak makes me more popular. :\

I always found it amusing that when I was sober my mother would tell me she couldn't stand me, I never wanted to talk to her, went to practice and then did nothing, seemed depressed/down. Then I would start using and she would compliment me on everything, say I looked prettier, seemed happier, was nicer to her and seemed to want to talk to her.

I CAN definitely function MUCH better on my drugs if I keep it under check. :)
I consider my self as a druggie burn out. That's what 14 years of amphetamine/meth use has done to me. I need my daily med regime to be functional.
That's a negative. Have been functional before when using, but now being unemployed and not having classes there's no real object to the day other than to get high. This is sort of coasting. It's an in between state. Sooner or later either money or someone's tolerance of my fucked upness will dwindle and it's time to get functional again.

It's quite possible to be functional though. My shot gives me a solid 20 to 22 hours of wellness, so each day I'm only sick for at most two hours. The most disruptive thing to the functional life is the need to go cop, as in the actual act of getting it, because it's a fucking journey. Takes three hours round trip due to shit city public trans rather than the hour it would take in a car. So everything else must be scheduled around the trip.
Sorry for this and I just woke up so I might be a little cranky...what's the point of your post? You don't really do harder drugs in any way regularly, so u don't count here. From 16-26 I was perfectly fine doing drugs until I was depressed enough to let it rule my life for 8 months and that was heroin. Before that I smoked weed for years everyday w/ that absofuckinglutely having no affect my life, had 2 jobs and even 4.0/4.0 GPA. Your can not in any way compare what u are doing now to what people on here had gone through. I tried an oxy and other opiates too before and never got addicted. ooptyfuckingdoo. It just seems that you are trying to rub it other's people's faces, w/o maybe even realizing, that u are somehow addiction proof and problems that come with it. You are not and given the right drug like heroin u will not likely be functional for 2 years. Just saying, a 2 year everyday weed habit I think is not proof that u can be functional when using harder drugs regularly. Asking the question was alright but inserting your experience w/ harder drugs doesn't count cuz u don't have any. U tried them maybe, but not on a regular basis, so u can't say that u will function well like your examples when u actually do hard drugs regularly. And weed is not a hard drug.
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I was the most UNfunctional heroin addict for a LONG time. Dropped out of school, quit my steady job I'd had for years, quickly quit a number of jobs I started in a short period of time, etc.

This recent relapse (2 months) I've been quite functional. Working and everything. I think it is because I do not have a car this time around so it is a lot harder to skip work (since someone is driving me there) to go to the city to cop.
Sorry for this and I just woke up so I might be a little cranky...what's the point of your post? You don't really do harder drugs in any way regularly, so u don't count here. From 16-26 I was perfectly fine doing drugs until I was depressed enough to let it rule my life for 8 months and that was heroin. Before that I smoked weed for years everyday w/ that absofuckinglutely having no affect my life, had 2 jobs and even 4.0/4.0 GPA. Your can not in any way compare what u are doing now to what people on here had gone through. I tried an oxy and other opiates too before and never got addicted. ooptyfuckingdoo. It just seems that you are trying to rub it other's people's faces, w/o maybe even realizing, that u are somehow addiction proof and problems that come with it. You are not and given the right drug like heroin u will not likely be functional for 2 years. Just saying, a 2 year everyday weed habit I think is not proof that u can be functional when using harder drugs regularly. Asking the question was alright but inserting your experience w/ harder drugs doesn't count cuz u don't have any. U tried them maybe, but not on a regular basis, so u can't say that u will function well like your examples when u actually do hard drugs regularly. And weed is not a hard drug.

Please. Go back and read my post. I was not trying to compare weed to harder drugs at all. Or state that Marijuana is a hard drug. And I believe I made that a point in my post. I was curious as to how frequent hard drug users are able to function through out day to day activities; this after all, is a discussion board, and I'm here to read what others have to say. :)
I function better than anyone I know. People have told me that I look better while I'm on something, too. I didn't get that.