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Functional Addicts...Are you one? Have you met one?

I like the stuff way too much to jeopardize either- 1) my ability to use it as I want to or- 2)my reputation at work. I work in the restaurant/bar business - lots of long term users there - you learn from experience over the years how to incorporate it into your life without negative consequences. You can't treat it like a party drug and stay up for days all the time. If you eat and sleep every day even for a couple of hours it keeps you from needing those 24 hours in a row of catch up sleep. There are way more "career users" than anyone suspects. I still get taken by suprise by some of them. Moderation and discretion are the keys.
BlackOut said:
JFK is a textbook example of an arguably functioning user. He received daily injections of amphetamines, administered by his physician. Some historians believe this addiction was the reason for several major screwups, in particular his meeting with Kruschev that almost ignited WW3.

So was hitler...though i wouldnt exactly call him functional. Along with his daily injections of methamphetamine, he also had daily injections of some kind of very strong opiate. What a fucking junky.
How appropriate is it that I'm getting an 8-sack of meth on Hitler's birthday.
DexterMeth said:
So was hitler...though i wouldnt exactly call him functional.

Have you seen those movie clips of Hitler's speeches during Europe's darkest years? No doubt he was a great demagog...But to me it is obvious that he was under the influence of stimulants. Sweating, ecstatic, megalomanic, and most importantly, convincing.

On a sidenote, the controversial German movie "Der Untergang" depicts the last days of Der Fuhrer and his amphetamine psychosis. There are some great clips of him in his bunker ordering imaginary generals to hold their position, yelling and screaming at them, all the while his entire staff stands paralyzed and scared outside listening to his ranting.
same in japan, at the clubs i tried looking for some (i have a house there) and its roughly 150-200 per gram. WTF i thought japan MADE meth, those sons o bitches
actually you wouldnt believe it, i never have. looked for it at wherehouse, nope, they only had spun.
Are you ... "Functional?"

Before I begin, I hope this was not done before (or recently to be more exact.) If this is a repost, mods please discard this thread.

While browsing Bluelight and reading many stories on many different topics in relevance with drugs, I see there are alot of individuals on here who do a good amount of hard(er?) type drugs on a frequent basis. Not saying there is anything wrong with that since I am a big believer one must chose the their own path they'd like to live out, just curious how many people on here consider themselves a functional user/snorter/toker/*insert here* and feel that their use does not have a threatening impact on their day to day activities such as school, work, family, and so on.

Although my case might be minuscule when compared to some of the stories you guys (or girls <3) will post, I'll begin. I mainly only smoke bud. Tried Vicodins and Percs a few times but did not like the feeling much and never fucked with them much more. So I began smoking daily close to two years ago when I began working for my father. At first, my smoking was a weekend thing; with friends, at parties, and so on. But then I began to smoke nightly. My father owns a construction company and if laying brick in the 100 degree weather isn't enough, he's very old school and could be a it strict at times. So college began and here I was smoking about a dime a night which is not really much but still a daily smoker none the less. To make a long story short, two years later, I still have a 3.5 GPA, work to my fullest, and maintain a great relationship with my GF. I'll admit, along the way there were times when I smoked when I shouldn't of but nothing as dramatic to even recall a story to tell you guys. :) For the record, I cut back a few months ago to more of a weekend/social thing not because of the negative effects it had on my life but just to use the money for something more productive. And this again, shows how much I admire this plant; no withdrawals. Sure, sleeping was a little annoying the first two days but I've adjusted myself just fine in my opinion. ^ Damn, sorry for the rant.

So with that said, how many of you are functional users/snorters/tokers/and so on, for how long, how do you feel it affects you, and anything else?

:) Stay safe.
^^^Smoking weed daily is normal IMO and I havent ever seen an impact on anybodys ability to function in every day life.

I use about 3 bags of Heroin daily (more when Im off from work) and I function totally fine. I snort a bag every morning when I get out of the shower. I like to work much better on dope. I has no impact on my work performance, or anything else for that matter. I would def. use more if I could afford it.

When Im out of dope and cant cop more, then I become much less functional. I dont wanna do SHIT and NOT having it effects my work performance and everything else.

But when I have it, Im good to do whatever. (except pay my bills on time haha) :\
im not functional right now because i havent had my sticky green in over a week....im in one of those depressed episodes due to bipolar. weed always helps me feel better and function better.:)
Catch me in a couple days, I'll be functional again.

I've smoked marijuana on a daily basis for almost 5 years now and it has not inhibited my functionality in society.

On the other hand, my opiate addiction greatly hinders my ability to function when I'm in w/d's. 3-7 days before I begin to feel better
This was wayyyy too long to read...

i just had fdpas 5 whippitsss.,, so im fucking up right now.
see you in like 20- minuites..
I like the username OP as you can tell im a VW fan. But id say im a functional going to college 5 days a week and using my pain meds daily.
Depends what flux I'm in (my using has gone through periods in the past five years) and in waht way.

If it's the beginning of when I start using I'm fine, meth actually helps me function... I want to work all the time because I have so much energy, I'm happy and hopeful, forcing myself to take days off and get some rest so there's not really any crashing/run-down-ness to me... and I'm actually more interested in school, and feel more social.

If iin the middle, it sort of depends. Physically there are some days I really can't because I'm too worn out and crashing, get sick and have to stay in bed, sleep for 19 hours and miss everything, or my body feels physically too weak to function. But my motivation starts to dwindle somewhere around here and I stop going to classes first, then work... and become less social.

During the end/final period of using, I start to not be able to function... don't want to go to work because I don't have the energy or motivation, have no money so I can't buy the things I need to function, and I become weak physically and don't have energy, start to have a lot of physical problems and begin avoiding most people because I can't hide the fact that i'm not functioning.

Right now I'm in the middle, so I'm functioning most days.
I'm not functional sober.
I started my drug career very late.
Weed and speed were my favourites.
I resent having to rely on them, purely, though, so mostly stay sober.
My ego desperately wants to function sober, and gets bruised when I fall to drugs.
Sobriety never worked for me before drugs, though, so fuck knows how I expect it to work at this late stage.
Consciousness expanding drugs have helped, but I dont regard these as drugs, and only take them, seldom, when I think the 'time is right'
I await spontaneous realizations which will alter my consciousness without drugs.
Alcohol, speed and benzos are mind numbing, and consciousness narrowing, because while you are on them, your not learning.
I was a functional pothead, but lately, ive been having to cut back to keep up with work and school. Im not sure if its helping though, since Studying without a bowl to take a puff on every ten minutes or so makes things way harder. But, I dont have the time to get home to smoke, so i dont

I guess Im still functional, just my timing isnt
I've been smoking every night for about 6 years. It helps me function, because without it, I can't sleep and spend all my time feeling even more tired than normal.

I functioned normally when I was snorting speed every day - had some wierd paranoid ideas, but was happy and sociable and had the energy for work and play, it was all good. Once I started IVing speed and the weekend would run from Thursday to Monday, not really functional at all.

These days without speed (just can't find fuck all all round these parts, no one makes much money off it, so no one sells it) I function at the absolute baseline I can get away with. I have no energy. This is the way I've always been. God knows what's going to happen once I get an actual job again.. :|

Other drugs I do - opiates and IV coke - definately don't help with any sort of functioning, I'm usually more useless than normal the day after, although I did used to like low doses of opiates at work, made me cheerful & talkative, the hours would go by a lot quicker, but that was at a much more relaxed workplace than most..
In college i would have been way more functional without drugs. It consumed all my time and man did i have a lot of time which i should havee used studying and those 8 ams after a night of tripping balls or bootin oxys were hard to make it too.
When I was deep in my drug use I was so far from functional it was laughable.