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Fun things to do on a certain drugs? Ask, or tell us about it here!

What do you Like to do on GOOD Cocaine?

I always feel Like im Wasting My Money when I do Cocaine And I just sit High Off it listening to Music. Unless I Play A Video Game Like TM with rest of my 8-Ball I Am Sniffing Now I will Play the last Mission of GTA 5 And I will Watch the Very Last Episode of Hell On Wheels which I LOVED that Netflix Series Right Now on Blow.

Another obvious NO BRAINER would be to JACK OFFFFF!! LOL! Which could Not of been better Typed Second Best thing would be to JERK OFFFF!! ROFL! LMFAO!

So please I would Like some Ideas ALSO I Purchased 6-APB RC Drug which is basically Like cross between MDMA And MDA but Peaks in 4 Hours wears off in 6-8 instead of peaking 2 and lasting 4-6 like mdma, I know that Music for MDMA And obviously 6-APB is the BEST GOD DAMN THING u can do on it I also have on My bucket List to go Swimming in My Moms Pool But that will have to Wait for ,July Or August.
I'm guessing the OP also likes to randomly capaitalize the first letter of some of the words he types while on cocaine.
Talk my tongue out & more cocaine.
Alcohol & cigarettes in between talking peoples ears off and doing more lines.
^ that too towards the end of the nights supply.
If ya mean rocking it up to smoke.
I honestly cannot change tasks on Vyvanse so whatever I start on during a high is what I'll be doing for the next 7+ hours. Probably why cleaning and studying are such popular suggestions, you'll definitely get shit done. The few times I've used Vyvanse to get high I ended up marathoning video games but eventually decided it wasn't worth the awful side effects and stopped messing with it. Regular Dexedrine is way more pleasant even if it doesn't last as long.

But basically the best thing to do on Vyvanse is whatever you really need to get done (cleaning, studying, working etc.) because you'll be extremely focused for hours. Imo nothing is actually fun on Vyvanse but I suppose everyone has a somewhat different reaction.
I usually talk too much and stop eating food, not a great drug. But if you're at work god damn you'll get shit done.

Thebaine opioids > speed in my book, the body high/pain relief is a big factor for me though so I'm kinda biased. Combine them? Fuck yeah, just need a big dose of a benzo for the comedown.
NO YOUR WRONG IT IS O.C.D. thing which if anything Cocaine would make that more Severe at worse But I got MILD O.C.D. which for Example I Use Randomly Capitalized letters of only the FIRST letter in A Word with A VERY WELL... for lack of a better Term! THE SHIT! At Grammar And yet My O.C.D. Over Powers the Grammar Nazi in Me!

Also I think doing more Cocaine when using cocaine is a given but I feel like im not Like making GOOD USE of it or as Utlizing of it unless I have Some Specific to do that is Enhanced Pleasure Induced from Cocaine with Sex being another given thing to do on Blow And Music those r obvious ones I can think of Right now.
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NO YOUR WRONG IT IS O.C.D. thing which if anything Cocaine would make that more Severe at worse But I got MILD O.C.D. which for Example I Use Randomly Capitalized letters of only the FIRST letter in A Word with A VERY WELL... for lack of a better Term! THE SHIT! At Grammar And yet My O.C.D. Over Powers the Grammar Nazi in Me!

Also I think doing more Cocaine when using cocaine is a given but I feel like im not Like making GOOD USE of it or as Utlizing of it unless I have Some Specific to do that is Enhanced Pleasure Induced from Cocaine with Sex being another given thing to do on Blow And Music those r obvious ones I can think of Right now.

My apologies I didn't realize it was an OCD thing. I just assumed you were high while typing and "the drugs made you do it".

Heroin user on a mountain hike ?

Hello everyone,

Hypothetically speaking, would it be a good idea to take a heroin user (he recently moved on to H and used to take oxys, 200 mg a day if I'm correct) on a mountain hike for an afternoon ? In terms of safety, mental and physical strength ?

He's always liked nature, I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to try and convince him, but then maybe I'm just fooling myself. Would he pay attention to the landscape ? Would you ?

Thank you for your answers
Does he like mountains, hiking and nature ?

If hes into that stuff then it sounds like a great day out - if he isn't into that or is nodding then it sounds like hell on earth.
as long as he's medicated enough to not be sick, and not so over-medicated he's nodding out, everything should be fine. depends on how responsible of a user he is.