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Fun things to do on a certain drugs? Ask, or tell us about it here!

I don't know of any amp's that have "therapeutic" potential if used daily.

There is therapeutic potential in amphetamines if you suffer ADD/ADHD and don't abuse them. I take Adderall everyday and the effects still help me concentrate and calm my restlessness, which is very hard to do without. (Although I do for a day or two out of the month, it still works) I notice the difference because I'll usually take a 5-7 day vacation out of the month and its pretty hard to stay concentrated or have any sort of attention span during those days.

It also has daily therapeutic potential for those who suffer from narcolepsy.

Back to the subject of Vyvanse, I was prescribed it twice but only for a month each time, as each time I found it not to be very effective. It never lasted the advertised 12-14 hours. More like 6-8 hours. It makes me spaced out & tired afterwords. If I were to have to choose a sustained release amphetamine medication it would be Adderall XR, much over Vyvanse.
Oh man video games, big number one. I cant get enjoyment out of video games sober anymore, thanks to this combo. The only alternatives are opioids and/or cannabis but its not the same. It doesnt matter what kind of game, except maybe barbie's dream castle, but then again... You get the point.
I must say though ive only had vyvanse once and it doesnt have the "in your face effect" of other stims but its nice and fun to an extent. If you get the dosage right im sure it would be comparable.
A strong 2nd is porn, and a close 3rd is work/school/cleaning
without looking at any of the other responses...


cleaning the bathroom, cleaning your room, going online is fun but I sometimes end up stuck there for hours.

I really like listening to music on vyvanse, as well as playing music, going out for coffee is fun until all your friends run away because the rate of speed at which the run on sentences shoot out of your mouth becomes downright frightening to those who know you and even those who don't start to get suspicious...

Actually I really like vyvanse, I hardly ever get to use it so it works really well whenever I come across it. I like to do just about anything on vyvanse except nothing.
ive never had mayonese or vyvanse or w/e its called but ive done everything from ritalin to speed

and when im uppity up i like to
play games, talk to women, teach my dog tricks, CLEAN, fix/repair shit, write, produce
ohh yeah 10 hour wanking sessions are fun too! (jk, but seriously)
I tend to talk myself to death, or read myself to a coma.
first of all, i dont need any of that "vyvanse sucks" crap
because it DOSNT.

i just want some more opinions of whats fun to do while speeding on vyvanse

my personal faves are..
1. listen to music
2. draw
3. look at pictures
4. think of things that make me exited
5. TALK.
6. look at porn(lol)

anything else guys?
I've noticed that when I have nothing to do on the weekend I tend to take a 40, when I wake up and then take one about every 8-10 hours and my focus gets more intense the longer I do it, I marathoned Destiny on ps4 recently and loved it. The only downside is when you finally sleep the headache is 10x worse than usual
The best thing to do on a stimulant high is to take some downers and hope for the stim high to be over.
How could you not mention CLEANING! Vyvance doesnt suck your right but the i grew a tolerance to it fast. I think wat i did most the time was try to sleep on it lol. That shit sucks.
Hey m8 after looking online a bit about vyvanse i dont think you grow a tolerance to it. What i would suggest is you check your meds just after you get them to make sure the powder in the pills are full like they should be.. theres been reports of theft from meds so its worth checking.
Try gaming on vyvanse and let me know if it helps you better with games like fps "call of duty" or play strategy games
The best thing to do on a stimulant high is to take some downers and hope for the stim high to be over.
Unless you want to get stuff done, I smoked pot(a downer) every day 3 years and didn't get much done because it makes you lazy. I mean all drugs have there cons and pros, one thing pot did for me was open my mind and lower things like my depression and anxiety and of course got me high AF :D.
if you're with a group of people, going to a party is fun to just chill back. if youre alone, what i usually do is just light up a bowl, sit back on my couch and listen to some nice music or watch a movie.
have fun :)
Just be careful. When I first read this I honestly had no idea what your talking about because I just thought what ever I have to do that day? Its to go from using drugs to improve certain things to using drugs for everything. I have drugs with breakfast lunch dinner and before bed. And if your buying them from a friend just be aware they don't have your safety or long term well-being in mind. I've seen teens buy Oxy codeine and Vicodin basically blow there entire salary and later inpatient kids like 14 15 in for for snorting heroin because they had a few bills lived in a city area
also music, laying down, and just chilling. I listen to slow music and try to wave my arms around (fun).