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Fuck Me. Kill Me.

the categorizing of something as valueless trivia
Fuck me right?
What have I done to you?
Devour me from the inside
Sliced tongue - i cannot speak
I cannot see thru my bleeding eyes
I cannot feel with my crushed hands
My heart is deceased
My mind warped.
Just fucking destroy me
O kill me Please. Fuck me

Damn Waffle!!! THAT - I FELT!! In my life, it describes what I'm feeling about a situation I'm in with the guy who introduced me to IV drug use. I could attempt to explain more - but suffice it to say it's a very sick, fucked up, abusive relationship in which the problems get worked out very falsely and very temporarily through drug use and sex. It's always a bit of a strange feeling to happen upon someone voicing your feelings in their words. Perhaps it's true that misery loves company, but it reading that does make one feel just a little less alone, so thank you for that waffle. You are quite the artist with your words. That has always been the way I interpret art - by if it has what it takes to actually make me FEEL!


and all its "DELUSIONAL HAPPINESS" - this is a concept I write about and WILL WRITE MUCH MORE about in my novel

TRUTH BE TOLD I do belive in this dichotomy to a LARGE degree

Captain Heroin (Love that name btw!) I COMPLETELY understand the concept of delusional happiness. It used to be really easy for me to coast through that delusion - pretend that everything was 'peachy' and fine and as it should be - but when I let the illusion slip I would experience that hatred, the coldness the "fuck me - kill me" feeling - the very basic instinct of just wanting OUT - out if it all - fuck the world. But, time after time - I suck it up, begin again, try again. It seems I believe in that dichotomy too. Perhaps Stevie Nicks said it best : "Dreams unwind and love's a state of mind"

My thanks to you both. Very intense, artist words. Thank you for sharing!
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No, not if one recognizes this realm as a creation derivative of amorality, as opposed to adopting predisposed concepts of social constructs and conditions the psyche to handle emotional stimuli with indifference. But that could make one a stoic. . . I consider myself a hedonist. .

Yet, recognizing that the world is amoral, one could still pass judgement for the sake of entertainment ...or some other type of personal gain for he knows that the world is under the illusion that morality exists and uses that to his advantage.

“I am dead because I lack desire,
I lack desire because I think I possess.
I think I possess because I do not try to give.
In trying to give, you see that you have nothing;Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself;
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing:Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become;
In desiring to become, you begin to live.”

― René Daumal
“I am dead because I lack desire,
I lack desire because I think I possess.
I think I possess because I do not try to give.
In trying to give, you see that you have nothing;Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself;
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing:Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become;
In desiring to become, you begin to live.”

― René Daumal

Thank you TNW

This was an amazing quote

Reminds me of an artist who said in lyrics "desire is a gift in life"
Desire can also be a curse; You can constantly long for the unattainable and be forever discontent.

Double-Edged sword imo

One cannot stay on the summit forever -
One has to come down again.
So why bother in the first place? Just this.
What is above knows what is below -
But what is below does not know what is above

One climb, one sees-
One descends and sees no longer
But one has seen!

There is an art of conducting one’s self in
The lower regions by the memory of
What one saw higher up.

When one can no longer see,
One does at least still know.

-- Rene Daumal
I keep waking up to this dream for over 20 years
How and why did it begin? Where and when does it end?
What the fuck am I supposed to be doing,.. really??..Amoral God?
No answer.
Hmm.. Thoughts of a misanthrope: what's stopping me from indiscriminately killing these other humans in cohabitation to express my vitriol? I know i have it in me, of all people .
- oh yea- DRUGS.
The only reason to perpetuate the arbitrary cycle.
That and sexual deviance .. or at least the thought of.
These memories serve no purpose whatsoever.
This has got to stop at some point.
Guessing where the coins would fall, they carried on for hours with a compass and a set of keys- backpacks packed and floating just above their pretty heads. Poised to dive and immolate ten thousand years of moistened lips, for one less kiss they're willing to let all the angels lay claim to their territory and sleep with their lights on for personality. They stumble through darkness while reaching for fleeting moments: "The Glory shall be yours and you all shall be as God..."

Don't let the songs fall without a word. Impending nova, I'll watch you all burn.

Running from a heart of clay, they ate with severed limbs and gambled well into the previous day, risking wings from angels that they couldn't afford to repay in word, or deed, or selfish thought. If seraphim are pulling strings they'll find their wings and become one King for a lifetime, and Kong for one fleeting moment, to find that the journey was less than work for us. They'll refine their relics and offer the sweetest up to me, asking one more time: "Don't you want to laugh like God?"

Don't let the songs fall without a word. Impending nova, I'll watch you all burn.

"Lady bright eyed, guide me through this tumultuous sea with much wine. Why the gods in all their immortality wish that I die? But I won't die."

When a word is spoken by the lonely, then a gift is said to the receptive. Though weary eyed they still return the warmth and smile. Not in need of further gestures, they're singing songs of celebration. Place your heads inside the halo's ring and grasp this understatement.

Let all the angels reclaim their territory and sleep with their lights on, lest any footsteps feel darkness in orphan bondages, muting their fanfares. Return to waveforms and trust in our common heritage. We could become God. Our trust in this fiction creates faith in our appendages. Don't let the songs fall in flames.

"Hell, Hell well are you now?"

"I am here."

"In a daydream I died. I was Jekyl. You were Hyde. In you I seek ally. Enemy. Hell, Hell where are you now?"

"I am here."
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First a light, and then a cup, set upon a meager tray beside the book of revelations, and tucked by fireside's brighter light. Studiously dwell upon the ill-achieved stabs at grace.

The second light is tempered by its honesty, overshadowing the primary. Words contort accordingly. Another page torn, crumbled by a fist in reaction to actions pure in concept marred by dissatisfaction, squeezing drops of still flame from the cold page.

And yet it still must come to this: a wordless page, yet poignant fist to keep the fire still contained. And if there's no more to show for this tonight except a paper cut that's fine, and yet it still does ratify when bloody hands will satisfy and voices can't bring down the sky. Another page is smoothed and saved. The needless word has need today, the millionth word and first the same.

"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain."

Against true luminance the bright ones lose their sheen, but through humility the dullest troll can fail discretely.

"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain."

Illuminated now, a picture has two levels; there is the moment clad in shallow sun. Behind, there stands the fact, the noose of God surrounding; and tied to everything they fall, toppling the all.