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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Freebased 2c-t-7 - Experienced - Zoinked

Thanks man, it's the first one I ever wrote and I knew I really really needed to remember this. I know we haven't really spoke too much since that night, but I am still content on not tripping after that experience.(Like I was saying at the time) I feel like it ripped something big from my psyche. I still would like to try DMT to see how it compares to the experience I went through.
That happens to me every few months , but I always start tripping again

The mushrooms have been nice but I feel a ketamine trip coming on soon

After my harsh 2c-e trip on 50 mgs I didnt trip for a whole month really

And look at me now =D
The thing is I know if shrooms were thrown in front of me that I would gobble away and have a great time. But I'm starting to fear what I could be doing to my mind. Because I've been SUPER forgetful lately. And not anti-social, because I will go out, but I feel very much like an alien when trying to talk to a stranger. :/
I feel like I'm from another planet sometimes as well. I just don't really care :\

I try not to let anxiety get the best of me , I just avoid people who dont use drugs

Sober people make me so uncomfortable , but if you at least toke pot your good in my book
I just have nothing to say to normal people that won't make me look like a loon :/
cool report! actually makes me wanna try smoking some 2ct7 but on a way lower dose lol
probably around 5mg spread out in 2.5 and 2.5 or something
glad you're okay :)
The powder was spread across tin foil and I put some liquid on it and burned it from underneath.

By liquid I guess you mean water? So the first few hits would have just been nasty tasting steam, then it dried out, and you smoked the whole lot.

If you're going to do this, just put the amount you want on the foil and smoke it all, don't put a load on and try and pass it around like a joint.
^Heh, ironically this is how I wanted to do it. But "c'' wanted to do it differently. ;)
You were so scared that night , I was trying to come you down the best I could

I knew you were gonna be alright <3
Haha yeah by calming me down you mean "I've heard of it happening man, some times it just finally switches the right switch and they don't come back."


Once I looked at my pupils it made me feel safer that I would eventually return from this heavenly hellish trip :)

But it was still rather nerve wracking just thinking about how it was so unknown of the dosage, and the whole eyes in the back of the skull thing :/
i have a feeling that "c" is actually "cc" ;)

good report Coe. but generally smoking 2ct-x's is not recomended. i guess you learned teh hard way
You guessed it Delsyd ;)

But yes, I don't think I will be going back down this road, ever again. ;)
It's not something I would ever do again

I was just curious , It tastes so gross too

Like Comet or Ajax

Not that Ive ever tasted those products , I just don't know what else to compare it to
I honestly like the way most drugs taste but not t-7

tastes evil as fuck , especially when you snort it

You see for some reason i am incredibly interested in smoking 2c-t-7
I didn't know that there was a Phen out there that was actually smokable.

I've smoked virtually all the smokable tryptamines, like 5-meo-mipt 5-meo-dipt 5-meo-dmt

I had been reading about alot of different people smoking dosages between 3mg - 10mg
and having amazing trips!, i bet you it was all the 2c-t-7 resin that accumulated on the tinfoil that sent you into 2c-t-7 "deathyperspace" ^.^

What does smoking 2c-t-7 feel like... i really want to try it, but i am debating as to wether or not i want to walk down the PHEN path again.
But there is just something so intriguing about a smokable phen i almost CANNOT Resist!!!

In terms of Onset, Intensity and Duration,
How would one say it compares to other phens orally?

I have taken 2c-b 2c-i 2c-e.
I was peaking within 10-15 seconds of inhaling it.

If you're going to try it. Try low doses first, that can be my only recommendation. I tripped for a good 6 hours from this and after effects for another 4-6. The intensity is explained throughout the entire report. This is why I recommend dosing low!

Also I would know nothing about smoking those other 2c-compounds you listed, for I've only smoked 2ct7.