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First Drug Ever Tried?

What was the first recreational drug you tried?

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DXM, alcohol, weed, norco, then shrooms.
I think mushies are the reason I became more involved in trying different drugs
alcohol after just turning 12.
weed was 13z
first hard substance, pills. silly idea looking back on it, talking to some random dude at a party, he told me to follow him, he crushed two pills and we had two decent lines each. lucky they were great pills though=]
Alcohol followed by Marijuana followed by LSD .....after that it just becomes a haze of various psychedelics
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Marijuana -> Alcohol -> MDMA -> Codeine -> Xanax -> Ambien -> Valium -> Vicodin -> Cocaine -> DXM
Amanita Muscaria when I was 14. Then moved on to Amanita Pantherina (which I prefer infinitely over Muscaria), morning glory seeds, and eventually psilocybin within the year. People often tell me I somewhat went backwards with drugs...as I started with hallucinogens, and didn't smoke weed until about 2-3 years later, and never consumed alcohol until I was around 22.
The first drug I ever tried was marijuana when I was 13, on a Boy Scout camping trip. Got stoned, zoned out in front of the fire, ate Doritos and went to sleep. I fell in love. <3
Well i first got drunk when i was maybe 7 or 8 but other then alcohol my first drug tried would be hash. After that came opiate pills like codeine and Demerol and benzos which back in those days was usually limited to Valium. When i was 14 i first tried shrooms and it was love at first site :)
Well, not counting weed, I guess the first drug I tried was Salvia, although the effects were next to nothing, so I don't really consider it. The first hard drug I ever did was acid, changed my life forever.
Technically weed but that shouldn't count cuz it's so common, but the first time I got high was with my cousin, and I only saw him once or twice a year.

So after that, too young and without hookups and curious... basically every OTC high you can think of minus dust... even nutmeg (which does work unfortunately). DXM was the only thing that came close enjoyment-wise.

It wasn't too long until us (in middle school) could find someone in high school to sell us bud, which was what I was searching for all along. I remember the guy sold it to us in-between lunch sandwiches in a bag lol.
Technically weed but that shouldn't count cuz it's so common

I think that it's actually pretty interesting to see who DIDN'T use alcohol or cannabis as their first inebriant. I'm thinking I might be slightly unique in having tried LSD before either of those (people have gone far enough to tell me that it was 'wrong' :p).

Percs, then klonopin, then I was really into adderall. All starting in 7th grade. I was fuckin stayin up a week at a time on adderall in 8 th grade..Then I stated smokin bud in my freshman year of highschool haha and still do. Never really got into drinkin, I do occasionally, first time was also my freshman year.Aaand the next 4 years of highschool a whoole plethora of drugs. Whatever the fuck I could find. And Im still huntin lol.
I guess sips of Alcohol when you're a kid don't count so.. weed+tobacco spliffs. That smoke tastes real good I want some right now.
I was pretty traditonal. Booze and weed, first.. then graduated to the other fun shit. :\

I've met a handful of people though (one of my ex girlfriend's actually too) who went straight to heroin without ever having even smoked pot or taken a pill, etc. It's a rare path, but it does happen.
I think that it's actually pretty interesting to see who DIDN'T use alcohol or cannabis as their first inebriant. I'm thinking I might be slightly unique in having tried LSD before either of those (people have gone far enough to tell me that it was 'wrong' :p).


LSD first? Either u are one of those nerds who didn't find drugs until their 30s... or u had a really persuasive friend while young?

For me, I'm just mostly sick of seeing weed, or an explanation of whether to include it, mentioned in every post, but I agree.