Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. The Endorphin Factory

^ I like your new avatar.

When I re-started swimming after all those lost years, I'd never thought I'd get so much pleasure out of it.

Days like today when I feel I was beaten up by the workload, really tough and stressful day.
But now after exercising for one hour I feel new again, refreshed.

Still have to work for a couple of hours but I got the energy I needed.
Nothing like the sound of the water when I'm swimming after working out.

Like I read "When you’re underwater, the rest of the world gets blocked out. There’s only you, the movement of your body, and the freedom to let your mind wander."
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Just finished my power full body workout. Back again tomorrow!
Walked 26 miles and moved 3000 kg at least 20m amoung many other activities.

Feal worked to say the least.
Moving up to most challenging workouts and faster efficient 'cardio' swimming.
Resting tomorrow -- only from exercises though.
Went to parents place and used their bike machine hahaha the seat was tough to sit on so I only did 40 min of cardio. Going again tomorrow for a full bod workout. Gotta keep going for a healthier mind body and soul! I am also planning to register for a 3 month kick boxing class by start of next year but I have to enroll to University first.
Last two days pretty much exercise free.. needed a nice rest. Easy day tomorrow. Then a huge week, with a break wednesday.

Edit: walked about a mile or so. Nice night.
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Did an awesome workout today. Going again tomorrow as my boss will be treating us for dinner for meeting our monthly target to a steakhouse. Gotta burn the calories and rock it in the gym again. I'm still debating if I should go early morn or at lunch time. Either way I will power through it.
Swimming pool was not available tonight. How frustrating... I was so ready!! :\
I did my swimming as usual but I feel it's not as tiring as it used to be. I tried to work out in between days but even these exercises are suddenly becoming mild to me.

I'm wondering if I'm getting tolerance from exercises. :\ It would be a bit strange but that's how I feel (?)
Unfortunately I have to postpone my workouts til Friday cause work has been super crazy. Back Friday for hot yoga!!
^I don't like when I can't exercise because of long working hours.
It makes the next day heavier now that I got used to it.

I believe all the stress decreases significantly after exercising as I can sleep better and feel good.
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Achieved my goal in terms of exercising. Very grateful for all the tips and advice.
I'm a happier sober now. ;)
^Not the only way, probably the easiest one to begin with. What it really does to you is to turn yourself eager in doing something you'd never imagine it would bring you some joy.

It's like a priority to me as I want to feel good at the end of the day. Wash my stress, anger, etc.
Besides, I have made friends there in the gym and some of them are very nice.

You can also develop hobbies and do something enjoyable with your life.
Something that gives you pleasure, other than drugs.
Or even better, volunteer at a hospital, school, help the homeless, etc.

Make a routine/habit out of this and I swear, it will make you feel much better. And happy, as long as you don't do it because because of the benefits. It doesn't work like that IMO.

It took me several months to discover what I really like spending my free time with. You'll find yours.

Have a great week!
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Have now moved up to water aerobics. Every other day, including Saturdays. That's really great. :)
So happy I am not a sedentary person anymore. Hope it lasts!