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Everything is meaningless.

Dogs are as smart as pigs.

Pigs are actually smarter than dogs. What makes dogs appear to be smart is their obedience to the pack leader, but pigs were actually found to be significantly more intelligent. That doesn't mean they make good pets - I'd much rather a dog.

My favorite breed is the Shiba Inu, followed by the Basenji.
Yeah, pigs are awesome. I meant: pigs are at least as smart as dogs (for all we know). Pretty sure they taste better though. If dogs tasted as good as pigs, we'd eat them too.

I'm curious about dog meat honestly. I don't think I could ever eat it because I've allowed myself to get too attached to them emotionally, but I'm curious. I really want to eat scorpions for some reason. Whenever I see them on a stick in an Asian documentary I just start salivating. Insects are underrated. I will eat them again one day.

Hakuna Matata

found to be significantly more intelligent

To a lesser extent than our British friend, I am somewhat sceptical about how intelligence (and sentience) is measured.


Do you believe roses suffer?
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They almost completely lack intelligence, don't they?

I went through a phase of eating insects at one point because I determined they aren't sophisticated enough to feel suffering.

Ants are zesty. They taste like citrus fruits.
Incorrect, their intelligence works a bit like software, instead of like hardware. The more ants, the smarter the colony, but a single ant ofc is useless intellectually.

They exchange information by trophallaxis I believe
Pigs are actually smarter than dogs. What makes dogs appear to be smart is their obedience to the pack leader, but pigs were actually found to be significantly more intelligent. That doesn't mean they make good pets - I'd much rather a dog.

My favorite breed is the Shiba Inu, followed by the Basenji.
A grown-up pig is about as smart as a 5-year old human.

So it depends on the dog. Smarter than a terrier, definitely. But not smarter than a border-collie
Yeah, pigs are awesome. I meant: pigs are at least as smart as dogs (for all we know). Pretty sure they taste better though. If dogs tasted as good as pigs, we'd eat them too.

I'm curious about dog meat honestly. I don't think I could ever eat it because I've allowed myself to get too attached to them emotionally, but I'm curious. I really want to eat scorpions for some reason. Whenever I see them on a stick in an Asian documentary I just start salivating. Insects are underrated. I will eat them again one day.

Hakuna Matata

To a lesser extent than our British friend, I am somewhat sceptical about how intelligence (and sentience) is measured.


Do you believe roses suffer?
Hi. Thanks for your answer last night I appreciated again your ability to take up the genuine serious slack to every point I was making while also responding with the same level of warm humour are I myself to make my points.

No to Roses. Not entirely. I don't know. I have considered this before obviously through the spring onions feel pain and suffer being pulled out the ground and chopped up?

I hope not that's as far as I will really think that because it starts to get ridiculous post that point we might as well or just stay dead still and decompose.

It's a matter of not justifying unnecessary infliction of psychological and physical harm abuse kidnap or even murder upon anything living and conscious where we have not got evidence there is no suffering pain or trauma as a result of our I'm justified or unnecessary actions.

I have thought about this very deeply for many decades I stopped going fishing that day when I was 17 and are used to love going fishing I'm not judging people who do I'm just expressing things from my own passionate angle with a very humane view again I eat fish and meat I would fish for food for survival and well-being but I would never catch a fish for fun sake alone again because that to me is not justified in my own mind and because I feel that way it is wrong, to me for me.

I also do believe in Karma like if you basically cause substantial suffering and pain even if it's through a lack of awareness or appreciation but in this case it's largely a degree of ignorance for many people as well supported by a government who warrants licenses for such unnecessary violent and obscene atrocities.

So even if I did not accept or understand that I am causing the 2 lb British Chub I just hooked on a barbless hook (Barbed hooks were outlawed legally in United Kingdom in the early 90s I think so they will still kicking around like the original white doves still in the late 90s...) floating a tasty piece of french bread atop the stream...is actually having experientially a traumatic scared out it's skin time, physical pain, draining all it's vitality too, just to take photos, kiss it (they do that English anglers (lol, yoda again)) and release it again.

"There you go girl" they say with Cheshire pride.

"What a beauty".

There is just no consideration for the fishes actual potential in my own mind indisputable suffering. Which is imperceptible this would not be the case if we were chucking a hook into the tree with a hazelnut and catching a squirrel because it would be so obvious the thing was feeling pain and distress.

It is the fact that the fish cannot express its feelings or fear or suffering to us which makes it so convenient.

I wasn't actually trying to directly compare fish to ants it's just that this is where the line of philosophy is my own life really stemmed from in 1997 and how it influenced me to consider this from a wider moral ethical practical and legal angle.

One point you made I didn't elaborate on it last night I knew I was leaving things out but I'll add this context and you'll see what I mean here.

When I said about the hamburger over the back fence for the Rottweiler I wasn't talking about my neighbour who legally owns his dog this was many decades ago growing up in the 1980s for example when gardens were not so secluded and behind our back garden was an allotment area and around our estate it was very commonplace for stray dogs and cats to be wandering around all over the place and many dogs to have escaped their homes Rottweilers were abound so were Royal Dobermans.

I used Rottweiler because personally would rather unhook one of those I'm not going near a Doberman with a treble hook and its mouth after it nearly reached the top of the road but my line and arm was daddy that day after a long "fight" which I "won".

I was referring in a very theoretical manner because your point is correct and I recognise that there would be immediate legal ramifications and prohibitions to fishing for pet dogs but I'm envisaging some sort of loophole or alternative societal arrangement or moral code.

But for the sake of this example without going into that the principle still stands from a moral ethical and spiritual angle. I was referring only to the license allowing you to fish for loose and stray and accompanied by an owner or maybe some sort of visible identification on the colour or somewhere on the animal to say this animal is not yours to catch today pick another...

Not my neighbour's dog in it's own back garden. That would be wrong and my neighbour would have been pissed too. A loose unbranded animal. Legal game if,y license is paid.

Except again outside of the obvious legal obstacles the animal's suffering is so plain to see and hear and feel and it's too dangerous for the doggerman as well.

Hunting this is not. That is a different matter foxhunting does come into this argument because that has been under the spotlights and was kind of bannd in the United Kingdom but I think there is some sort of greyness to that band and it's still going on to a degree (?)

Big game hunting like lions and tigers or whatever isn't protected or shooting pigeons or Grouse or other types of hunting by speer or arrow or gun, Is a very different matter I don't feel any of that should be legal unless food is the purpose, personally. I don't justify killing for no good cause.

If you were to take a bow and arrow and shoot the squirrel in the tree that would be almost more humane than 25 times in its own lifetime it accidentally takes a cleverly buried hook in a nut one day and is once again wrenched out of the tree kicking and screaming with its mouth bleeding.

Or...."Did you get your license renewal yet Tom?

-Yes mate I just got it yesterday.

-Oh nice one when will you be going out?

-I already did mate I took the truck out last night I caught myself or 4 lb Joey on the way back in on the fingi in the end I wasn't getting any bites off the grass for some reason

-Ah nice mate did it put up a good fight?

-Nah not really it just cried like a baby."

I know I shouldn't say these things because I think I was starting to repair a little bit of the damage and now it's possible people will think I'm fork raving mad but I standby everything I said last night and today here now maybe I'm not expressing it the best but this is based on long calculated deep philosophical and spiritual thinking and consideration over life.

Because this to me is the reality of the matter I'm using extreme examples which theoretically could be realities except my point again it just would be considered a step too far and unnecessary cruelty and it wouldn't be fun for most people who aren't actually axe murderers and power freaks. Aka Your average course Angler.

Insects is again a different matter within this and I've not really considered it deeply because I don't know I never harm any living creature for the sake of it I don't kill for no good cause except I do kill mosquitoes not for fun or anger but because they do spread disease and they do torment me falling asleep at night they are just trying to feed but I'm just trying to sleep and ideally not be infected for a second time one day by mosquito bite with Borrelia. Possiblity. Plus I reckon mosquitoes will definitely be spreading Covid around they must be.

And black flies can be extremely annoying things and struggle to find a way out of an open window with all the time and encouragement and at times they have irritated me so much trying to get them out of the kitchen making such aggressive noise and movements that I have swiped them with a dog towel but not proudly.

@birdup that's good too you felt better and more functional at work already from reducing weed.

Keep going. Too much of a good thing at times too, a portion can be better than none. Maybe some room for moderate or intermittent use.

I'm so sleep depped. I struggle to keep my thread. Very stoned too. I would be in bed basically but I just can't really get comfortable to sleep. So I'm trying to get comfortable anyway and sleep is not really being considered.

Plans needed. I just ran out of thought there and this is a subject I have thought about a lot and I don't feel like I've finished any thing I started like last night.
Ecclesiastes 1:14

“I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

When Solomon said this he was coming from an earth bound perspective. The key phrase here is "under the sun". Ironically he is only considering life “under the sun” to make the point that from a godless perspective(without God) everything is actually meaningless.

Solomon had it all but was still relentless in his desires for more...more and more. Thats basically what the book of Ecclesiastes is all about....all of his experiences trying to aquire happiness and satisfaction thru feeding all of his desires. He finally...thru tried and true efforts...realized that when he left God out of the equation nothing could possibly satisfy him. It was only once he began pursuing a true personal relationship with God that he became satisfied and found his purpose...everything else had been meaningless.

I know this wasn't what anyone was really asking for and wasn't the point behind this thread. Just thought I'd throw it in here tho since it was brought up lol
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only thing to me that is real and factually true, is to be a good person and hang out with other good persons. + hedonism...
If you’re practicing being a good person and you hang out with good people you can expect to see more good things happen in your life.

If you hang out with losers and scumbags and backstabbers, you can expect less good things to happen in your life.

I believe this to be 100% correct.
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Would you prefer some dipshit duncery from captain oblivious? Or maybe a slow verbal dirge or serenade into the endless tide of slimy existence? Maybe I'll break out the guitar and riff some Layne Staley. That would bring some meaning to this bland repetitive dance we all do.

Or maybe I'll stfu and fall into a some kind of dark void and talk to the various archetypes that empower my mind. You're welcome to join if you'd like.

I think I love you....so what am I so afraid of?!

I'm afraid that I'm not sure of.... a love there is no cure for...

If you’re practicing being a good person and you hang out with good people you can expect to see more good things happen on your life.

If you hang out with losers and scumbags and backstabbed, you can expect less good things to happen in your life.

I believe this to be 100% correct.
This is so true. Birds of a feather really do flock together. That's what makes it so hard to stay straight also when you first begin trying to. You've been surrounding yourself with those who can serve your purpose the fastest. Plus this creates such a toxic support system
My interpretation of “Everything is Meaningless, Meaningless is everything” is to to with the creation of the Universe, and the null or “void” state

Everything is Void, Void is Everything.
Everything is Nothing, Nothing is Everything

The universe came from nothing. How can nothing create something?

“Everything is Meaningless” to me doesn’t mean that life has no meaning, because that’s why you follow it up saying “Meaningless is Everything”.

Your life totally has meaning. Every person has things which they enjoy, hence the pursuit of happiness. Something I completely figured out recently(the hard way) is that your perception of the universe has the biggest impact on how you interact with it. If you have a low, weak & un-anticipating perception you will gain less in this world. If you have a high, strong, positive & anticipating perception more doors will open for you and you will gain more in your favor.

So no matter where you stand in life, or what your situation is…if you want improvement in your life the first most important thing to do is adopt a positive outlook of the universe. Being comfortable in your own skin, being comfortable with your environment, knowing that your positive perception will maximize your possible gains in this world, even if it all seems trivial and meaningless. You are alive and breathing after all, and only you can make the biggest impact on how your life turns out, nobody else has a bigger hand in your future than yourself.

The universe will react to your perception of it. Nobody can do the perceiving of it other then yourself.
Nihilism is meaningless.

Like yes obviously there isn't meaning in the universe, meaning comes from you.

And who cares if we are cosmicly insignificant, the fucking cosmos in insignificant to me.

I'm not angry at you, I'm just angry at a bunch of rocks for getting more recognition than they should. We are the only rock that matters, earth is and who gives a fuck about how big the universe is in comparison to us. We are the most important bit of the universe. Even if all you do is sit in your arse all day you are more important than any of the plants in the universe because you are a part of the most complex thing in the known universe humanity.

Yeah, my attitude is similar. I don't care if we wipe out every animal species on the planet as long as humans survive. Humans are amazing. If there was an Earth zoo for aliens, we would be the biggest attraction by far... Followed by monkeys.

Nihilism is meaningless.

9/10 nihilists agree.

I'm not a nihilist. I'm not really an "everything is meaningless" guy, either, despite making - and contributing to - this thread.

If everything is meaningless, then meaninglessness is also meaningless.

Everything is meaningless. Everything isn't meaningless. They're both true, from different angles. I get that... but there is no common meaning. It's all a matter of perspective. Sharks don't second guess themselves when they eat a toddler.
LaCuNa said:
The universe came from nothing. How can nothing create something?

That's a theory. There is zero evidence that there was nothing before the big bang if that theory (big bang) is even accurate. Considering we can't accurately predict the weather, I'm not going to assume we know what happened billions of years ago. We don't know shit. It's silly to assume (with any degree of accuracy) that there was nothing once... but let's say there was nothing and then there was something.

Does it make more sense for there to always be nothing? Something makes more sense than nothing because I am something. Nothing is nonsensical, if either of them are. What de Descartes say?

Singularities don't make sense. Maybe that's because they don't exist?
Nihilism is meaningless.

Like yes obviously there isn't meaning in the universe, meaning comes from you.

And who cares if we are cosmicly insignificant, the fucking cosmos in insignificant to me.

I'm not angry at you, I'm just angry at a bunch of rocks for getting more recognition than they should. We are the only rock that matters, earth is and who gives a fuck about how big the universe is in comparison to us. We are the most important bit of the universe. Even if all you do is sit in your arse all day you are more important than any of the plants in the universe because you are a part of the most complex thing in the known universe humanity.
Well..yeah that's the point?
That's why it's called nihilism? nihil means "nothing"

Also I don't agree. I don't sit in my arse

If everything is meaningless, then meaninglessness is also meaningless.
On to the real deep shit, yeah meaninglessness is meaningless, that's why it's called meaninglessness.
You must be high, my friend :ROFLMAO:
That's a theory. There is zero evidence that there was nothing before the big bang if that theory (big bang) is even accurate.
spontaneous quantum fluctuations.
Billions of particles blinking in and out of existence - there's most definitely ways to explain it,
but the only proof we have is our cosmic background radiation. We can deduce there was a big bang from that,
but not much else.
Im often in that same page.

In my experience ramps up like a computer needing cache cleared/too much unused junk/too many old file pathways. Its hard to even access luminous meaningful files in the computer past a certain point.
I got lost for a while thinking that life was meaningless or my family upbringing and education was so deficient I’d never been gifted the secret.

Then I decided it’s better to recognise that life is pretty absurd and then do what many humble and many great men have done for well over 2,000 years;

Pick a philosophy, ethical code, or religion. Or codify a brand new set of moral precepts for your self. Doesn’t really matter what you go with. Just commit to it totally as both the guide to, and measure of, your worth as a human. Do your beat to live up to it and make choices on life that will bring you closer to the ideal.

What did you do, flip a coin?
I think you still need to choose something that resonates with you personally. Personally, I tried a couple of full systems but couldn’t commit to any single one in toto so I pinched bits and pieces from all over the place and made a list of ideal character traits/behaviours covering most dimensions of life from work, to love, to random strangers. It seemed doable but also a fair stretch from where I was starting so it was goal-oriented in essence which gave my life some “meaningful” direction. I mostly based it doing the opposite of a lot of what I used to do plus a dash of a couple of different religious ideas, a little bit from the Greeks (mainly about the moral worth of treating yourself as an alwayscfallible work in progress), a bit from the Army, a bit based on wanting to be more like a couple of role models.

I did most of it in the six months I was unemployable after I finished my first rehab for IV coke addiction in my 30s. But my real commitment to it only crystallised a couple of years ago after I did something I thought I could not either make amends for or live with.

After a bit of effort I’ve got it embedded in my head where it replaced my dysfunctional conscience. Mostly when I feel guilt or shame in life now it is limited to being relative this model for life rather than what bother people might think of me - which used to crush me with anxiety.

I certainly no longer ever feel any kind of existential dread as maybe what triggered this thread anymore.