Everybody's favorite breakfast cereal

1. Cinamon Grahams (from UK - I think same as Cinamon Toast Crunch in USA)
2. Muselie Flakes (semi healthy)
3. Coca Pops
4. Grinners (similar to Nutri Grain)
5. Fruit Loops
6. Honey Smacks
7. Frosties
8. Special K (the ceral type not....)
9. Weet Bix (with Brown Sugar - and soggy)
10. Corn Flakes (but not soggy)
All the above taken with skim milk, coz I don't want to get a fat arse
Geez miss apple, i guess i forgot that aussies don't like to talk about anything other than E, crocs, and, vegamite sandwiches. We americans are sorry to force you to post not once but 3 times on such a pointless subject. I was SO not going to say anything but i was feeling a little fruity today.
"keep your feet on the stars and keep reaching for the ground"
Jesus Christ (Pillcat shakes her head and lets her mind drift wistfully back to Bluelight's halycon days...)
Why do I like apple jacks if they don't taste like apple?
Because I do!
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
Here's mine:
1) Cap'n Crunch
2) Lucky Charms
3) Apple Jacks

~*~* irishgurl ~*~*
hey pizzaguy....mate...buddy....old pal...lighten up!!!!
I wasn't going to reply either but what the hell, I may as well make it 4 posts (or is that 5 now?).
I used to whinge about the pointless posts like this but what's that saying? if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. It's hilarious that I'm posting about cereals on a drug information message board. Maybe it's the holiday season or something but I'm having a great time putting the Aussie take on things. Now I notice other Aussies have followed. We should do it more often....to help some of you Americans to realise that everything is *not* the same in other countries. And not everyone talks your slang. And not every Aussie eats vegemite sandwiches (apart from mona just now...who has ever mentioned vegemite sandwiches? And I believe it was Mr Sticky - AN AMERICAN - who brought up the croc thing. The croc man TV show isn't even shown here...it's made for you guys to watch and marvel at Australian's dexterity with crocs. What, do you think we all live near swampland and have kangaroos bounding down the street? Has the only image you've had of Australia been Crocodile Dundee? You guys should all travel more and learn to understand other cultures. I can't believe some of you don't even know what a sultana is).
Did you take offence at being called a yankie? Or my expression of the number of wierd cereals you guys have? (No wonder America is known as the junk food capital of the world. Ever heard of NUTRITION???? We've never had a 'what's your favourite fruit' post
). Whatever it was pizzaguy, chill out a little.
Oh, and as for talking about E, this is an Ecstacy information board isn't it? We have lives outside of the internet where we can discuss other off topic things instead of taking up room on a message board like this. I just decided to post 4 times on this topic cause I'm amusing myself while I'm at work and took it upon myself to educate some of you on the subtleties of dried fruit.
*takes on nasaly drawl* "Have a nice day"

miss apple
miss apple:
Heheh, actually, yankees are specifically Americans from the northeast of the country. Southerners would take offense to being called one. As for sultanas, well, I was the one asking and I had the vague notion of what they are, but I'm not from America. I don't think they're readily available here in the states.
Sorry scoby, I wasn't meaning to diss you! In fact, I'm glad you asked the question. It meant I could rave about my fascination with dried fruit (which I didn't even know I had
Post number 5 pizzaguy and counting
Ok here it goes....
1) quaker oat squares with tons of brown sugar
2) Smores!!! i dont think that they make that anymore
3)frosted miniwheats
4)Special K! (odd coincidince
) I like the kind that comes in the milk carton container thing
i really really like cereal i like so many differnt kind i just named the 4 that came to my mind first
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
here they are:
1) Special K w/ extra suger
2) Golden Grahms
3) Luck Charms
4) Frosted Flakes
here they are:
1) Special K w/ extra suger
2) Golden Grahms
3) Luck Charms
4) Frosted Flakes
What a fun topic!
Here are my faves:
1. Banana Nut Crunch
2. Wheaties
3. Golden Grahams
...although in wintertime, nothing beats a bowl of Quaker instant oatmeal (maple and brown sugar is the best)!
Does anybody remember Boo Berry? I really liked that one as a kid...
E PLURibus unum
I've been watching for a while, so I guess now's as good a time as any to jump right in....
eggs for breakfast
eggs for lunch
eggs for dinner
If in doubt.....Take two
it has nothing to do with you being an aussie, miss apple. it's all about your attitude
and after all this is the "discussion" forum right? not the "ectacy discussion" i'm not trying to start any problems but it just seems to me that you think you're "better" then the other bluelights, like too good to respond to some of those "pointless" posts. I haven't read a pointless post on here yet, just normal ol' humans posting their thoughts and feelings about serious and not so serious topics. nothing wrong with that, eh?
awaiting #6 miss apple

"keep your feet on the stars and keep reaching for the ground"
[This message has been edited by pizzaguy (edited 16 December 1999).]
[This message has been edited by pizzaguy (edited 16 December 1999).]
Yippee! Post number 6! Is this a record for one thread?
pizzaguy...my problem with these sort of topics is that they take up space on the board that could be used to educate people on drugs. That's what we're here for isn't it? When I was whinging a little while ago about favourite pizza topping posts and favourite pets posts, the chill out room and new to XTC forums hadn't been started yet, and all the interesting discussions and serious questions were being pushed far too quickly to the next page for them to be any use to anyone.
Now that some of the traffic has been taken away from the main board, I didn't have a problem joining in this topic. Plus, I wanted to see the interest in posting about such trivial things (turns out it's quite amusing). In real life, I never talk about these sort of things with my friends. Maybe I'm too old and stale and boring, but we tend to have more in depth discussion most of the time than our favourite foods. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone pizzaguy, just different.
In the grand scheme of things though pizzaguy...this topic *is* pointless. It has no value to the world. I can't even remember who posted what so I haven't learnt anything about anyone in particular. I did learn that Americans are hung up on sugary cereals, and don't know about dried fruit
and that's one of the things I love about this board....that I'm learning more about the American culture (so much so that I'm planning to visit...something I never thought I'd ever want to do). But just because it's pointless pizzaguy, doesn't mean it's not amusing. Pointless things drag us away from the drudgery of the routine of life, but they still remain pointless.
miss apple
Has to be only these BEST cereals:
1. Lucky Charms
2. Raisen Bran

~~~I dont do drugz, DRUGZ DO ME!!
~~~I have fried my brain. Do they sell them at the Dollar store?
I can't believe you guys actually managed to start a fight (or dissagreement whatever) in THIS post! Geeez
As for cereal, it is a wonderful thing. But I must decline creating a ranked list. I did grow up on Cheerios, and fortunately for me I matured w/o a taste for the sugary ones. Though I must admit Cinnamon Toast Crunch...mmm

'We pushed it in our mouths, pushed it deep inside. All wrapped up in ribbons the night the dream the time love died' RS