Energy - November 26th, 2002 - Frankie Bones!!!- Providence, RI

see you guys at some point tonight, don't know when we are leavin exactly
^^^^ yeah, we're supposed to get shit on, which sucks,cuz i'm at my 'rents for the holiday, which is about 20 min outside of.....Hartford, CT
but i'm a party kid, i'm a trooper, i'll be there
The winner.. and STILL reigning Energy drunkeny champion... ME!! :D :D ;)
I heard Noodle shook his ass at Jamal.
Sad I missed this, been wanting to meet noodle for a year now.
*drunxoreD* tho
Well you heard wrong, Shawn, Noodle shook his ass at Dave.
Sorry Frankie showed an hr late. Traffic sucked in CT. BUT thanks to all of those who came out (place was packed). And to those who came to the after party where Frankie did another hour set. It's 5am, I just got home, weather sux. G'nite....errr G'morning....
drunkeny champion?
heh heh.
I'd say so. You stole your poor friends shoe for godsake!
Good night, good times!
On, and I had nutritional information in my cheese omlet at Bickfords.
what was in your omlet?
and i'm sorry dave, but i was drunker than you, there that settles it i win!!!!! woo motha fuckin hoo
by the way frankie had a good set
damn it!! I knew frankie was gonna spin at the after hours.. We left in fear that the trek back to NH was going to be rough because of the snow... and it was :)
Damn, If I knew for sure the bones was gonna spin again i def would of stayed
Grrr @ snow. I definitely got home at 5am... work was fun today for Cracked-Out Katie and Annie. Oh yes, we were... interesting, to say the least.
Energy was fun, mainly cuz I hadn't gone since August, and seeing all of you totally made my day. :) And of course, Bickfords afterwards in keeping with tradition. :) I still don't know how we did this practically every week for quite awhile though. Yikes.
(And no, boys, this is nothing to be proud of.) ;)
Much love to all of ya, we must meet up again soon!
Peace ~Katie
nice to meet you theravetoy. i wish teddy was there would have made the night better. you could have seen me rocked in public... wow it has ben awhile. i though for sure i had gum on my shoe the whole night, not to mention the amazment that the scummy carpet from that place was gone, and to find out from dave that it had ben riped out like 10 months ago. eh... shows how much i love the place. still i had fun seeing people i don't normaly see at my home (the asylum; aka God's gift to raves ;) ) woop woop for Happy Holidays!
My batteries ran out before the afterhours...
but there are more on the way from a second photographer.
You all didn't tell me about the after hours. :(
And I thought I was good peeps?
Well... I might be a DORK, but I'm still good peeps.
the after hours was announced like 3 times over the mic. Sorry.
I must have been out of my skull then.
*mutters softly in disgust*