Mental Health Eating disorders support thread v.2

I'm glad I searched this thread.

I've been eating once a day or I will go without food for a few days. I've been doing this for about 3 years now. I don't understand why maybe it's the only thing I know I can control is what I put into my body? I just don't have a clue why I would do this to myself. I love food so much too so ill just binge and then go without food for a 2-3 days.
^ I can relate to that post so much. I binge, then freak out from the binge, and starve myself for days and only ingest tea. My weight fluctuates so much which I know is so unhealthy.
I do the same thing. But I know mine comes from the fact that I have worked with food almost constantly for the last 8 years. Cooking all day every day just makes food unappealing to me.
^ I can relate to that post so much. I binge, then freak out from the binge, and starve myself for days and only ingest tea. My weight fluctuates so much which I know is so unhealthy.

Yea when it comes to my weight I have always been on the smallish side I weigh 138lbs and dropping, but I can't help myself sometimes I look at food and I want to eat but then I try to pre occupy myself with something else so then I forget about eating. I just drink lots of water and green tea. I know that's so fucked up and IDK maybe I should at least try out vitamins to throw into my non existent diet.
we're about the same size. I'm 5'3" and about 125lb but I just feel disgusting in my own skin. I feel like when I'm due to get my period I feel like that more (low self esteem) but I don't know...

I binged today and I feel like shit. I am having a bad anxiety day so I took my Xanax and that increases my appetite SO much. so for me the more anxious = the more I eat.

adding vitamins to our diets would probably be a good idea. I used to take super b complex and that provided me with a good amount of energy and it's also supposed to help with stress.

it's just a constant battle I feel I'll never win.

and tonight I asked my mom if I gained weight and she said yes I did :(
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with your height and weight you seem healthy! Other than the binge eating and skipping meals.
I wouldn't even ask your mom, check for yourself on a scale so it's not a let down from your family.
It seems every time I go to the doctors they put me on the scale and I keep dropping weight like crazy, my pants don't even fit me anymore...
Now I have to go buy more jeans and then I will get smaller and waste more money on more jeans. I can't wait to get this in order I know I need to eat at least 2 meals a day.
^ I can relate to that post so much. I binge, then freak out from the binge, and starve myself for days and only ingest tea. My weight fluctuates so much which I know is so unhealthy.
Arghhh... Confession time...
My PCP has chided me on how i lose/gain 15 lbs EVERY year, and how unhealthy it is!

Me and practically all of my girlfriends have food/body image issues. It's so much more prevalent than ppl realize. I wish others would talk about it or at least acknowledge it more.

I say I'm "recovered" and I sort of am, but I think being an ED'ed person is like being an alcoholic: You may be in recovery mode, but it never really goes away. I still love the "feeling" of being empty, and feel "fat" if I've eaten a lot, no matter what the scale says. This is truly fucked up b/c my weight is quite low. Sometimes I worry that I've replaced my ED with being an exercise-aholic, also, though exercise helps so much more mentally than physically (at least for me).

I eat constantly throughout the day, but it's actually b/c I am hypoglycemic & not truly for health reasons. If I added up the calories I eat in a day (which I refuse to EVER do), I'm sure it would be far lower than recommended. :(

I don't know what else to say, except talking about it helps, and also exercising with your girlfriends! There is no better group activity, IMO.

Also, fuck the scale.
I have struggled with an ED for a long time-- anorexia w/ overexercising and laxative/diuretic abuse. I've been in treatment too many times to count on one hand but I've been doing really well for the past few years.

However, I recently got off H-- almost three months now-- and since then I have been going back into ED behavior. I'm not abusing laxatives/diuretics, but I am exercising quite a bit and restricting my calories a lot. I feel like I'm not anywhere near as extreme as I have been in the past, and it is helping me... I just feel like it's always one or the other, drugs or the ED...