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EADD Theology Thread - Chapter III: Trinity

Ok thanks for pointing out the bunkyness of the link. If I post something that is blatantly wrong I have no problem hearing criticisms..and if i'm reading something that is false i'd prefer to know.

Anyway, magical time for the Jews. Imagine being in Israel during an eclipse.

*ed: No its one of those general moon passing in front of the sun kind of eclipses that is due.
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Hawaiin Pidgin English <3 Had to share this its lovely....


Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit in Hawaiian Pidgeon Patois... Love it <3

Aloha, Teofilus! I wen write one nodda book fo you befo, an I tell you all da stuff dat Jesus wen do an teach from da start, 2till da time God take him up inside da sky. Befo he go up, he tell da guys dat he wen pick fo send all ova, wat dey gotta do. Godʼs Spesho Spirit wen tell him all dat. 3Now, afta Jesus wen suffa, he let da guys dat he wen pick see him, an he prove dat he stay alive fo real. He stay show up by dem fo forty days, an wen tell dem how everyting stay wen God stay King. 4One time wen Jesus wen stay wit his guys, he tell dem, “No go way from Jerusalem, but wait ova hea till you guys get da Spirit my Fadda wen promise fo send. You guys wen hear me tell bout dat Spirit. 5Befo time, John Da Baptiza Guy wen baptize peopo wit water, but pretty soon God goin baptize you guys diffren kine: he goin let his Spesho Spirit take charge a you.”
Jesus Go Up Inside Da Sky
6One time, da guys dat Jesus wen pick wen come togedda wit him, an dey aks him, “Boss, you goin come King now fo da Israel peopo, jalike had king befo time?” 7He tell dem, “Not yoa kuleana fo know da time o da day da Fadda wen pick. He da One goin do dat. 8But you guys goin get spesho kine power wen Godʼs Spesho Spirit take charge a you. An den you guys goin tell da peopo in Jerusalem wat you know bout me, an da peopo all ova Judea, Samaria, an all ova da world.” 9Afta he wen say dat, God wen take him up in front dem, an den one cloud wen move unda him, so dey no can see him no moa. 10Dey still stay looking in da sky real good wen he stay going, an right den an dea two guys wit white clotheses wen stand by dem. 11Dey say, “You guys from Galilee, how come you stay standing hea an stay looking in da sky? Dis guy Jesus, God wen take him from you, up inside da sky. He goin come back da same way you wen see him go.”

Dove came down on Jesus and He was like 'wow'... ' i stay gud because of you' :D Sorry its a bit blurry.

The voice said ' You my boy'..Isn't that beautiful?
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Vurtual, someone may have said this you in fact, but I reckon that the Christians who were fed to the lions were the gnostics.

Very few (in the grand scheme) Christians were ever pitted against lions. Tis but a Christian martyr myth based on fuck all. Gnostics or not, the records indicate there weren't enough of 'em to make a jot of difference however horrid it was. However, many, Christians were crucified, used as flaming torches for Imperial Pleasure and generally abused. As were Jews and slaves and other non-Romans. Such was life as a non-Roman in the Roman Empire. No one group has the "win" when it comes to being fukked over by the Romans. But "Roman Catholics" certainly did the most damage to all Christians and people in general in all of human history.

Off on a tangent I just listened to a talk about the incredible signs in the sky this year. For example there is a solar eclipse on the 1st Nissan ( Jewish new year March 20th).. and then there is another one on the Feast of Trumpets in September. Actually check this page out. Theres some really unusual celestial synchronicities this year.


The writers connect the second coming of the Messiah with “signs in the heavens,” particularly the signs that “the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood” before the return of Christ.

Exodus 22:18King James Version (KJV)

18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

The paragraphs I wrote about eclipses had nothing to do with the posts on Hawaiian Pidgin patois. I posted the latter because I think its lovely. I love the idea of God the Father saying to Jesus as He was baptised 'you my boy'.... I don't know the history of the 'translation' or if there even is one... Its something that happened to catch my eye the other day that I wanted to share.

Its Got nothing to do with Ex 22:18 either.

Would you explain to me how you see a connection please? :)
But "Roman Catholics" certainly did the most damage to all Christians and people in general in all of human history.

They did have a head start of a millennium and a half though, and it wasa bloody time period at that. I think you sometimes conflate the Church and the geopolitical interests who were (for one reason or another - always political, not religious) intimately linked with the Church. The Church was like a corporation - was a corporation in fact (and still is).

The Reformation makes it clear that bloodthirstiness is just as apparent in Protestantism - look at the Huguenots. Look at the denial of Catholic civil rights which occurred in many places. To paint Rome as a unique monster is unfair and inaccurate.
Oh and Shammy, when I asked you to explain the connection of Exodus 22.. it wasn,'t meant defensively, or sarkily.

Shame we can't guage the tone of a post isn't it?
Time to reserect this thread.

Question: Does Jesus hate gays or sex in general before marriage. Let's disc....

Hang on think we've discussed this many times. Never mind. LoL

At least I bumped this.

As everyone is obsessed lately with discussing religion time to bump this.

I'll start:

Did you like / hate Christian assemblies? Personally I enjoyed them n was nice earlier this year that my little one's class acted out Jonah n the Whale. I felt it gave us all morsls n a sense of togetherness as well as right n wrong.

Please discuss

I hated them and the fact I had to go to "church school" for my first two schools and that church meant one church, church of England (Anglican). After this I played football in a town team and couldn't figure out for ages why I'd never met the guy I linked up with on the left wing...because he was a catholic and had his own school to go to. Utterly ridiculous. Completely ruined the 'togetherness' of my football team because I only ever saw him for training and matches.

All schools should be secular. I have no time for faith schools of any (blind) faith.
The only good that came of religion in school was that it taught me from an early age to beware of predators trying to indoctrinate you with bullshit.
I agree, religion has no place in schools.

Especially if it's 'knowledge' being imparted as 'truth'. As opposed to history taught as fiction.

Thankfully I went to a secular school, so only the kids whose parents forced them to - would attend the extra-curricular parent-taught God classes, and I could remain content / godless.
The scottish government just recently ruled that creationism should not be taught as science in scottish schools.

In my school everyone had to attend religious education classes - except the kids whos religious parents withdrew their consent. Even though the classes gave a nod to buddhism, taoism etc it was all predominantly judeo-christian nonsense and compeltely ignored islam, zaroastranism and basically was propaganda.
Did you like / hate Christian assemblies?
I honestly do not see how presenting mythology as though it were fact to children too young to tell the difference is even legal.
Personally I enjoyed them n was nice earlier this year that my little one's class acted out Jonah n the Whale. I felt it gave us all morsls n a sense of togetherness as well as right n wrong.
But a sense of right and wrong derived from first principles is purer, precisely because it does not depend on religious beliefs.

If someone was really only avoiding committing theft, murder, rape and so forth because they feared punishment after death, and not because of any internalised sense of right and wrong, I would find that very scary. Because if they think for a moment that their God might be looking the other way .....
In my school everyone had to attend religious education classes - except the kids whos religious parents withdrew their consent. Even though the classes gave a nod to buddhism, taoism etc it was all predominantly judeo-christian nonsense and compeltely ignored islam, zaroastranism and basically was propaganda.
At least my secondary school's comparative religion classes made it as obvious as possible that all the religions they did mention (and they might have spent a bit more effort than was necessary on some of them in particular, taking care to name no names) were all steaming heaps of bollocks.

Also, I don't think parents should be allowed the option to withdraw their kids from any class; whether it be religion, home economics or sex and relationships. In my experience, it tends to be those very kids who would stand to benefit the most from being included whose parents want them to be excluded.
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I do see where you're all coming from n respect your views n beliefs. However, for me it gave me someone to believe in. The times I'd get bullied etc gave me strength to deal with all of that, I felt it was lovely to sing togethet, to listen to Bible stories I found I learnt morals from them. Interesting how we're all different n how experiences shape us.

I tell my lil one about heaven n that comforts her because she knows Black (Beautys sister - cat) is in heaven n at peace n that my great Nain is in heaven n she finds comfort in that. And if things bring my child comfort that's what she'll have at 6 years.

Well that's like me hating all aspies because my two exes were aspies n hurt me badly. I did for a long time but think my little one may have aspie traits n I can't hate her.

I'm sorry to hear that you've had such bad experiences but I believe in Jesus, class myself as a Christian n I wouldn't judge you for having a "cheap" sofa. Mines second hand n £200. It isnt what you possess that counts in life. You sound like a good parents who does the best for your child.

Anyone who laughs at you or judges you; that says more about them n their character than any religion.

My Nain was a Christian n would give anyone the coat off her back; she'd take in animals, was an all round good, kind n generous person. We'd talk for hours about WW2, Jesus or whatever.

Most overt Christians I've come across have been pretty nasty specimens, but I knew some Quakers once who were decent people with their hearts in the right place.
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My opinion is based on what I have experienced.
I know it's rational but hate never is. In my defence I have known lots of Christians. I don't base all this on one thing.

Funnily enough I'm at work now. A jahovas witness has just arrived to do the night shift.

I will be pleasant and make her a cup of tea and talk about the weather.
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I didn't like my christian assemblies because i always knew it was imposed - that's not to say i disagreed with all the content (they tended to stick to the nice stuff). The singing was sometimes alright (mainly because of opportunities for rude word subsitution (prayers the same)), but we did as much sound of music as hymns.

Religion should not be promoted in schools imo - though learning about all religions fairly would be good. However, i think i'm just as worried about some secular ideologies from a centralised state being promoted to children, such as normalisation of capitalism, creating disciplined little workers, or rewriting of history politics and war.
I didn't like my christian assemblies because i always knew it was imposed - that's not to say i disagreed with all the content (they tended to stick to the nice stuff). The singing was sometimes alright (mainly because of opportunities for rude word subsitution (prayers the same)), but we did as much sound of music as hymns.

Religion should not be promoted in schools imo - though learning about all religions fairly would be good. However, i think i'm just as worried about some secular ideologies from a centralised state being promoted to children, such as normalisation of capitalism, creating disciplined little workers, or rewriting of history politics and war.

Absolutely. I found this so sadly true, which worries me as I've children and I don't know quite how to stop it other than blessing them with my pearls of wisdom. I never listened to my parents though 8)

Aspirational parents codemn their children to a desperate and joyless life