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EADD-Heroin-Discussion-v-XXIII-New shit - same old problems

That sounds pretty tenuous...I think I got sleep paralysis once after being on Quetiapine.

Really didn't need to be on an anti-psychotic but that's when happens when you show up to a psychiatrist wired off your tits begging for bupe/benzo scripts.
I know bud, it's about as tenuous as it can be, and I wouldn't discuss it at all due to being the subjective 'unreliable' narrator, I only do now as a result of having 2 different partners (separately and over a number of years I may add ;) ) bring my attention to the severity of the shaking due to their concern.

I was considering having it looked into until the drug use correlation became apparent.
For me, the seizures are variable in occurrence, its just that my primary anticonvulsant, I use chlormethiazole, because I just love the stuff generally, its my favourite downer, well, barbital (NOT phenobarb, I do, actually, MEAN barbital, as in veronal, 5,5-diethylbarbituric acid) was lovely too, but the kinetics are way iffy. Can build up and build up in the body due to its mental long half life. I forget how long now but its not hours, its days. Plus theres a couple of other iffy things about it. One is that tolerance to the euphoric, sedating, anticonvulsant effects etc rises, but the lethal dosage never rises with barbiturates, its kinda...set, at something like twice the barb-naiive/nontolerant level for heavy euphoric effects.

I once got hold of a bit more than an ounce of lab grade (not a 'RC' research chemical, but an actual research chemical, a PH buffer from a microbiology/biotech lab, went predictably mental with it, knowing I could taper myself off because I had so much of it, something like 40g IIRC, but I by bad chance, got arrested and remanded, after ODing, ending up in the ICU, almost died several times-stroke-did die and got resuscitated, because it had built up in my system, and I had been proper munted 24-7, absolutely caning everything from the barbital, to moggies, to toking away at a few oz of skunk, to some hash, whippits by the crate, yopo snuff, diethyl ether both inhaled and drinking it mixed with vodka, diisopropyl ether, as well as a mix of diethyl and diisopropyl ether, in the form of my signature cocktail, the Manhattan Project, which is the care+ or Bell's brand codeine linctus, the sugar free orange one is NOT for this cocktail, it tastes utterly vile to begin with, faux orange, whilst the correct two brands are flavoured/preserved with chloroform. This is first poured onto the bottom of the glass, mixed with a little freshly squeezed lime juice, then a mixture of tesco own brand dirt cheap lime soda, no substitutions allowed, it has to be tesco own brand cheapo stuff, it sounds crap but it isn't and it works perfectly for the Manhattan Project. This is then added to vodka, strength to taste, and carefully layered over the thick codeine linctus&fresh lime juice and bits of lime pulp, the grated off zest is saved to top it off. Ice cubes, or better yet, fragmented, smashed up ice is added to the vodka and lime pop layer, floating above the dense codeine linctus with CHCl3, and finally on top, in a suitable container, that is both light and will not melt, is poured some diethyl ether, freshly distilled, without peroxidation inhibitor (although a common inhibitor, BHT is actually often found in comestible products so probably won't be harmful at the traces used to inhibit the ether turning into an incendiary bomb thats touchier than a prostitute with mange who has a muff full of bulldog ant and her clit covered in those little prills of caustic soda or caustic potash, and in the case of the peroxidized ethers, will go off at the slightest provocation, or even no provocation whatsoever. But I prefer uninhibited diethyl ether, freshly distilled under a current of nitrogen or pad of argon as inert gas, after being sparged with same. Diisopropyl ether can be used too, or a mixture of the two, and then this is floated in a wee cup, of lightweight, non-dense plastic, floated on top of the Manhattan Project, in the manner of a jagerbomb.

As for the barbital, it got me, I got jailed due to a paramedic with a thing for being a filthy dirty fucking rat bastard snitch, just because he heard that I had in my ownership, in the lab, some red phosphorus. There was a combined porcine, army, and EOD team major shitstorm, I got forced through the court system in fullblown unmedicated DTs, as bad of the DTs as you can possibly comprehend, and then worse by a thousandfold. God it was hideous, and I had barely the ability to breathe let alone defend myself, and the duty solicitor both did not give a twatting piece of dried out hobo-shite, totally CBF presenting and working on a defense, just basically stood by and let things go. Then I was remanded, still in massive, massive massive awful DTs, didn't even know food had been thrown in through the jail cell flap and left there. Came round eventually after I'd stopped hallucinating, to see all this nasty ass mouldy former 'food', and I at that point was so starved that I literally looked like a concentration camp victim liberated from Auschwitz, looked like a skeleton, a famine victim from ethiopia only white. I am astonished I did not die because of that and the way I was treated. Or rather, the way I was NOT treated when I should have been in intensive care still. Under guard if the filth had to do so, but nevertheless, I needed to be in hospital.

Result was an excitotoxic rebound from the foullest slime and decomposing corpse-oooze festering on the bottom of the Styx. Ablated my memory, in a large part. Its left me, even over half a decade down the line afterwards, crippled. Memantine has been a lifesaver, literally. I've paid myself out of pocket for a few cycles on it, never been able to afford to be on it continually, and shit on a stick man, it is like the difference between life, and between death. I'm functional, normal (no, I don't mean neurotypical 'normal', I'm autie, I'll never be 'normal' until our race becomes so commonplace in terms of births that we outcompete NTs, and I like it that way. But I mean, functional. Memory and cognition working properly. Someone recently, I will NOT say who, out of the goodness of their own heart, spontaneously without my asking for it, gifted me both 2g memantine and a dose (one dose, to me, although to others doing it in one go might well off some people) of 300mg 6-monoacetoxydihydromorphine hydrobromide, as a gift, basically. And the difference before I ran out of the memantine was absoluitely astounding. I am currently, I think, and I desperately, desperately hope that I am close now to convincing my GP to relent and finally allow me the prescription for memantine I have been begging and begging and begging and begging and even once, breeaking down, whilst I was at the time a hair's breadth from blasting my brains over the nearest wall. Broke down in tears in front of the guy, feel like an arse now for that but I did. If he won't give me it, I outright told him, he either gives me a legitimate script, or I will get the lab equipment out and I will make it, and not only that I will start (as I said to him) turning my rx morphine into prope (of course that happens anyway, he need not know about and start shooting up again (he knows I used to bang a fuckton of MXE, 4-MeO, 3-MeO- and 3-hydroxy-PCP, plus various eticyclidine analogs and the like)

Else if I couldn't find the appropriate dimethyladamantyl alcohol I'd go indian pharmacy shopping. Told said GP this straight up to his face. It was his supervision, doing it the healthiest way it can be done, because done it must be if I am to live, and not simply exist, or to outright want to kill myself. The one, and only reason I yet draw breath, is that I gave my stalker TK, my sworn word of honour that I would not take my own life, never deliberately anyway. And because I both respect T K in the highest, utmost degree, and I love her with every fucking fiber of my being. Mind. Body. Heart. and Soul. Every fucking bit of it. I belong to her. If she said do something, it will be done, as long as I either A-possess the physical capacity to enact her will, or possess the means to acquire that capacity. She won't abuse that. She knows, that if she ever needs me, even for an organ harvest for transplant. I am hers. And she will be given what she wants. She COULD literally, have bled me dry of possessions, of financial resources, even taken my lab from me, but she has not requested nor demanded a single penny. TK is, well, she is a very, very very good egg. All around, an incarnation of perfection. Close to or at 50yo, mother of 3, shes Kanner's phenotype, damn intelligent, and gorgeously, sexily aloof, autistic as hell and damned if she hasn't got the world's sexiest fuckin voice, her accent is so hawt, sends shivers up and down my spine to hear her speak so little as a single word. We used to be together, and wow she has the most gorgeous body too. Thin, really thin, pale, pale skin, hazel eyes, from montana (same accent) and shes just amazing. She is honorable, a good person, no she isn't a people person at all, and she is super-sexy. Near waist-length dark hair, thin as fuck, as I said, beautiful hazel eyes. I've absolutely literally, before, many times, found myself has been sat in front of the computer screen, just gazing at one of her pictures, utterly and totally captivated, without so much as moving from dawn until nightfall, She really is THAT gorgeous. And yes I've seen everything there is to see. And I LIKE what I see=D

She looks a LOT like this lass in this music vid on youtube from Even Vast:
Or rather, the singer in Even Vast looks like T-K, but nobody, nobody on this fucking earth is likely to beat my special and speshul 'lil dormouse (my pet name for her because shes an adorably cute little sleepyhead. And mygodohmyshittingcrucifiedsodomizedbucketofgodfloatinginfermentedgoatpiss she is the CUTEST thing in the world when she is asleep, lying there on he bed with her long hair laying down, and those pretty little hazel eyes closed, a slight smile on her lips. She is the sweetest thing she really is, my wee dormouse is the fucking best. (yes I admit, in case you didn't guess, that I adore her every last single breath, every word, every act, every single thing about her with a raging inferno of an intensity. TOo quote rammstein 'Mein herz brennt'

'Tis the only reason I live now, because I gave that special girl my sworn word that I would not suicide. Things are improving however, especially since I've had a cycle of memantine, am going to try and find a source for it in powder form, and at te same time try to get a script for ebixa spray.
Usually my seizures are happening as I come out of sleep. I presume they don't tend to happen (I don't recall them actually HAVING ever happened whilst I am truly asleep, guessing due to the paralysis that occurs during sleep to prevent acting out of dreams, REM atonia etc.)

But the chlormethiazole wears off due to its medium duration of action and does so whilst I sleep, so I of course cannot take more when not conscious. And it begins with first a myoclonic seizure, not just simple odd isolated myoclonic twitches. I get those, as well as muscle fasciculation in random places, but these are fullblown myoclonic fits, one sent me down the stairs once after repeatedly smashing my face in on the bathroom sink whilst I was on the shitter. I just about managed to wipe my arse and pull my kecks up, then it hit me full force, I tried crawling to safety and failed to get to my bed, instead, ended up going arse over tit down the stairs and knocking myself unconscious, tearing my face up. Next thing I realize, one moment I was sat on the dunny, the next I was in ICU. Do not pass go, do not collect £200, do however collect a long scar that runs down your face.

And often when I wake up they start myoclonic then when I'm fully conscious after something like 20min-an hour, variable time really, turns into an atonic seizure, where I completely lose all muscle tone, starts out with my head nodding back and forth as if on opiates, whether or not I actually am, whether or not I've had my first fix of prope of the day, or taken either any oxycodone, any sulfate of morphia, dibenzoylmorphine etc. and then, after the initial head-nodding thing, I have just about enough time if I am laying down already to arrange myself in a position that won't hurt. Cognitively it feels a lot like sleep paralysis but isn't. And its just as terrifying, being ALMOST conscious but not quite. Lasts ages too usually, until I regain enough muscle tone to move my arm/hand over to the coffee table or into my pocket and take hold of the bottle, or rather one of the bottles of chlormethiazole freebase that I always, always carry on my person lest I have a seizure and become stranded somewhere. I keep my main lot of scripted heminevrin caps in one bottle, a couple of caps in another which is kept on me at all times, and then when I can get the thiamine in decent tabs not contaminated with povidone, which is a total PAIN IN THE ARSEHOLE to remove from things contaminated with either and/or povidone/crospoividone. Stuff likes to follow through reactions and I think its the stuff responsible for acting as a polyampholyte, making things both polar and nonpolar at the same time in effect, and it fucks around with basing things. Survives some really nasty harsh conditions tooo, like a phosphorus triiodide reduction conducted at over three hundred degrees fucking C, followed by filtration of phosphorus and a several days duration prolonged high temperature hydriodic boil, using azeotropic HI with or without red phosphorus. It'll survive chlorination w/ SOCl2, survive a birch, and prevents things following through once based. I strongly suspect its the shit from perdition responsible for turning things to a horrid brown ugly color whilst basingm happens within minutes when tested on a secondary and a primary amine in microscale flasks (5 and 10ml) on perhaps 25mg using NaOH, tried NH3(aq. saturated aqueous ammonia at ice cold conditions as well as diluted aq. NH3, tried carbonate and bicarbonates and still it goes this noxious brown and prevents uptake of the target compound into nonpolars.

Haven't yet tried chloroform, dichlor, methyl cyanide, dichloroethane or tetra. Having slight luck with EtOAc. Have yet to try pure diisopropyl ether, but no luck (on thiamine) with acetone, tolly, xylene, diethyl ether, either heavy napththas, boiling benzene, follows through with alcohols (MeOH, iPrOH, EtOH, not tried t-butanol yet) but the stuff is a total fucking bastard. Best I've come up with is extraction using boiling anhydrous MeOH, or iPA then shock-freezing it with an acetone/ice/CaCl2/salt and diethylene glycol bath. After first boiling off the majority of the solvent, distilling it back off for recycling then shock-freezing the thiamine out with the cryo bath. Or else reacting the result of a methanolic extraction, povidone, crosspovidone, povdone-K10 and all, reacting with either bisulfite or metabisulfite then halogenation using a thionyl halide, and finally basing to release the halo-methiazole freebase, and taking advantage of its volatility, vacuum distillation however is a requirement, because trust me on this, you do NOT want to ttry distilling the likes of chlormethiazole, bromethiazole freebase at atmospheric pressure, because it breaks down into some kind of mercaptanish or alkyl sulfide/disulfulfidey thing that is possessed of one astoundingly offensive sulfurescent stench, its veritably, foul enough to offend the heavenly spheres and their angelic residents themselves. Tried distillation of chlormethiazole once and believe you the fucking well shit fuck ME I will not ever be doing so again. SPD under vacuum is the best approacch, collecting the offgassed crap and solvent vapors in a freezing mixture or preferably, a dry ice/acetone bath. Because that stench from chlormethiiazole decomposing at atmospheric pressure when heated, its terrible. I'd washed the flask and condenser, and I still couldn't go into the lab without a gas mask on because it was so utterly, repugnantly offensive.
Nice gear 100 all da way bless da south west we are so lucky
Good kit every where, if you look In the right places

Had bangin both sat and sun best gear in time , wasn't even using valleys at the time made it stand out, mad for the beans since av been of the kit part from at weeked, Now loving vals & I think sunny i usually just sniff ml maybe ml and a have, then I get 5 vals and build a joint that sounds lazy but that ain't me, people do notice your on valies, but it feels like ad take loads of brown if i wasn't , another bonus , I went to see my gp & to see if there was anything he could do and I duno , and best he could was give 7 zops, he knew I was "addict group and still gave me the zops, see the shrink soon better be the better drugs av tried there shit in jail, I need pres, zops, probs, am a legit whatever I am.

This is about gear I had 5 msj for Saturday , ended couldn't get vals I got 2 junkies in the city centre about gettting me a bag, he got me was brand new , got the foil out, dribbling with a 10s on Sunday I got a tx saying good as in good, got half g , was lovely reminds you why want , but back to sniffing mls and that's helping with the heroin

Boy comrades av had many yellows and 25mg of zoo, plus I was on good Charlie earlier. Feels good man. Chilled sleep soon!!!
Good kit every where, if you look In the right places

Had bangin both sat and sun best gear in time , wasn't even using valleys at the time made it stand out, mad for the beans since av been of the kit part from at weeked, Now loving vals & I think sunny i usually just sniff ml maybe ml and a have, then I get 5 vals and build a joint that sounds lazy but that ain't me, people do notice your on valies, but it feels like ad take loads of brown if i wasn't , another bonus , I went to see my gp & to see if there was anything he could do and I duno , and best he could was give 7 zops, he knew I was "addict group and still gave me the zops, see the shrink soon better be the better drugs av tried there shit in jail, I need pres, zops, probs, am a legit whatever I am.

This is about gear I had 5 msj for Saturday , ended couldn't get vals I got 2 junkies in the city centre about gettting me a bag, he got me was brand new , got the foil out, dribbling with a 10s on Sunday I got a tx saying good as in good, got half g , was lovely reminds you why want , but back to sniffing mls and that's helping with the heroin

Boy comrades av had many yellows and 25mg of zoo, plus I was on good Charlie earlier. Feels good man. Chilled sleep soon!!!

I have a feeling valium was fuelling this post lol

Gear here is great as usual, had a bag n a half shot and smoked another bag n half, feeling fucking lush right now, gunna make a cup of tea and roll a joint n prob pass out for a few hours :)
I think my recovering endorphin factory must have overshot slightly, because I am very pleasantly buzzed .....

Does anyone else ever experience this phenomenon, about 6 - 7 days after coming off the gear?
I think my recovering endorphin factory must have overshot slightly, because I am very pleasantly buzzed .....

Does anyone else ever experience this phenomenon, about 6 - 7 days after coming off the gear?

Can't say I know the feeling to be honest, Can't actually remember the last time i spent 6 or 7 days off, even 2 days off opiates in general, since April I have been on some form of opiate/opioid every day.

Are you ever going to give up gear? If not then I'd suggest getting on some form of maintenance for the 'off-days', Unless you are masochistic and actually enjoy the perpetual high - low cycle? I got sick of being sick lol.
I got sick of being sick lol.

That's true, but I got just as much of a buzz, as Julie says, every time I managed to CT it out I felt fantastic! Made the gear hammer me more and the inevitable relapse fun, for a while... don't have much motivation to get clean or continue using regularly now I have prescription so it's all easier to handle, but well dull.
I'm not sure about giving up completely because, you know ..... Too easy to jinx it, and I would feel like a traitor. (You see what people are like when they come off the fags? I don't want to be like that.) Scripted meth sounds great, but I bet you have to jump through hoops to get it, and they would try to reduce me down.

On the other hand, I am giving serious consideration to the idea of just leaving it a bit longer between heroin sessions .....
...because, you know .....

I know xxx

I'm in the best position now to make a real choice though. I've only had a couple of dabbles over the last 8 weeks or so, largely because my now extremely narrow range of shots has been wank - but Sunday I got in touch with a next man who I haven't seen in a while and the gear was OK (if not spectacular).

So, I'm going to check him again this week and providing it's the same stuff, the majority can go away for Christmas night / B Day early morn.... After that I have a reasonably achievable New Years resolution....

Going to not use in 2017 - then hopefully if I'm getting on well come next December I can re -evaluate and (hopefully) extend that period for another 24 - 48 months and take it from there...

Never again still seems like too much to comprehend but with the drastic reduction in my use I feel I'm now in a position to try and take it one year at a time, at least...
Humans will put up with an incredible amount of shit if you can convince them it's only temporary and there will be better to come. This, after all, is the schtick behind religion; convince people that they will go somewhere like Alton Towers when they are dead, if and only if they behave themselves while they are alive, and they will do whatever your dusty old book says even in spite of the evidence. Sing "The rich man in his castle / The poor man at his gate / He made them high and lowly / And ordered their estate" every morning, and you can even come to stop questioning the obvious inequalities in life.

On a lesser scale, it's like: Ride out the "tolerance break", and there will be an opportunity to get properly stoned in due course. Of course, sometimes there's no need to go for it bang on the intended date, so the break gets extended. And some people even manage to keep putting off the next session until they die. Just that passing up an opportunity to get high feels like much less of a deal than breaking a promise not to get high.

At least I'm only kidding myself .....
hold uppp gang long time no fiend
literally on my second day opi-sober after my taper (3 years on h, year on 'done and 9 months on subs)
not bragging, cause fuckkkk i miss that shit already but i'm glad that i managed to kick
but then again - ill probably be back in a few weeks or so lol, you never quit the compulsion; unless you believe Billy Burroughs' apo-morphine theory (i digress)


just wanted to say hi, missed you guys and if anyone neeeds help with tapering and then the final jump i'm the sanctimonious cunt you can message :)
Burroughs also believed he had built an 'orgone accumulator' machine that harnessed the universes energies out of what was basically an empty box. Can't trust everything the man says haha.

Keep it up keeping!
Im 7 days into my opiate detox, been using heroin for nearly 17 years although been on and off for forst 4 years but constant for the last 13 years. Iv been on methadone for 6 years but not really stuck to it. Used heroin every day an didnt take my methadone until the last month wen I had to be tested weekly so used heroin for 3 days and stuck to my methadone for 4 days. Now started a new detox called the Bristol regime. Would definitely recommend it as the withdrawl are no where near as bad. When iv been using heroin for 3 days then stop an start 24mls of meth i have worse withdrawl than im having now. Anyway my question is, if I was to use today, meth in my system still, would it set me back to day one, and what if used on say day 12? I no I shudnt but I just want to experience it one last time without having to go through all this again.
Burroughs also believed he had built an 'orgone accumulator' machine that harnessed the universes energies out of what was basically an empty box. Can't trust everything the man says haha.

Keep it up keeping!

yeah, hah, plus he shot his wife in the head. plus plus don't scientologists do the whole orgone shit too?
cheers OM, hope you're well - I'm on day three(ish) now and aside from a bit of joint pain i'm right as rain!
keeping it up ;)

^ oh and zzzll, its not worth touching any opiates until you are through wd's mate - and even then sparingly
its the other way around taking under the tounge makes the naloxone ineffective and the naloxone is absored when shot up or snorted.
its the other way around taking under the tounge makes the naloxone ineffective and the naloxone is absored when shot up or snorted.

did you mean to post this is a difff thread man? i mean no one was even talking about suboxone...
not recently anyhow - i was on generic bupe, no nalox, wasn't even called Subutex was just called buperenorphine...
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