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EADD-Heroin-Discussion-v-XXIII-New shit - same old problems

You can bet that all manner of now-banned RCs are being repackaged and sold as fake benzos. May as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb, and all that .....
nitrazepam tastes minty too, and loprazolam minty-sweetish

so does clonazepam
really need to start my detox soon, so bored of having to choke down this horrible tasting smoke everyday just to get out of bed.
but i'll miss it when its gone
my life lol
i never noticed temmies had a mint taste? i rather liked them, however.
mmmmmm just got some nitraz today, after goin see doc after getting pigged, for the stress, PTSD getting triggered, dog gimme some nitraz, and damn yup that mintry taste brings back memories of no memories. Still shiiiiiiiitfucckered after 3x5mg nitraz and 2x192mg chlormethiazole plus a few 30mg morph plugged and some 80-100oxy IR
Hey peeps, I haven't posted in a wee while.

I started Suboxone treatment last week; yep, I tried and failed to CT from H a few times over the last year and a half since starting on the Golden Brown, texture like sun...

Anyway, as I said, it's only been a week, the 20hrs or so before actually starting treatment was horrendous (was supposed to be 24hrs, but I chased a bag, then snorted half a bag the afternoon the day before. Then the next couple of days were ropey as my body (and mind) got used to the subs.

I've been a bit daft and ended up scoring a couple of times (just a bag or two here and there, nowhere near what I was consuming daily before) - I know that it's probably been pointless due to my opiate receptors being 'saturated' with the bupe; however, I think psychologically it gave me the wee boost I need, as long as I nip it in the bud. I find the subs have been helping tremendously, but I miss just even the ritual of taking gear which I chase or snort depending on certain factors.

What I'm a bit worried about is if I do a urine test next time I see the Doc, if H shows up what happens, will they tell me to fuck off and not keep prescribing Subs?

I've been reading about Suboxone online constantly since being started...
I'd try and avoid any further drug testing questions Mush (they aint allowed mate!), but if your a new patient they should give you a few weeks grace while you get used to the bupe. Keep providing dirty samples after that though and they will take a certain amount of umbrage - they may not withdraw your treatment (it sort of defeats the point of offering it) but if they decided that you cannot leave street heroin alone they will look again at the dosage and, more unlikely but still possibly, the treatment itself. You don't want to find yourself suddenly being titrated up to a 'blocking' dose of methadone (60mg + and up /\/\/\) to 'force' your drug habits in a certain direction - try and show them that you can start to manage this yourself on what you have been given, rather than continuing to drop + OPI samples and attract further 'help' with your situation, which you may not necessarily need yet, or be able to easily get shut of once you are stuck with it.
I'd try and avoid any further drug testing questions Mush (they aint allowed mate!), but if your a new patient they should give you a few weeks grace while you get used to the bupe. Keep providing dirty samples after that though and they will take a certain amount of umbrage - they may not withdraw your treatment (it sort of defeats the point of offering it) but if they decided that you cannot leave street heroin alone they will look again at the dosage and, more unlikely but still possibly, the treatment itself. You don't want to find yourself suddenly being titrated up to a 'blocking' dose of methadone (60mg + and up /\/\/\) to 'force' your drug habits in a certain direction - try and show them that you can start to manage this yourself on what you have been given, rather than continuing to drop + OPI samples and attract further 'help' with your situation, which you may not necessarily need yet, or be able to easily get shut of once you are stuck with it.

Cheers buddy - sorry, I didn't know those type of questions aren't allowed!
We cannot be seen to be enabling people to 'beat' or 'cheat' drug tests Mushet, which is why their discussion is stamped on fairly rapidly whenever it arises, but as you obviously have no intention of trying to gain an advantage of this fashion and are simply asking about potential consequences of failing one, it's still (I hope) just within the spirit of the site in both query and response, I'm just highlighting the thin ice that these threads can step onto and where its just still about thick enough to tread.

I'll eat my words later when I find the last 4 posts deleted / edited / u/a'd etc and cross that bridge when I have to.
Well! Less than 48 hours to go now, until L'Heure de la Scarabée, as they say in Paris. Or probably not, unless France has somehow managed to find itself some semblance of a drug scene in the last 25 years .....
Hello Bluelight, long time no post. I have not been using - not because of a particular aversion to opiate usage, but because since the great drought I have really struggled to get anything worth taking. Having chased good report after good report I finally gave up chasing something I was never getting. The gear simply hasn't given me a proper nod in about 5 years. Plenty of 'feeling normal', plenty of what feel like benzo-gouges but a proper nod, no. I have even tapered my meth down to about 20mls, very, very slowly, lol. You'd think that no use and very little (relatively) methadone would result in getting completely wasted when I next use. Like those warnings you hear from your drug worker saying "be careful if you don't use for a while, you can easily OD". While I fully believe this to be true, I have not had the luck to score anything that would take you over...no matter how much you took.

Last week I did have some stuff that worked, maybe 5 or so bags could've got me drooling but the guy did not have it. And that is the best I can hope for (from the street). Fucking sad state of affairs. Is the 'shiver up your spine and warmth extending into your fingertips/toes' still even a thing? On your first line or two? Remember that?

I firmly believe that over the course of the last few years, many addicts have actually spent substantial periods of time where their habit is next to nothing (maybe even clean) whilst still scoring just as much as ever every day. So much is psychological. This is not just conjecture either, my drug worker (and another one) have said that they have had many occasions where addicts have been testing clean from opiates from mouth swabs, after admitting that they had used on top of their scripts.
God'sdamn, I've dumped a substantial portion of my med types with my doc, basically so I can trade them for a combination of memantine, I want the 5mg/spray ebixa oromucosal spray, plus I want naltrexone from him so I can conduct an ultralowdose naltrexone protocol.
EZ Hooks - WB mate!!!xxx

Glad to hear your ok - it really is just diminished returns at this point but one still can't it out of ones head... things are better than 2010, but really not that much.
I have just (at the toime of beginning typing) brothen out my first toke in 21 days. This gear is the same as last time, not as clean as my dealer's usual stuff. But also a bit cheaper, though he did say it was a bit underweight. 28.35 ÷ 8 = more than this. Half of it is to be sent to Jess. My tolerance has gone, anyway (which was the entire point of the aforementioned break); so I can send her the full 'teenth she is expecting and everyone is still happy.

I have been watching the clock eagerly since this time last Thursday, for sure; but it was anticipation and excitement, not cravings. No work till Tuesday, and some MDMA crystal for tomorrow night. (Obligatory Harm Reduction notice: only take drugs together, especially uppers and downers together, once you are sure that you are thoroughly acquainted with their effects in isolation, and know the strength of your own stash. A stimulant can mask an overdose of a depressant, creating a potentially deadly situation if it wears off first. The Grim Reaper is well acquainted the phrase i was desperate to breath, but i thought i could put it off for a bit longer.) Still, a little tootle on top of the afterglow always turns it into a very pleasant experience indeed ..... and I'm indebted to Jess for teaching me that ;)
I've lost my H contacts, all of them.

Remember that thread I posted warning of a 'possible' ultrapotent H batch in the manchester area? pretty certain that stuff was fentanyl based, or laced with either one of the other fentanyl derivatives, of intermediate duration of action or if there are any short ones, one of the uberpotent oripavine derivative type opioids. Although the two I know of enough to know owt about, etorphine and dihydroetorphine are both very long acting. DHE is used in china like we use methadone, for detoxing really hardcore addicts. If I am honest I am absolutely stunned that being southeast asia, and china in particular that they give addicts dihydroetorphine, I expected more, that they would give them a bullet in the head!

Talk about progressive. The dihydroetorphine comes in 2 microgram tabs, for hardcore tolerant users only. I'd LOVE to try both dihydroetorphine and etorphine itself. And no, NOT simply because they are both fuckoff potent, but because in particular, etorphine is an agonist of the epsilon opioid receptor(s?), and the only other epsilon OR agonist I know of is beta-endorphin, which of course, like the enkephalins, being peptidic, they would have to be intravenously injected and would last a minute or so at MOST, and thats an extremely generous estimation of time course. I Really, really would love to try a highly selective epsilon opioid receptor agonist. A silent antagonist of the iota opioid receptor could prove very useful too, for opioid use-induced constipation (Iota coming from 'I' for 'Intestinal')

Plus the lambda binding site has be curious but I know sod all about it.

As for my contacts, every last single H contact, user and dealer both, all of them, 100% disappearance rate, very shortly after that fentanyl or fent analogue simply vanished, phones dead, and I strongly suspect that the owners of said phones are too, deceased.
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And so much for dumping the gabapentin, my doc put me straight back on it, at the same dose I was on, 300mg TDS, because even with my taking chlormethiazole at 192mg TDS plus some moggies atm, I was having seizure after seizure after seizure.

Keep having these awful myoclonic seizures, usually they start out as myoclonic then turn to atonic, Have had pure and simple atonic seizures though before, they suck ass, you just suddenly lose any and all muscle tone, if your lying down then your head just starts first nodding back and forward, then your arms start experiencing paralysis, and after that happens, its full bodily paralysis. Whilst remaining totally aware of whats going on, but like sleep paralysis, scared to shit and back to the anus that the shit was just beshitten therefrom, and subsequentlly, aware of everything, just completely, totally and utterly paralyzed, for some reason eyes remain unaffected and can open/close eyes, look around but only insofar as can be done by moving eyes alone, as during the atonic seizure phase it is simply not possible to move in the slightest. All I can do is wait until enough muscular tone returns to grab my bottle of chlormethiazole, or at least grab a box of moggies and drop one of those. But the chlormethiazole is by far faster acting of the two, a barbiturate binding site agonist sans the antiglutamatergic, AMPA receptor antagonism with that damnably long-duration to irreversible or quasi-reversible ligand trapping that a lot of the barbs do at AMPARs (I'm thinking of pentobarbital here, but even after something like a 20 minute washout period with inactive perfusate, during patch-clamp experiments after about 20min still only some 60-70% response returned on stimulation of AMPA-sensitive iGLUrS returned whatsoever!
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And so much for dumping the gabapentin, my doc put me straight back on it, at the same dose I was on, 300mg TDS, because even with my taking chlormethiazole at 192mg TDS plus some moggies atm, I was having seizure after seizure after seizure.

Keep having these awful myoclonic seizures, usually they start out as myoclonic then turn to atonic, Have had pure and simple atonic seizures though before, they suck ass, you just suddenly lose any and all muscle tone, if your lying down then your head just starts first nodding back and forward, then your arms start experiencing paralysis, and after that happens, its full bodily paralysis.
I used to go through similar periods LC but (touch wood) have not had this problem for ages now. Used to start getting myoclonic jerks while falling asleep that would turn clonic - I didn't realise what was happening at first and it was my gf that had to tell me about the convulsions. On subsequent occasions I started to become semi - aware of the shaking almost sort of through the sleep paralysis just as I would start to snap out of it.

I'm not saying it's anywhere near to the same extent though Limpet as I've never been diagnosed with any kind of seizure disorder, and was a lot more prominent while I was still using lots of serotonergic drugs than it is now, and has only ever happened upon falling to sleep or waking up - never when I'm up, about and fully conscious. Thinking about it I doubt I've had more than 2 attacks in the last 12 months but it was having cycles of frightening regularity at some point, and I always just know the nights it's going to happen for as soon as I start to relax my head starts to feel really weird and spaced out even while sill fully awake...
I used to get a lot of myclonic jerks during the night when I was getting towards the end of my methadone reduction. The wife said I used to literally jump off the bed sometimes and they often woke me up wondering "wtf just happened?"